Sunday, January 14, 2018

They Don't Want you Quiet

They Don't want you quiet
Because you just might hear
that thing that stays Hidden
behind their Fabricated Fear. 
They can control your mind and emotions
in so many ways...
But they can't control your soul,
in it's Integrity
it always stays,
but it can't be heard
beyond the crackling of the blaze.

Listen Deeply
Set aside the Fears
quiet the emotion
and that thing between your ears
Your soul has your answer
it offers freedom from Their Game
But you gotta be totally Quiet
Your effort won't be in vain.

They have tried to Kill
the individual human will
They have tried to
blind the Seeing.
In so many horrible ways
they try to kill
Simple Balanced Being.

They give it through a needle
they drop it from the sky
they put it in your water
and give you bullshit reasons why.
When what they really want to do
is Make You Slowly Die.

Then out of the goodness of their black hearts
they will sell you
a little relief from the pain...
For a lot of money,
and for them
 a lot of gain.

So quit buying their Bullshit
Quit buying the Lie
Quit buying their Fear
It's time for us to Fly.

From the entrapped squirming worm
Flies a Beautiful Butterfly

Be Quiet

Be Free

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