Saturday, April 14, 2018

Rare old pics

We are totally organizing...moving everything around and...... gettin organized.   I went through some of my old photos....
This next one is 3rd or 4th grade...Tuscon AZ......Early "Sixties".... we didn't really do school those years because we moved here from Japan after I was in second grade....and the schools there are so beyond here...I was able to just cruise for 2 years.....just dropped in a few times for tests or to pick up some stuff....... This is myself on the right, my sister in the middle and some kid called David Blakemore (according to the back of the pic)......

I don't have much memory of those years... camped a lot I guess, Cochise Stronghold...... old ruins..... and of course the secret Government Facility out in the desert,
where who knows exactly what all they did to 
us.....they finally bombed the building with all the evidence,
thinking a bomb would destroy everything...
I snuck back,
pretty cool...all in rubble
... but papers everywhere
 ..........UH, never mind....

next pic, Later.....
Went into the Light
met my Teachers
did a lot of catching up .
Pushed the boundaries..
Broke the Rules.
Re accumulated past projections
out of order...

Our decent into madness
(it's called evolution)
has a very precise order..
Our return to the Light
(also called evolution, 
after all the Big Secret is that Evolution is CIRCULAR)
the opposite order...
But the Magic
and my stupidity turned on me...
I thought I could just pull it all back,
redefine myself back to who I was
before I was Illuminated...
Astral Grabbing old Pieces of Construct..
The shed skin of yesterdays dead dream....
(we call this Life)
on the astral plane....
brings immediate results.
I got my old self back,
I was just too freaking weird for,
my loved ones and everyone that knew me...
Who I once was, 
they were much more comfortable with.
Looking back at the Construct,
That's what makes ,"Ghosts, Ghosts"..

This was my
"Humpty Dumpty Episode."
And guess what folks,
when you shed your skin,
it is Magically possible to pull
it back on to yourself....
But probably NEVER a good idea.
To not be very destructive,
it would have to be done
 in the opposite order that it was shed.
The order of the pieces shed,
must be pulled back in the same order 
they were created originally.
And I don't think this is 
even Magically possible.

And if you can't pull it off in order, will be a 
Living Ghost....
A Ghost....
but in physical form...
pretty freakin weird.
That's me folks...
Or has been for a long time.
But I've about re-ordered my island now,
(as Don Juan would say).
about back to where I 
was before I was literally,
"Out of Order".
I met a guy that knew Don Juan,
"Pack Rat"....
he was one very Magical dude.

don't cheat with Magic...
I became so Fragmented,
so freakin Psychic...
I felt and heard everything
within a city block.....
Man, a lot be going on in that kind of space.
People suffering,
people afraid, 
people sick, 
people dying...
Get me out of here....
to the hills we went...
Had to learn to .....
at least that was what I thought was the solution.
Lost my Teachers,
being Humpty Dumpty.
I knew there would be physical body repercussions eventually...
But I couldn't be around humans....
I would need to eat and have my wife eat...
Not much call for wandering monks
in the good ol US of A.
Learned a dangerous trick,
and took the Doctors Pharmaceuticals....
and could....
sort of hold it together.

Discovered Southern Comfort when we were
selling out at Stanford...
couldn't stay in my body...
astral projecting all around...
it's not as fun as it may sound when
you are afraid you won't be able to stay in your body,
which I couldn't.
A Psychic in San Francisco and Valerian Root
finally got me back in,
and able to stay.
Make a note ...
if you ever have trouble staying in your body,
and get tired of floating around the neighborhood,
nobody seeing you, but you seeing them..
Valerian tea...
so Black it's almost thick...
does the trick.
And quit drinking Southern Comfort
when you are severely Hypoglycemic...

 Lived in Palo Alto California with my wife, Janine.
She was with me through all the wild rides..
She was the main reason I did my
Humpty Dumpty...

I made jewelry from shells and cones
 and bones and stuff in Nature.
Scored Abalone wildly,
On Hearst's Private beaches in San Simeon.

There was a guy that also sold out at Stanford,
He brought his whole display 
on his bike.
It folded up into very little space.
We bought it from him,
this is a pic of it.
Wow, I see a piece below that was made
from a small dear skull,
with abalone hanging down from it..
Cool... The stuff Sold

That's about it for now.

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