Sunday, December 23, 2018

Seek Peace FIRST and Polishing the Cords

 “If we work hard,
we can get what we want.”
But it more than often turns out that,
what we want doesn't turn out being,
what we need.
We have the deep feeling
and have been led to believe
if we get everything we want,
then we'll have Peace..

a Trick.
A Mistake one should avoid..
If you cut out the Snarky Middle-man of “Want”,
and put your Effort,
...make it your Work,
to find Peace....
then you may not get what you once wanted,
But you'll get everything you need.

It's a choice..

But “Peace” is not a desirable condition for those that
run our World,
where the slaves are ruled by Fear.
Fear and Peace can not live Together,
so those that Run our World strive
most fervently
to keep
the Fear Going..

But it's a Choice.
And it takes Will
And Enlightened Faith,
which is the Souls Memory.

Choose Peace..

There are things in the World that are going to make you Crazy.
Seeing Harm being Done...
But “Crazy” never fixes things,
it changes them,
but doesn't fix em.
But if we can look at the Crazy,
with Peace...
Then we can aid in their Evolution.
Change things harmful,
in to Harmless.

I'm thinking back to the time
when the Chinese came to
kill us,
for being Holy,
For living in Harmlessness.
I feel a heavy failure.
I don't know how to explain it,
like, not being able to have them included,
in our Harmlessness.
Big thing for Tibetan Buddhists.
No Judgments
because no Duality..
Living in Grace”.

Cut the Cords”
This is a common way of saying something,
Everywhere our attention goes,
there is a filament,
a cord....connecting it to
the Perceiver and Creator.
The quality of the filaments Light
is determined by how much
duality has been bestowed upon it.
How strong mentally and emotionally
are the judgments and ideas about that thing.
Every one of these cords/filaments
has a specific Resonance,
and a specific Colour.
The idea where the term “Cutting the Cords” came from
is that we are basically controlled
by these cords,
they determine our reactions
and actions
in the world.
They also dictate our
Placement in
the Scheme of things.
These cords have been created over time,
they Maintain our sense of Reality.
Problem is they are built upon
Which is now problematic for us,
and the world we live in.
So the task is to have control of the cords,
not be controlled by them..
This is not, “Cutting the cord”,
it is
Tuning the Cord.

I'm an Aries,
it's all about Harmony...
via sound, via color,
via Raging against the dis harmony, (he he).
Well, if we can remove the judgments
that we place on
all things, actually,
and simply let them be.
The cords will shine with golden light,
become energizing,
a tool rather than something to
drag us around, (he he).
And Down...

or in other words,
Removing Judgment”.

Eventually everyone decides whether or not they will be
a puppet of the cords,
The Puppeteer.

I keep thinking as I write this of my Teacher Flying,
with her Cords....
She was showing me a lot of stuff,
for quite some time....
But I've yet to “Get it”.

Us poor folk spend all our time Surviving...
that's how they have it planned...
Not a lot of spare time to
Do Magic.
the perfect sphere to learn to
shine the cords.

Shining the Cords

or in other words,
Removing Judgment”


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