Saturday, February 16, 2019

Understanding Disease Metaphysically

Understanding Disease Metaphysically
This is a very important subject, that I know I've written about before,
but will go a little deeper into here.
The human understanding of Disease is at this time very limited.
Humans have four distinct but interconnected bodies.
Yet for the most part they are only aware of the Physical,
and this is a problem as far as the understanding of disease goes,
because most disease does not have it's roots 
in the physical body.
The Four bodies are:
1.The Physical Body: the outermost crust,
the organs and glands and all of what we consider to be physical
within that defined space we call,”ourselves”.
Modern Medicine is almost entirely focused on this body.
2. The Etheric Body: this is the energetic body,
this is the electrical system that underlies the Physical Body,
this is the system under consideration with Acupuncture.
Meridians and Chakras (energetic centers) make up this system.
            1. The Astral Body: This is where the origins of most diseases lie.
The Astral Body is sometimes referred to as the “Desire Body,
or the, “Emotional Body”. 
Much of this body we carry over from lifetime to lifetime,
in our DNA.
        1. The Mental Body: some Esoteric systems do not consider this a separate body, probably lumping it in with the Astral Body, but I include it here...        The Mental Body is the Mind and it's workings.

Modern medicine" deals strictly with the Physical body, 
and for the most part
rarely looks for actual Causes of Diseases, 
but rather focuses on
treating the Symptoms. 
Very few diseases have their roots in the physical body.
Poisoning from Toxins being one example, although actually with most toxins it is primarily the Etheric Body that is first effected , then spreading to the Physical Body.
Actually now that I think about it 
I can't think of a single disease,
that originates in the Physical Body. 
Most disease is Astral in Nature,
 the origins being in the Astral Body.
Karma is an Astral Creation and there are two types of Karma,
Mass Karma and Personal Karma.
Mass Karma is responsible for what we call, 
“Communicable Disease”.
Virus's, are all Mass Karma, Astrally based.
The farther we go back in History,
the greater the Percentage of Disease 
was Astrally/Karmic Based.
Still today by far the most disease originates in the Astral body.
And very often personal Karma will determine the exact
manifestation and physical position in the Physical body,
of a mass Karmic Disease.
In the last 200 years or so we have added Etheric based diseases to the mix.
With the advent of electricity and non organic medicines,
humanity has created a whole new classification of disease.
With electricity, with Wi-Fi and Smart Meters 
and non organic chemically based medicines and Vaccines 
that act upon the Etheric Body systems,
we have created a whole slew of new diseases.
We have taken the human energetic system and basically
thrown it into a Blender.
Autism spectrum disorders that are becoming beyond epidemic,
are Etheric Diseases.
ADHD, hyperactivity, many seizure type and “mental”diseases
all are Etheric based.
I almost didn't add the Mental body into this dissertation because
off the top of my head I can't think of any disease whose roots are entirely in the Mental Body.
However the Mental Body works in concert with the Astral Body in the Creation
of “Astrally Based Disease.”
So we see the problem with Modern medicine is that,
very few diseases actually originate in the Physical body,
and yet this is all that is considered.
So basically “modern medicine”
only ever Treats Symptoms.
Now I understand that the concept of Communicable diseases being Astrally based might be difficult for many to comprehend , as we have been led to believe that “Germs” are a the heart of these diseases. This is basically an incorrect assumption, however it is partially correct.
The problem with the Germ Theory Hypothesis is that one question is never asked.
Where do the Germs come from?
So I've written and explained that here in this link
You might want to read this before you go on.

So we can see that the Physical Body obsessed system known as,”Modern Medicine”,
is severely flawed and limited because they only treat symptoms,
and never the actual Causes. And most of their treatments create more Symptoms.
Even if incredibly toxic Etheric Body disrupters were not included in Vaccinations,
they are entirely useless in treating the actual causes of the diseases.
The following article will explain why vaccines do not ever cure any disease,
and it will also explain the Nature of Astrally Based disease.
It would be good to read this before proceeding.

So basically what we have is two main types of Disease,
The Astrally Based that is broken into Mass Karmic, and Personal Karmic.
And the Etheric based diseases of Civilization.
So in order to actually cure Disease, 
we need a whole New Style,
(or actually a very old style) of Healing System.
This of course is an entire book in itself, 
but I will touch on it here.
Let's begin with Etheric Based diseases.
How do we treat, and cure these diseases.
Well, first we avoid the Causes, at all cost.
Turn off and shield cell phones,
if you live in an area permeated by Wi-Fi,
Shield and block.
Hardwire you computer.
Shield your Smart meter if they refuse to remove it.
Turn off the power in the room where you sleep. 
Ground yourself to a clean EMF free Earth as much as possible,
Do Not Vaccinate,
everything positive you think you know about Vaccines,
is a lie.
Chiropractic and Acupuncture both work on the Etheric System..
If you can afford it, do it.
Avoid any synthetic pharmaceuticals,
which is basically all of them.
If you are sensitive and have a bigger than average Aura,
avoid Toxic people.
Walk on the Beach or clean Earth, and Get Sunshine,
these clean and align your energetic body.
Find nutrients that counterbalance the negative etheric effects.

Curing disease that originated on the Astral level is a little more difficult,
but since most disease begins here, it's a worthwhile endeavor.
This one for sure is a book..
For personal Karmic Diseases (non-communicable),
A good psychotherapist who utilizes hypnotism and/or Bio Feedback to get to the Roots of things can be very useful.
If you can find yourself a genuine medicine man that can guide
you in an ethnogenic experience, these are the most powerful.
Learn to Meditate and Contemplate.
Do Journalling without censor.
Recapitulate you life, look back at every detail,
and bring Peace to what you see.
Learn NLP from someone who isn't a Pervert. He he
And for Mass Karmic Diseases (communicable)
These are a little different, you really can't escape them until you become Fairly Enlightened.
Mass Karma needs to be worked out,
in Fact I should have said it sooner, but
Astrally Based diseases are
Karma working itself out.
Personal Karma can be worked out personally, 
but Mass Karma is a different thing.
As long as we have within us, even a seed of
what created the diseases that can resonate with
the working out of that Particular manifestation of Mass Karma, We are still responsible,
and must pay the price...
When we have within us, no judgment based in Duality,
only then can we be free of Communicable Disease.
Although there are those Bodhisattva types that
have the inclination to take on some of that Karma,
even when they no longer resonate with it.
Jesus Christ being a classic example.
so meditate..... seek to be Clear and Loving in
all your Worldly attachments....
That is the solution to that.


  1. My dear! Please tell, where are you getting your information? Quite remarkable stuff. So logical and simple

    1. Via Archetypes seen through contemplation.....then translated with as little mind attached as possible to maintain some purity...... Glad you like it, feel like a voice in the wilderness.
