Sunday, November 26, 2017

For those with A Mystical Approach...There is Just Too Much & Major Mankind's Mysteries Solved.

This Quickening is just too much, on so many levels.  I'm getting all this information, and it's important stuff, stuff that needs to be shared. But I just don't have the time...and it just keeps coming. And if I don't work it through, if I don't let it evolve out of me....I get all bottled up.  It comes in flashes, usually waking me up in the middle of the night, and it's kind of hard to explain. It's like this big picture that is the end result of a long pattern, but for the picture to make any sense in my attempt to communicate it, I have to travel back through the pattern to the seed. This takes time and putting it to words takes time..... And there are just so many of them.   What I really liked about the Tibetans' teachings were that they were so VAST, and they were divided in all these different areas... Something is going on crazy with my computer now, gonna shut it down and start over....
Wow, that was crazy, it was screaming, whirring super loud like it was processing too much....kind of like me. he he
Well, what I was saying is how I liked the Tibetans teachings in how they were divided into all these seemingly separate things like Esoteric Healing, Esoteric Astrology, White Magic, The Rays and Initiations, and on and on and each subject was vast and seemed to stand alone, but they were all connected and at some point they would all Merge, and that was...... AWESOME, that point where they all came together into One Thing.  Why do I mention this?  Well it's because all these Pieces I'm getting these days seem separate but really they just complete one huge puzzle.
There is just so freakin much and I don't know where to start in it all.
This morning at 3:33 o'clock I was awakened again, I had just been meeting some of my Group in the Dreamtime but what we were discussing there had nothing to do with what hit me when I woke up.... HMMM???  But once I followed that rabbit hole and got to the roots of this bigger picture, one thing that was explained was the Truth about so many of humanities "mysteries."
There are so many relics that have been found that question everything we know, and past civilizations that can not be fit into any timeline.   And why has the "missing link" between man and ape not been found, and where do so many "Myths" that are repeated in diverse cultures coming from?   Well there is one answer to all these mysteries, but it just feels like to make that understandable would require a whole book...and I have a very busy life that doesn't afford me much time....and this is just one of so many things......
OK, in concise form:
Creation as we know it, which I will call just for explanation, "one of God's lifetimes" a mere blip.
The number of previous Incarnations is ......vast.
Each new Incarnation carries with it what you might call the DNA from the previous Life/Incarnation.
DNA is what carries the deepest imprints upon our souls...
... and on a macrocosmic level, "God's" soul, which you could call the Seed of the new Creation.
All these "mysteries", all these things that don't seem to fit in the timeline of this Creation, are simply like macrocosmic DNA fragments from previous incarnations of IT ALL.
  They are manifested "memories" from previous Creations.
I started writing a book like 30 years ago that I called Mystic in Purgatory, and the premise of that book was based basically on a microcosmic level of what I just explained.
It was the life of this guy in a time on Earth when Nuclear Weapons were in the hands of Insane people, and in the book North Korea started a war, which didn't take long to finish, with all the fools running things, and the planet was basically obliterated.  But here's the thing.  We maintain Reality with our combined consciousness..... so our "race memory" would instantly reassemble the world basically as we knew it right before it was destroyed.  So those dang humans got in this loop of destroying their planet and themselves, then putting it all back together again in an instant..... But they had zero memory of it, but this one poor dude did....he was housed in a loony bin because he kept trying to get them to quit it, because each time he felt deeply the pain of it all, and the insanity of it..... But it just kept happening over and over with just minor changes....... well that was at the heart of the book.
Just like these humans kept repeating their little world, and maintained it basically close to the previous do we carry over in our DNA.....memory so to speak of our previous incarnations, which manifest in this life as dictated by previous lives.....and on a macrocosmic level, IT ALL does this, and some of those past life of "God's" memories, that manifest in this life.... seem out of context...because they are..... and this is the explanation of so many of our "Mysteries".

WOW!! wrote this a long time ago and found it in my "Drafts".... decided to check it out.
Woah!!! it just came to me that some of these "in congruent edifices from "Gods" previous Life....were consciously created by the more advanced inhabitants of those create like a "Bridge" ..

Weeks later, saw this in my draft folder......

I just feel stifled by how much I "hold my Tongue".
It would be so wonderful if we could all just speak from our souls, without the embedded fears that constrain us.  Just talk straight out like somebody might understand, and the rest might not Fear my words.... But there are some things you just can't say to the General population.....
Here's a big one.
God Dies
and is Reborn
Doesn't happen but every so many billion years...(as we ...perceive it from this "timeline".)
Yep God dies,
and We are All God,
so saying this, freaks people out....because Death has been sold to them as this fearful unknown...or just plain bullshit as described by the "Church".....  so when you say that, folks either dismiss it, or get worried.
God going through death throws right now...
This is the ,"end of times"....
But it's nothing to Fear,
first of all...
Time as we know it, is simply one "idea".
When we as humans die in our little individual lives, we can spend eternities in Heaven and Hell Realms out there in the "In-Between" time as I like to call it.   But then even, as we can be there for an eternity ,
(church didn't lie there),
but they left out the part about being reborn.....
and in our idea of could happen right away.
God, (US ALL), has had many lifetimes.....
like a Macrocosmic reflection of each of our individual lives...
and the Death and Rebirth.... are also mirrored.
Maybe this is why I can see into God's death, and beyond...
well actually it's because .....
it's already happened....
Time is a very funny thing.
We have bound ourselves to this particular moment,
we have a nice linear timeline in our past which brought us to
an idea of just where we are now.....
But that is .....
But the reality is we have just anchored ourselves to a point on a timeline, a timeline that reaches to the edge of eternity....
and into the Next.

A lot goes on during God's death.
There are various Heaven's and Hells that exist on an astral level,
these heavens and hell's are Man made.
They are constructs of human group thought and emotion.
When humans die there is a stage I call, going into the Light.
This is what god's death is going through now...
it is the source of what Mystics are calling ,"the Quickening".
We have an "end point" in each of our lifetimes...  and also an endpoint of all our lifetimes within this particular incarnation of God.  And in a certain way,
it is pre-determined....
Our souls occupy a designated space in the Web,
this designation is just the natural result,
of the souls we split from, that came before us.
And that space is like a cell wall,
almost like a cell in a honeycomb that goes on forever.
It's limits are  pre-defined.
And that cell begins as mostly empty space,
then fills over lifetimes .. through the collection of experience within duality. And once it gets all filled up, it still seems compelled to keep growing,
but the cell wall won't let it pass,
so the growth is back into itself....
this causes a compression of light, because all that "growth" is basically made up of hues of pure light....
I wish I was talking to someone right now, someone with good questions to steer the topic, because it's so freakin huge and multilevel I just feel overwhelmed, like .....
So what happens to us when we come to the end of our souls
career in this incarnation of God is.....Once we hit the wall, once we are done defining our particular cell....that compulsion to Be, that is at the root of our individual (and Group) Creation....still remains. There is still this Pressure to Evolve.  But at this point the souls evolution it is not collecting is dispersing the hues back into the pure Light.
And God does the same thing, Right now the Wall has been hit,
God is officially done with this Trip...and is now at that point where the pressure is internalized.  And hey, we're Gods guts, and bone and flesh.... so we are experiencing the Pressure of the diminishment of the Hues into the greater light.
Now there are basically two types of humans,
as far as evolution goes.
Some are still collecting their hues to fill their cells. (Gods outer skin so to speak), the younger souls.
And then others are done collecting and are dispersing their Hues back into pure light.
The Quickening caused by God's death affects these two types differently.
Those still collecting, are really pushing it...They want their stuff...they want it like rabid dogs want to bite folks..... It's Desire and Fear, amplified...These were the tools we had to decide what we wanted to collect.. So we are in a time where these are greatly amplified... The other folks, who are dispersing the hues into the pure light....their evolution is also amplified..... The Quickening affects everyone.
So I mentioned the Heaven and Hell Realms that we all co-create... They are like our personal "Constructs" that they they exist on the astral plane and are built upon emotional/astral "matter".
The Heaven and Hell Realms are group constructs....and most folks go to one or the other.....or both between lives..... 
And these are very alluring places, after all they are built upon Desire, Fear, our Highest Dreams etc.
And the "Time" within them is very different than the time "here".   Like I say, you can spend an eternity there....
in the blink of an eye.
"So what happens to us, when God dies."
Well first we have the amplification of evolution..
(and remember, evolution is Circular....)
so some folks are evolving ,
"away from the Light"
we have ALL been there.
So out in the world there's a lot more folks .....
doing what we might judge as,"bad things",
in their lust, desire, fear fueled feeding frenzies....
collecting the Hues, defining the Cell.
We have two destiny's
The first separates us from the rest and defines us in unique terms.
The second returns us from whence we came....

Now when we die as individuals, our souls are embedded
with events that were major in our lives.... these are embedded in our souls DNA so to speak, and we carry remnants from life to life.
So does God, and to God those remnants would be the Heaven and Hell realms that we all co-created.
It could also be certain .....places and things that had intense astral/mental energy applied to them.
This just goes on and on.....I see why I never posted it, because it's just so far from complete, sounds like gibberish to most.

So when God dies, there are three outcomes for us cells.
Most will go into a Heaven or Hell Realm and populate that, then carry it into God's next life...
And some will avoid these and just merge with what I'll call the Pure Seed of God.
This is what my Teachers trained me for.... and I feel a compulsion to pass this along to others that have Culminated.
The Realms are, built upon dualistic astral mental matter,
they are counterproductive for those who have culminated.. (well not entirely, just depends on where your at.... because in those realms we can also dissipate the hues into the greater Light. (Resolve our mental and astral crap into Pure Light), so whatever, when "God" dies, most won't even know it.
Nevertheless I'm going to say that skipping these Realms and focusing on the Pure Light, is hyper evolution for the soul....not just the dillydallying around of the Heaven and Hell Realms where you evolve at a snails pace.
And the third outcome for some of the very young souls will be that they just sort of fade out.

I can't look any further right now.... words can be small boxes that really make ...communication difficult sometimes...

OH yeah, I was going to say, I've been into some of those Heaven realms that exist after /during Gods death........ pretty freakin awesome..... I know my teachers taught me to avoid these, but there have been times I slipped. And I just gotta say, it was .... well, no words would adequately describe it.....hmmm?
Instant manifestation, joy, humor, Magic...Health, Beauty, and I'll say "Joy" again because it was so ...pronounced. 

Fear is a dominant power in the world right now,
and it is being Cultivated and amplified and hoisted upon the masses, for purpose of control, by the greediest, most lustful, most dangerous souls that exist.
Don't Buy the Lie...
Feed the Joy.
If you choose to go to a heaven or hell realm during your death or Gods, (for some it is a choice, for others just the result of Magnetism), I'd suggest a Heaven Realm....
and you gotta build that here, within you.
Build your Heaven, or practice going to the Pure Light.
And if you haven't yet culminated, please try to keep the damage done to others at a minimum.

Done for now

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