Thursday, January 24, 2019

The Return of "Christ", Ascension,"The Shift"

I woke up in the middle of the Night
Something was very very different.

The World Wasn't Screaming !

Was it me,
Or was it the World ?

Then I Remembered..

And it's too big for Words...

When you are in the
One of Us All,
you have a different perspective..

But here is a little Piece...

Christ Returning
The Shift”.

These things are not outside things,
that suddenly happen because of mass desire for it,
or “World Need”.

To put it simply,
they happen because of Evolution.
Not our little “personal” evolution,
but you could say because of the Evolution of “God”..
Or let's call it ,"US ALL."

Less confusion that way..

But here's the thing...
We all Fuel Evolution,
just as much as it fuels us...
We Are All 
The One Thing.
Nothing Comes to Us All,
that we have not Prepared for,
That we have not built a place for.

So, you want ,”Christ to Return ?”,
Be Christ
That is one of the hints that was right there 
in the words.

You know, mass Desire has the power to Create anything.
It could potentially create a,”Savior”.
But that “Savior” would not “Save” anyone..
Quite the opposite.
As it is built in Fear, and Desire...

But alas we live in the world of Duality,
this place where Evolution of individual Souls,
is circular,
almost like a Pendulum.
You first go into a Deeper Density,
fueled by Fear and Desire,
you make your individual ,”Statement” to the All.
Then you are Done...
Human task finished,
Time to Go Home”.
But you are weighted down,
with everything you collected to
Define Yourself..
You are in a Hot Air Balloon,
waiting to Float out into the Sky
of Oneness,
but you got all your definitions of yourself,
and your world,
piled into that Balloon basket with you.
So you sit down and start looking
at each piece,
And you think,
Will this carry me Higher?
Then you throw it out...
Then you keep doing it,
you realize most of it is just Junk anyway
and throw out huge handfuls....
and you start Drifting Up.

Our Evolution first carries us Far from “Source”
Then it carries us Back.

So you have the planet being shared by folks,
Grabbing all they can,
out of Fear and Desire...
And you have those that
are done with that,
and seek Unity.

There is no “Christ” to “Return”.
Because Christ is here,
right now....
But “you” have to be There.
Here's a clue,
Christ does NOT Return.
Return to Christ.
And that's that!

So stop waiting,
and start Being.
OH, and just as a matter of Clarity,
Christ has NEVER been a person.
Though there have been those that 
lived It.

Are you waiting for,”The Shift?”
Quit waiting,
it doesn't come to you,
you become It.

Your Religious Texts,
The Bible, The Koran, The Torah etc.
They serve Two Purposes.
Or to Refine it even more,
they serve one purpose that is divided into two
or going two directions.
They Serve Evolution.
For those evolving,
Deeper into Form,
the surface words
build some Framework
for an Ideology that will
Define ,Confine and Secure.

For those Evolving back towards Unity,
they hold,
at an archetype level,
the means by which to
tear down the Framework
that has defined and confined and Secured.
They serve evolution both ways,

So, you Mystics out there,
that are disgusted with what has
been done based upon the words
of those books,
know that,
there is something there for you,
but it's Not in the Words
it's in symbols behind the words.

It's interesting,
but not a place for all to dwell.
The Path to our Souls,
is Our Path to our Souls.
There are literally no two alike...

I can't stay away from the Vaccine issue,
even when I'm sitting on the outer edge of It All.
So I “See” it.
That'll be another Post .

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