Thursday, February 7, 2019

Choose Love, is it really Inconceivable

Choose Love
Security against Fear
Has been a primary motivator of Mankind, for Far too Long.
We Build Walls.
We Make Wars.
We Divide Ourselves against Each Other.
We live in a constant mode of Protection,
and we believe this to be necessary to protect ourselves from
some Perceived Harm to our Imagined Security.
We Become easily Manipulated.
We are easily convinced by those that wish to Control us,
that Protecting our Security, is of utmost Importance.
These days those that control us, also control the Narrative
by which we define this very Reality.
They control the Media, the Television, the Newspapers,
the Magazines, and our Institutions.
They tell us what we need to Fear,
and Divide us so we're too busy protecting, and fighting each other,
to ever look behind the Curtain.
So we build Walls, we make Wars, we do things that Destroy our Health,
and our Planet...... all so that those Controllers,
can make a Profit.
The Narrative by which they define our Fear Based Reality
never offers any other option..
There is One.
And it Unites,
It heals us, and our Planet.
It tears down the Walls, and Breaks down the Fears.
It frees us from Servitude to Protecting .
We have been controlled for so long by Fear,
the alternative seems Inconceivable.
That alternative is Love,
Silence and Awareness.
Through Love and Silent Awareness,
the Narrative that has been used to Control us....
Burns away.
And before us we perceive Freedom
That has always been there, hidden behind the Fear.
Choose LOVE

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