Sunday, January 20, 2019

A Mystic View of Current Planetary Conditions / The Quickening

A Mystic View of Current Planetary Conditions 

I have written about this before but I believe it bears repeating.
Our Planet, in fact all of Creation
 is at a point never seen before in this Round of Creation.
Some have termed this,"the Quickening"...
I'm not going here into the whole why's and wherefores of this, 
but suffice to say that we are at a very Intense time,
 never seen before in this Incarnation of Creation.
There are various ways to describe this Esoterically.
One could say that there is a compression of Time...
But I think a better description would be to say that,
The Light is being exponentially amplified
day by day.
And we can say that "the Light" is that which
motivates Evolution and the Creative process.

The rate of Vibration of the entire Planet, 
and Cosmos for that matter is increasing greatly.
I realize this does not seem to make sense to those who are still ascribing to the old Linear ascension paradigm of Evolution.
But that paradigm is incorrect,
hence the difficulty in comprehending what appears to be
and is,
both polarities of Duality, 
exerting themselves like never before.

So again just quickly, for this to be understood,
let me explain the evolution of the Human soul.
It is Circular
A wheel that turns in one direction,
then reverses back upon itself.
The first turn of the wheel the Souls prime directive ,
is finding it's, "Unique Separate Expression".
Contemplate that phrase.
Here the soul is guided, via duality,
via the pairs of opposites,
via seeking pleasure and shunning pain.
Here the Soul collects the description of the person.
It collects it via seeking that which feels good,
and avoiding and shunning that which does not.
It is based in Desire....and Fear.
After many lifetimes of this endeavor of duality,
the Soul,"Culminates",
or you could say, Culminates in form...
or you could say, 
reaches maximum density.
It has found it's, "Unique Separate Expression".
Now the Wheel reverses back upon itself, 
and the Souls purpose 
is no longer finding a Unique Seperativeness,
but rather finding Unity....or Source.
This is done by discarding the collection made via duality.

So in the world you could say 
there are two basic categories of Souls.
Those seeking via Desire and Fear,
and those seeking via Aspiration, Love and Compassion.
It has been a bad habit to classify
 the first turn of the wheel as ,"Evil".
And the return path as,"Good".
As the whole path is the Path of the Soul.

So, right now we are at a point in Time 
where the increase in Light/Vibration,
Intensifies greatly the evolution of All Souls.
So we are in a situation where Fear and Desire
are greatly amplified in those on the first turn of the wheel.
We see this every day around us.
But on the flip side, with equal fervor
we have those seeking Unity...and Love.

This is Duality at it's ..... highest peak ever.
The first turn of the wheel brings with it's
process....a lot of Destruction.
Fear, Greed, Desire and the quest for self satisfaction etc.
bring naturally much havoc in it's wake.
But this is simply how it is,
and this can not be changed.
This is important to realize.
This can be very difficult for the World Servers,
who are committed to bringing Unity.
Our Desire has transmuted into aspiration.
We seek the good for all.
This is where we must remain compassionate.
Those souls seeking to satisfy their Desires 
and quell their fears at all cost.....
Just as we once did.

We do have our jobs to do,
we can not help wanting to alleviate suffering in the world...
Our Mistake comes when we seek to do that,
via our emotions.
Only in Silence can we find the proper Tack.
We can not change the path of those motivated by Fear and Personal Desire....
But we can seek to reduce the damage of their actions.
We must strive not to condemn them,
but rather the manifestations of their actions.
This can be extremely difficult,
and can only be attained by a practice
of quietness of Mind and emotion.
A practice of following our Souls quiet guidance.

And remember, 

All come into Unity.

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