Friday, February 15, 2019

Bring Back the Magic

Bring Back the Magic

Everything in Our Creation
is Governed by Laws.
What Mankind has called,”God's Will”, and “Magic”,
are simply the Laws that are still beyond the Grasp of Most of Humanity.
Long ago we better understood the Laws,
Creation was Magical....
Others would say,
was in line with “God's Will.”
But for the most part now we have Lost it.
These Laws, this Magic is and has always been available to Mankind.
But the Knowledge or rather the experience of these Laws
exists in a place few humans Traverse.
It is a place of Absolute Peace. Absolute Silence.
I'm not just talking physically Quiet,
but emotionally Quiet,
Mentally Quiet
and Energetically Quiet.
Mankind has lost the ability to go to that Sacred Place.
The Fear and Desire inherent in Duality has imprisoned them,
stolen the Peace from their minds and emotions.
Civilization and all it's chemicals and electrical creations,
have stolen their Energetic Peace.
At this time the World is literally in an Emotional, a Mental and and Energetic Chaos.
There are those few that profit greatly from this, so
they purposefully feed the Flames of this Chaos,
this Magic Robbing Firestorm of Mental/Emotional/Energetic Nature,
our Creation is currently suffering from.
It is time to ,Bring back the Magic”,
or for the Religiously inclined, Bring back ,”God's Will”.
The answer to doing this is Simple.
Rediscover that Sacred Silent Place.
The journey to that place is a bit more difficult than the answer is simple.
But it is only difficult because we believe it to be....
Meditation and True Contemplation,
are the paths to that Sacred Place of Absolute Quiet,
where Magic Lies.
And “God's Will” be Done.

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