Thursday, January 24, 2019

The Occult Significance of Vaccines

The Occult Significance of Vaccines

Tonight was very different,
A deep Peace.
And I saw so much..
then at the end of it all,
one of my Worldly responsibilities
stuck it's nose into the Picture.
And that of Course was the responsibility
of Educating about Vaccines.

And I saw this issue from a
New Perspective.
Outside, looking in.

WOW !!!

It's a big subject.
The basic idea of Vaccines is that,
you put a little piece of Disease
into a person, and their body basically ,
get's used to it.

To understand what is really happening,
in the least,
we have to know
What Disease Is.

And in this case in particular,
what communicable disease is.

As usual we haven't really dug deep.
We accept the simplistic surface definition that,
these “diseases” come from , “Germs”.
These mysterious “Germs” that cause all sorts of
different difficulties,
depending upon the Germ.
The Question we just refuse to ask,
the one that can lead us to,
The Cure
Where do the Germs Come From?”.

I'm just going to straight out tell you,
they come from us all.

Remember the Rule of Creation,
Sustained Energy of Will, Thought and Emotion,
and even sometimes Love...
(or is that at the Heart of All of it)
will in time Bring Forth Manifestation.
Your Science is even beginning to discover this.
So, there are masses of People that Hate
something in Particular.
All these different hatreds, based in Fear,
and focused....
I mean,”The American Dream”
is it about finding Peace.....???
or is it about Insulating ones self
from their Fear,
with Stuff.

The Latter,
because of the sheer mass of energy going in to it,
is the seed of a disease.
We form the Seeds of this Creation,
with our Thought,
Our Feelings,
our Intentions,
and our Love.
That which is not harmonious,
And is agreed upon in mass,
over time,
will have an Offspring,
and that Offspring will be, 
a Communicable Disease.
Our Prolonged Mass Agreements,
that are out of Harmony with Love,
(which is the Natural State),
are the Seeds to the “Germs”
of Communicable Disease."

Because for one, there is this Law here,
a Cosmic Law you could say,
that here in this Duality,
Everything is seeking Balance.

The Disease is the Working out,
the rebalancing
of the Negative Mass Karma,
that Mass Disharmony
that Created the Disease.
So these diseases are built in Fears, in Prejudices, 
In Greed, and Avarice.
All those things that all of your religions,
warned you to stay away from....
If you were looking past the surface.
You might have better understood this.
The Muslims and Christians,
Hating each other,
for a long freakin time.
What diseases are they the seeds for?

So, a Vaccine.
It takes a piece, a slightly,
or hugely Distorted piece,
of this
Mass Karma Thing
And Injects it into a Person. 
It's like a Homeopathic...
Hey, let's Bolster that hatred, that Fear, that greed....
Let's give every single person,
little pieces of all the
grown in the Petri Dish
of this worlds Desire and Fear.
Are you prejudiced against Christians, or Muslims?”
Well here, let me BOLSTER that up a bit.
Vaccines reinforce all that is wrong with the world,
on a Magical, Energetic level.
Well, I don't want to say, "Wrong",
let's just say 

Now I'm just talking about the actual 
specific disease particle here,
in the Vaccines..
Not all the other Incredibly dangerous stuff...
But if all of the extra Crap wasn't in there,
Vaccines will have a profoundly different effect,
depending upon what side of the evolutionary wheel
you are on.
If you are still collecting that ,
Unique Separate Expression” that will
Define Yourself to Creation,
maybe a shot of Hatred for Christians here,
or hatred for blacks there,
will expedite your evolution into that Expression
you will call, “yourself”.
I mean, it will add to that Density of Form,
that is your Unique Separate Expression.

But for those that have already made their Point to
Us All,
that's some old stuff that no longer serves,
the very stuff we are discarding
to lighten our ascent
in our Hot Air Balloons
(that is, Evolve).

So, maybe,
 if all the deadly toxic Crap wasn't added to Vaccines,
maybe they could actually
serve the Evolution of a portion of People.
But they would be a great detriment to the Others.

I mean, on the return trip on the wheel,
we teach meditation,
some ingest sacred drugs
we clean up our lives and our bodies
to enhance evolution...

But on the flip side, 
where greater density  and separation is the goal,
Vaccines....adding vastly dualistic and separatist notions,
could speed the evolution towards that greater density.

Interesting thought.


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