Sunday, January 14, 2018

What is Happening Now.... The Doers and the Undoers

Thanks Jordan for inspiring this reply to our conversation

Well the problem is that what is happening now is simply par for the course for the particular cosmic time we are in. I probably won't go into that in much detail but ..... What is going on is sometimes referred to as the Quickening.....It is a unique time that only occurs once in a ........Incarnation of's freakin rare and has never happened in this turn of Creation before...... What is going on is that there is a compression of Time so to speak, and along with this is a hyperdrived evolution of individual human souls, and .......the Group souls. And this is where an understanding of a souls evolution comes into play. I say once again that it is not like the ascension up a flight of stairs ...with us always getting more Holy....but rather the evolution is circular....this is a well known mystical fact that for whatever reasons has been mostly buried...
So here it is. We begin as souls motivated towards one Goal....and that goal is to Make Our Unique Separate Expression within the Whole. Our souls tool for this is Duality, the seeking of pleasure and the shunning of pain...We grab everything we can to Define who we are. We aren't real concerned about anybody else in this part of our evolution, except in how they can serve our cause of collecting pleasurable things and hiding from and shunning that which we don't like. We are ruled and define ourselves with our ideas of "Good" and Bad"....and we live a lot of lifetimes doing this Collecting of the Definition of who we are. Then one day, we're done... We have completed that separate expression. Seen Mystically the individual cell within the whole is Full to the perimeter. Now this is where the Mystics say that "the Wheel turns back upon itself" What does this mean? Well now we are done collecting things of a dualistic nature....and back down the same road we came in coming to the completion of ourselves "in form"....we reverse our direction....and now we are reconciling all the dualistic judgments we made, and allowing them to return in Truth to Unity.....Our path now instead of a unique towards a Unified Oneness. We begin "dealing with our shit" so we can quit being defined in a separate way by it.
So getting back to our current situation......From outside of this all what we see is the two directions.....towards separation....and towards a hyperdrive. Those going to the unique separate expression are grabbing all they can get, chasing what they think is good and trying to hide from or destroy what they believe is Bad.... Here you got wars, greed, fear of "others"...and all the bullshit you see coming down these days......

Then on the flip side, those going towards unity....facing their shit, are more like having it flung in their faces at a radical pace....this creates sickness in the physical body when that which is not harmonious is amplified..... Normally we could have lifetimes to work through it, but now it's all coming really fast...... and we are literally living in an Astral Shitstorm of epic proportions....
The thing is that Everything that is "outside" of ourselves
is also within us....
if we even have a tinge of racism within will be astrally stimulated then etherically stimulated and finally it will manifest in our physical bodies as a problem..... Everything in this Universe is about frequency and vibration and RESONANCE.
Well I'm digressing into a whole nuther subject.....
Back to the World Situation:
Yep, the greed and lust and fear seem to be ruling the world....and these things draw our attention from the quiet of our souls...and our path back to unity.
I mean if you have read this thus far, you are on the path back towards unity....
So let's keep our focus on's difficult because what those other folks are doing is amplifying energies/frequencies that within us....are not healthy. So a lot of stuff is coming at us, and it can resonate with remnants of those same things that once defined us...... and if we still carry even a shred..... that resonance can be quite bothersome.
We can't do anything about those folks destroying the planet and's their freakin Job and until they culminate we can't even attempt to change them as it will actually hinder their progress to the point I call Culmination in Form....where soon after their wheel will turn back upon itself towards unity....then we can assist.

This is kind of hard to take, I know for this "Harmony thru Conflict" Aries has been quite the trial.....
You wanna shake em awake.......
but I'm afraid they won't wake up,
until they finish their unique separate Dream.

I'm going to talk metaphysical/archetype for a bit here,
so don't let the "titles" throw you.
So, the "Christ" aspect is basically representative of the Path back to Unity, whereas the Satan aspect is representative of the path into Form.
The Christ aspect is the aspect of what we call our Souls.
And the Satan Aspect is the aspect of what we call our "Egos".
But the Truth is, the most important thing for us to understand
and that which we have been programmed against accepting is,
The Christ Aspect and the Satan aspect.....
are the same Thing....
They are the Soul
and the name we change in all our dualistic humanness.
We say that the soul going towards separation is ruled by ego, and going towards ruled by our soul.
Ego/Satan, Soul/Christ....
But it is CIRCULAR...... it is one thing.
The Soul
And the souls purpose is to Evolve.
But that evolution is circular....
at first it is driven by duality
then it seeks escape from duality
that just the way it rolls.
And when we can finally understand this..
only then
will we know genuine Compassion.

You know it we can't change
those doing the
Destroying for Profit etc thing.....
But we can try to attempt to keep them out of Power,
and we can do this by educating the masses.
People shun suffering and if they know it's gonna be heading their way, or their fellow humans way , they will try to avoid it.
We can educate, but not become embroiled...

Interesting how the Christian story of Christ dying for the people sins correlates with the sad reality that,
those on the path back to unity,
facing their dualistic judgments
which are the dualistic judgments
of many on the Road to Culmination...(ruled by ego/Satan),
they are literally taking these Group judgments
and suffering in their reconciling of them.
They are reconciling the Sins
of all the masses still dwelling in Duality.
The thorns that prick at the forehead
are our judgments
and the judgments of Man.

Their job is to Do
ours to Undo what we have done,
both jobs are equally sacred

So, we can't hate them..The Doers... they are doing what they must, just as we all did back in the day..... lifetimes ago.
And we can't really Help or Change need to
quietly connect with our own souls and with those on the path to unity like ourselves....and seek together a greater Peace. This will not be a merit-less endeavor, in fact it will build a world of our Highest Unified Dreams.....

Let's do that

Because here is the thing
I've been avoiding saying for some time now.

Well, it isn't easy...

We have this idea that we can not have paradise
while they are destroying our world....he he
seems a logical assumption...
There is more to the Picture.

We will become United in our
Highest Unified Dream

a Heaven...

And they will become united
in their deepest darkest Hell..

This world is of our Creation
The two paths are becoming very
distinctly defined.

There are Heaven and Hell Realms on the astral plane,
and when we die we tend to spend some time in those.
And they are of our Collective Creations...
Products of mass feelings and beliefs
unified on a large scale.
They are Agreements.

Well we're coming to the end here of this particular incarnation of Creation...
And our Heavens and Hells are part of the DNA
for the next Yuga,
(to steal the word) .

And now is really the time to make a choice,
like I said it's all about Resonance.
That which we resonate with,
is that which we become part of.

So now let's build the Beautiful Picture,
however we can,
in our personal lives, in our words,
and whatever we Share.

We are destined for Paradise...

You know I've been to heavens and hells before,
special meditation technique,
"Yoga of the death state",
And one thing I learned
was the nature of Time in these realms.
You know the Church always uses the Fear
of an eternity in Hell
to try to make people be good
and keep you putting money in the pot....
And from this idea of Eternity in Hell or Heaven they have discounted the reality of Reincarnation....
But here's the thing....
Those realms do not have time like here.
You literally can spend what seems like an eternity there, then when you "pull out of them"
it is only moments later in our time here.

So the good and Bad news is,
come the end of the Yuga,
you get to spend an eternity in,
a Heaven Realm,
or a Hell Realm....

Before it all starts over again.

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