Monday, December 31, 2018

To The World Servers some words of encouragement.

To The World Servers
some words of encouragement.

We listen to our Souls,
to see the task at hand.
Is it of Love that motivates
towards a harmonious Unity?
Or is it Fear that motivates
towards an isolated Separation?
The choices are made easy by that simple question.
But the task at hand,
no matter our area of responsibility,
seems insurmountable.
There is but a pin prick of Light
seeming surrounded by Darkness.
Some of us are in Politics,
some in a Spiritual arena,
others in Education, Religion, Medicine,
and Customer Service,
in all aspects of human endeavor.
But we all see the Need,
and the need seems so Great.
But we must remember that we alone
are not here
to solve the problems,
it's not all on us.
We are here to Help.
And evolution will eventually bring our tasks to Light.
So Relax a little and look out there,and see each other.
Look at the Politicians trying to bring sanity,
look at the humanitarians trying to alleviate suffering,
look at all trying to spread the Light in to where Ignorance dwells.
Look at those that stand against evil and oppression.
Look at those who seek to Truly Heal.
You are not alone,
You are not wholly responsible.

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