Thursday, December 21, 2017

The Simple Truth about Karma

This is a reply to an excellent post on Karma I read, but don't know the legalities of posting a link here to.

This is one of the best descriptions of Karma I've seen.
It's important to understand the Nature of a Souls evolution to truly understand Karma.
The common misconception that our evolution is one of ascension... as if going up a flight of stairs, always becoming more spiritual is a Mistake that is pretty much imprinted upon most of our DNA...and this misunderstanding leads to ...further gaps in our understanding when we contemplate things such as Karma. Simply put our soul is that which guides our evolution.
A souls evolution is not linear in some upward fashion, it is Circular. The soul begins it's evolution into "form"...into duality, it's purpose is seeking,"a UNIQUE SEPARATE EXPRESSION"... this is where us, so called "spiritual" folks rename the soul, "ego". The reality is that the soul and ego are the very same thing, only called something different depending upon it's place upon the wheel of evolution. Our Quest for a unique separate expression...our souls first where via duality, seeking pleasure and shunning pain....we define our unique position in the Web. Here we are like Trump and Hillary and all the other self serving material based humans...and that is as it must be, and this process of defining ourselves relies upon duality...via judgments of "good" and "bad"...We literally define every single thing we dualistic terms. And this is the plan, this is the Law. And on this turn of the wheel, we don't deal with as much Karma as we do ...on the wheels flip side, where once we have culminated in form, in our unique separate definition of ourselves and our placement in the Web....our "direction on the wheel is reversed"...esoterically speaking. Now our Soul which we had heretofore named,"ego"...we begin calling our soul, because now it's path we choose to see as more sacred, more spiritual because rather than travelling deeper into separation, now it is going back over the path it had evolved into culmination upon, and all the dualistic judgments that had defined that path must be faced and reconciled. And now it is returning to Unity.. This is where the real Karma lies. In very simple terms Karma is the facing and reconciliation of our dualistic judgments.
Humans travelling the first part of the wheel, towards greater not like pain. And anything that causes them pain and discomfort....they stuff away, they push it into the dark corners of their being...they shun.. But on the return trip down that same road, they come face to face with all these demons of their own creation, because when you stuff things, they simply sit in the dark, and ferment.....and GROW, and manipulate us from their dark corners.....much like the 1% does to the masses. This is where most human disease originates. Disease is generally the working out of past judgments of "Bad" that we stuffed, or Good/awesome/gimme gimme that we obsessed about and fed over much energy to. It's important to understand that the first part of the trip on the evolutionary wheel, by it's very nature.....creates a massive amount of Karma, but it is rarely reconciled until the soul is on the return trip back to Unity, and this is just how it is and must be, or that soul would never reach culmination in form...and therefore never return to the Unity.
So when we speak of reconciling Karma, we can really only speak to those on the return trip, those who have already culminated their "Unique Separate Expression" and who now are on the return trip back to ......Unity.
Very simply put Karma is the reconciliation of past dualistic judgments (as all judgement is dualistic).
The article spoke of how our actions create an environment that can facilitate certain, what we may deem as negative responses from the surrounding world...and classify's these as Karma. I think I would just call this cause and effect, and not put it under the Karma heading. I think I'd put it under the Law of Magnetism, sort of "the Secret's" dark side.

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