Through thousands of years of suppression and repression,
and mind control, and strong and painful options
for not falling in line,
our DNA has actually been altered by "the Church".
This alteration in one way manifests
in things that we believe we shouldn't talk about...
.. things where we should just accept what we've been told.
( no matter how completely without merit those things are).
We are not supposed to really talk about God....
mostly we're supposed to believe
is some super hero Universe creator.....
this Being that is "Out there"
controlling everything....
But that's Bullshit....yet we blindly accept it.
How about SATAN???
Don't even want to have that thought
pass across our consciousness....
we're supposed to accept,
Scary, Horrible, Evil, Hellish
bullshit we've been told
and leave it at that.
All those different,
"Son's of God"...
...More Bullshit,
we're all Equal in God
there is no God
without US ALL,
and there is no
outside of God.
I digress.
The Soul,
"don't even ask,
that's just too mysterious".
Our Reality is built on so many Bricks,
and they are
Fabricated Illusions....
It has been very difficult
for me to write so many things,
because I was built
to avoid them.
But we are the UN Doers...
Yep, we've collected a lot of total bullshit
through all of our lifetimes,
and all that bullshit
is what we define ourselves as....
But the Un Doers
are Un Doing that.
That's our Job..
Now as I spoke about in the previous post,
as far as a souls evolution is concerned,
there are two types of people.
Doers and Un Doers.
Those that are on the first turn of the wheel,
seeking that Unique Separate Expression.....
Doing themselves into the World.
And then there are those who have completed their
Expression within the Whole,
Been there
But now are
Un Doing it.
Heading back towards Unity.
That's the souls evolution.
Now if we were to take the "Church's" Definition,
Satan Rules the Doers.
People are Guided by Satan,
to be self satisfying,
separate self expressing
"bad people" he he
If we take the "Spiritual Folks" definition
Ego Rules the Doers.
It's all about self gratification,
SELF expression.....
Gimme,Gimme, Gimme
and this is all true....
But what is Satan?
Well that red devil looking dude,
he's an archetype...
an archetype for the first stage of all souls evolution...
It's a principle....
an embodiment of
a Concept.
A concept representing a Truth....
And that TRUTH is
The Human Soul...
Then there is
The Christ
In the parlay of "Spiritual Folks",
The Soul
seeking Unity with US ALL
Seeking Oneness
In Religious Parlay,
"The sons of God"...
Leading us Home...
Those dudes folks blindly worship
and have killed and died for....
are an archetype...
an archetype for the return stage
of all souls evolution...
It's a principle....
an embodiment of
a Concept.
A concept representing a Truth....
And that TRUTH is,
The Human Soul...
This is the Secret that's been most guarded ,
by the Keepers of Duality.
Satan....and Christ
Are the same thing...
They are the Human Soul...
I keep saying this over and over,
because it is the most important realization of our time...
It's understanding necessary,
for Compassion to Bloom.
The Soul is that which Guides us
through our evolution..
And which evolves right alongside us.
Bottom Line
End of Story.
But the Church needed a bad guy,
it needed to maintain Duality,
the Battle between,
"Good and Evil"..
So Satan was Bad
and Christ was good...
and this was based upon the judgment that the actions
of a person when traveling the first turn of the wheel of evolution,
the Doers,
were just so dang destructive,
had nasty habits,
They were the Bad guys
And of course every villain needs a Hero.
You can't have a battle of Good and evil,
without one of each...
So we got the ,
"Son's of God"
to fill the bill.
Now these good guys would lead us away from
those nasty bad habits,
and lead us back to
They are the same Blessed Thing,
They are the Human Soul
It is one thing...
It is circular evolution...
It is One Thing
with really one job,
To Guide our evolution....
But our evolution is Circular...
Like in two different directions...
and the
Un Doing...
Same Thing
One more thing
Karma is the result of all our DOING..
and the freakin Doers,
don't have a problem with Karma,
it doesn't affect them,
just rolls of their backs like on a duck.
It's not supposed to,
they are doing their job,
creating that unique separate expression
using duality (judgments)
as their main tool.
Now the Un Doers
They be dealing with some Heavy Karma....
That's their Job Jim...
Dealing with Karma..
Doesn't hardly seem fair....
I take it back,
There are two types of Karma,
Personal, and Mass.
Doers do have to deal with Karma,
just not personal Karma
(yet, until they also culminate)
But mass Karma,
those pesky diseases that we all have created
with our inharmonious obsessions,
and our agreements on things
not real..
This is where all those nasty virus's and misc diseases
get their, "GERM".
We co create it.
And everybody is susceptible...
But the poor folks on the
"Christ" road,
on the return trip,
are even more so..
You know the whole,
"taking on the sins of the masses".
That's sort of par for the course...
And that is what we do,
the UnDoers..
Because UnDoing is
Returning back down that
Doing Highway,
in the opposite direction now...
Seeing the dualistic judgments
that built us,
and that aided in the creation of Mankind's Diseases.
Diseases are simply manifestations of mass Karma.
(but the location and nature of a diseases expression in a person can be determined by personal Karma. )
We must no longer see them in duality,
we must see them with Love,
as they really are....
Instead of actually taking the physical manifestation
of them upon ourselves....
If we see them outside of Duality
outside of the judgments that helped build them
then the Karma is Reconciled,
the energy that sustains the Disease,
is diminished some.
I'm not sure life is really better on the
"Christ" road.
I mean dealing with your Karma....
that's the whole Path..
Those lucky doers,
having all kinds of fun,
Gettin, and grabbin, and doing,
and finding in it some happiness along the way.
But us Un Doers
well we know happiness is a crock,
it's temporary and dependent on
certain very narrowly defined criteria..
But hey, what the hell,
a good yipee here
a good yipee there.
The thing is the un Doers are not seeking Happiness,
a lot of them don't even realize this but
they are seeking Joy, Bliss.
And these things only exist
beyond any definition...
the only criteria is there is no criteria...
these things exist
outside of Duality.
And this state isn't always as easy to achieve,
as a simple Yipeee!
There is no comparison
between Happiness....
and Joy,
except that these are things the soul seeks.
And which,
simply depends on where upon the wheel that soul is.
The downside of the Christ Road is
you are hanging on a cross,
dealing with Mass Karma
giving up the dualistic worldly existence,
and you have a freakin painful head of thorns
to transcend...
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