We have been told by our science that "Germs"...
that Virus's and Bacteria
are the cause
of the diseases that beset Mankind...
This erroneous belief is also what
modern medicine has been built upon.
But the thing is......
it's almost totally wrong.
The problem is once they came up with the "germ theory"...
they quit looking for the real causes of disease.
The question that needed to be asked was,
"Where do the "Germs" come from ?"
"Why when we "cure" one disease through vaccinations or whatever...,
does another disease, usually worse,
suddenly pop up out of nowhere? "
We'll answer these questions in just a bit.
But meanwhile let's look at the current medical paradigm.
The current paradigm NEVER EVER
treats the causes of any disease.....
It treats,
or I should say...
it masks the Symptoms.
This masking of symptoms will always cause side effects,
even when not immediately noticeable.
The program of vaccinations has been one of the most harmful practices placed upon humanity, because it was built upon the erroneous "germ theory", and the repercussions, far beyond the toxins in the vaccines themselves..... are catastrophic once we understand the true nature of disease.
So let's get to that.
The true nature of disease....
There are basically two types of disease...
Mass Karmic....and Personal Karmic.
ALL DISEASE springs from
and has been created
by Mankind itself......
There is a Law in this Creation,
where we live and Breathe and have our Being.....
Many books have been written sort of around this Law.
But here is the Immutable Law:
This is the Secret
which has never been a secret...
this is the Law of Attraction
which was a term created for the actual Law
which would be better called
The Law of Attraction and Repulsion..
But this is the Law of Creation here in this Universe.
Any maintained thought/emotion fueled by Intention,
Fear or Love....
will manifest something.
IF these motivated thoughtforms are in line with Nature
and motivated by Love,
a beautiful world can be created
and suffering could be Healed.
BUT if any of those things that all the religions
agreed upon
and warned us against,
like Hatred, and Greed,
and Lust, and Fear, and Anger......
if these are maintained in mass.....
and fueled by thought, emotion, and Intention,
such as with Race Prejudice and hatred,
such as events like genocides......
Elections with no Win choices,
where integrity is given up for Fear,
by masses and masses of People.
What these form
on a subtle level,
is at the heart of every "germ"
that ever comes into manifestation.
Virus's are a creation of mass Karma....
of mass thinking/intention/emotion
that is not harmonious...
Diseases like heart disease,
liver disease,
kidney disease
and such are generally personal karmic diseases,
many having been built over many lifetimes.
And sometimes the two work together,
such as with Cancers
that can have a basis built in Mass Karma
that attach to a persons personal karma,
defining the location where it will manifest.
I think I'll clarify something here:
A lot of things can bring about Disease
All the toxins we are being
smothered and injected with,
the air, water, "food",
the very Ether
with EMF's
Wi Fi....
These are not causes,
they are Triggers...
Energetic resonances that
weaken our Auras.
Disease is Imbalance working itself out.
Everything in this Creation is always seeking
a Harmonious state...
Disease is a physical manifestation of the working out of personal or mass karma.......
and often with older souls disease can be a working out of general mass Karma.....
such as was the symbology
of Christ dying for the Sins of others.
So basically all disease is,
at it's source,
caused by disharmonious thoughts/emotions/intentions....
either personal or Group wise.
And here is the thing...
You can NEVER alleviate Karma with a pill,
potion or vaccination,
in fact in using these methods which only alleviate a symptom,
a particular manifestation of the Imbalance....
you are simply setting it up for another route of expression,
another manifested form.
Sure you can eradicate the .... symptom called polio,
non-polio acute flaccid paralysis
or something else....
non-polio acute flaccid paralysis
or something else....
The whole medical paradigm supposes
that you can simply cure Karma......
but you can't ,
it has to be worked through.
And the methods used, such as vaccinations.....
especially when done in mass,
simply divert the defined expression (the disease)
into another form.
Vaccinations actually hamper the evolution of the individual and of the human race.....
That can't be good.
Right now in the world today,
the seeds of future diseases
of epic proportions,
are being sown.
And with the current
things are happening
hard and fast.
Groups are being Divided
Because of Fear,
And these groups
are very cohesive and well defined
within themselves,
Many Groups
Each quite Unigue
And with very tightly defined
Christians fear the Muslims,
Muslims fear the Christians,
Democrats Fear the Republicans,
And Republicans
Should be feared.....he he
well you get my point.
You got gangs
facing it off
fighting to Protect
their Fears.
And all this defined energy of fear,
and the subsequent hatred,
the emotion and intention
of Harm....
Creates the Seeds that we will eventually
Germs, and
Now here's the Good News.
All the Fear,
that has seemingly engulfed the world,
and created it's diseases,
can be easily remedied.
By it's opposite.
Or better yet,
by escaping the duality that formed it.
Duality is a Bitch man.
Puppets we be
strings pulled
you and me,
dancing to a puppeteer,
that isn't even Here.
We co-create Disease
based upon our
group Fears
and the culture
that they are cultivated in.
Now if you are not currently able to
transcend Duality,
it's be a good time to
Quit partaking in any
Group or personal
Fear Related Activities.
It doesn't mean giving up awareness,
We can be aware,
but without the Fear.
Awareness is really only gained,
when we relinquish Fear,
This living in duality for so long,
has defined our worlds,
our separate versions of Reality,
and every single thing in that Reality,
in Dualistic terms.
And we accept our definitions
without question.
We know who we are,
we know what we think....
And all of that
is the BOX
that we judge from,
and that we define our
Culmination (in form) with
and that we co create
our Manifested Reality from..
Creation of Disease is Unavoidable
on the path to Culmination....
But for the many that have Culminated,
there is now a choice...
We are choosing Unity
over Division.
We choose love
over Fear and Hatred.
Our Intention
Minds and
will project
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