Saturday, October 6, 2018

Why it's so Crazy right now...and how to Deal

Okay, for most of us who are paying attention, the whole world is Full Goose Loon...Whackadoodle, Insane, Messed Up.  Those in control are grabbing all they can from those that are not. The Planet is being Raped for profit of a very few, people are being murdered for Profit of very few, Poisoned for profit, imprisoned for profit....wars are created solely for profit of a few.
So what's going on? It is important to understand this to make sense of it. Click this link and This earlier post will explain in detail.
But here is the Crux of it. Human evolution is Circular, not linear as we've come to believe (through suppression of the Truth for thousands of years). And this evolution begins as the Souls search for a "Unique Separate Expression" . This is the Souls purpose.....nobody gets to skip this.  And the tool we are given for finding this Unique Separate Expression that will ultimately define our unique position in IT ALL, is Duality. We find ourselves by following what we desire and shunning what we fear. And eventually after Thousands of years, we "Culminate in Form"  . We have gathered all we can to Define ourselves, to fill our unique position..... Then as the Mystics say, "The Wheel turns back upon Itself". At this point we begin to discard the Duality that has defined us by going back down the same road we came up, only this time, rather than collecting items to define ourselves via duality, we begin discarding our collection via non-judgment.... we remove the judgments that had defined us in dualistic terms. Rather than seeking a SEPARATE expression, we are driven toward Unity.
SO..... Right now we are going through a very Unique time, one never seen before in this whole seemingly eternity long incarnation of Creation. (All of Creation...some folks call God, Reincarnates just like the individual cells in it that we call ourselves)..Of course these incarnations are millions of years....but guess what..... we're coming to the end of one.  Part of this process has been called, The Quickening".....and we are right in it right now. Now "the Quickening" is a bi product of the process you could call Creations Culmination.  Just as individual souls culminate in matter, so does IT ALL, but just once in millions of years.  And this process is basically where the Whole, let's call it God.....literally hits the wall of possible outward expansion in the particular incarnation, but the "cells of God"....that would be our individual souls, just keep Replicating. Once the outward expansion of the Whole has been blocked, the expansion ...the replications (new souls)   are bound by the periphery sometimes called "the Ring Pass Not" . So rather than expanding outward, the expansion is inward, within the Whole instead of on it's exterior.  This creates a pressure within the Whole. This is the Quickening. And this changes what we call "Time". Time speeds up.
So, we have two styles of human soul evolution, depending upon which direction on the wheel that soul is going. Deeper into form via duality, or Back towards Unity.  And this evolution is now in Hyper Speed. Sadly all we really see is those going deeper into form, madly collecting via their desires and fears a description of the world based upon desire and fear. Greed is simply part of the process, and now it is running rampant.  It is important now to remember (for those of us on the flip side)  that it isn't a matter of good and bad....that is the Duality speaking, it's simply an unavoidable part of the process... Those seemingly insane evil bastards sucking all they can from the Planet and Life ..... are doing what they must to evolve, to "culminate in Form".'s just amplified now so is a lot more destructive. But here's the News. We have all done that, we have all chased Desires and Run from or fought to destroy what we fear..... all of us.  Only some of us didn't do that during the Quickening. It was a longer drawn out process.
So we need to take compassion in these poor souls, not hate them. And we need to not be distracted and pulled back in to the old duality that makes us Judge EVERY SINGLE THING that we perceive, in terms of Good and Bad. That is the old trap.....and there are those that want us to remain in it with them, even though we have evolved beyond it.
It is imperative that we keep our vision clear, that we perceive, not through Duality, through desire and Fear, but through Love and Compassion.  We must clearly see what destruction is occurring, but without a judgment attached to it. If we involve our emotion, we have succumbed to the duality and become part of the problem. But if we view it through Love, we can see real solutions, actions taken against the destruction, without adding to the astral mess that allows it to happen.  War for Peace NEVER works, jumping in the quicksand to save a drowning man, drowns both of us. We have to learn to stand on the edge of the quicksand, not be pulled into it.... Then we can hopefully help. 

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