Friday, March 22, 2019

A Mystical View of the Current World Situation: Armageddon

Let's first define Mystic, or Mystical. 
To understand what this means first we need to understand the difference between Knowledge and Truth. 
  Knowledge is a collection of ideas,
 gathered in a harmonious pattern to build a concept.
 People arrange their concepts in such a way 
as to define their Conception of the world.
  People believe that their Conception of the world is the Truth,
 when in reality it has nothing to do with the Truth. 
Put simply, the Truth is what exists before knowledge, 
before concepts.
 Thousands of years ago people lived in Truth, 
their minds had not yet tricked them
 into believing their ideas were truth. 
They perceived the world directly, 
via Intuition and
Intuition is built upon silence of mind and emotion....
it is energetic in nature, 
it is the comprehension of subtle energies/frequencies
 which show a Basic Truth of any thing at a primal level. 
Intuition is based in the belly, and sometimes the Heart.
 You could say it is a "feeling of the Truth".   
Insight is a little different. It is more what you would call,
 "A seeing of the Truth".
 It is based in the Third Eye.....the Pineal Gland. 
You could call it, "clear vision".
 Basically it is "seeing through the Bullshit". 
Now I will define "Evil". 
  Evil is not part of Duality,
 it isn't like the "Bad" as compared to the "Good".
 There are lots of things we could point to and say are "Bad". 
 But Evil has only one definition,
 "That which desires to halt or reverse Evolution." 
 The Prime directive for Man, and to Evolve. 
 This is the force behind the Creation of Creation,
 "The compulsion to Evolve" Grow, to Move Forward. 
Evil seeks to Halt this. 
Below is a definition I found for Armageddon,
"ArmageddonArmageddon, (probably Hebrew: “Hill of Megiddo”), in the New Testament, place where the kings of the Earth under demonic leadership will wage war on the forces of God at the end of history. Armageddon is mentioned in the Bible only once, in the Revelation to John, or the Apocalypse of St. John (16:16)."

OK..... Now I'm not really a Bible guy, but this same story is reflected in most religions and Primal Belief Systems... And this is where we are, Right Now......
   And the masses are totally unaware of this.

So, the first major assault from what you might call the ,"demonic forces" is upon the Mystics.
   They can't have people Knowing the Truth.
  Now this has gone on for thousands of years, 
the enslavement of the masses to ideas and concepts 
with no real Truth to them. 
 The "Kings of the Earth", who I generally call, Piggies" 
have spent a lot of time and energy dumbing people down.  
 But right now it's being done at an Insane level, 
in such a way that the masses are totally unaware.
Killing Intuition and Insight are of utmost importance to the Piggies. 
And Halting Evolution is their prime directive.    
The front line in all this right now is Vaccinations...... 
the second line is EMF's, 5G, Wi-Fi, dirty electricity.
Vaccines do this in a couple of ways.
First it must be understood 
that Virus's are Mass Karma working itself out.  
 One more time......
"Virus's are Mass Karma working itself out."
This in itself is a very interesting subject....
 Virus's are created by Mankind by mass agreements in things 
that are contrary to Truth, mentally and energetically. 
 Prejudice, Group Fears, The energy behind wars......
 these are what create the "seeds" of the Virus's.
  Then these virus's are spread through the breath, or touch, travelling from person to person.
  Where they find a resonance they pick up pieces, like a snowball rolling down hill. 
 They also drop off pieces of themselves in people, pieces of what "made them"..... 
All disease is simply the seeking of Balance.....
 Communicable disease is created by Mass Karma, and the expressed disease is the working out of the mass Karma. 
The wheel of human evolution first turns one way,
 then reverses back upon itself.
 This is an occult fact.  
The first turn is where we move into a greater density, 
seeking our Unique Separate Expression in the Web of It All.
 We seek this expression with all the tools Duality gives us,
 we literally judge and define ourselves 
into making this "Unique separate expression,"
 which is the whole purpose of that first part of our evolution. 
  This is also where we create the Karma.
 All Karma is a product of Duality.....
When the wheel reverses, our task becomes 
unraveling that unique separate expression we define ourselves as, and replacing it with a Pure Truth.....
Now vaccines attempt to subvert the process of the working out of mass karma, 
by tricking our bodies into not expressing the necessary manifestation (the disease) 
thereby halting Evolution of the Soul 
on the second turn of the evolutionary wheel, 
those folks who are returning to a Mystical Nature.
 The Vaccine puts a roadblock in the individual souls evolution....and so also the evolution of the Whole. 
That is the first method of the Evil plan to halt evolution,
 the second is done via the ingredients in the vaccines.
 Aluminum destroys the Pineal Gland.."The Master Gland"
..the seat of Insight, our ability to see the Truth. 
It has to get past the blood brain barrier 
and this is done with the polysorbate 80 in the vaccines,
 and the Glyphosphate which sadly permeates most folks these days, if they do not eat strictly organic foods.
Fluoride is also used to destroy the Pineal Gland.
Evil is that which seeks to Halt evolution. 
   Vaccines are designed to do this.
Then there is the destruction of the Intuition.
  As I said, the intuition is all about feeling subtle energies, 
subtle frequencies....and understanding their meaning. 
   But with Smart Meters, Dirty Electricity, RF signals, Wi-fi, 5G...... there is no longer a silent energetic space in which to connect with the intuition........
 at least places like that are becoming very very rare.
 We got rid of our wi-fi, shield as much dirty electricity as possible (haven't succeeded very well with the "Smart Meter" though.)
 We don't get cell phone service where we live....
and we shut off the power where we sleep at night......
 This allows space and silence for us to connect with our intuition, but few are so lucky....
So, mandatory vaccinations, 
with the 100 or so more in the pipeline for every possible manifestation of Mass Karma, 
is an all out assault on the Evolution of Humanity....... 
The most evil of acts.

"place where the kings of the Earth under demonic leadership will wage war on the forces of God at the end of history."

So, "the Kings of the Earth" are the Piggies.
Demonic Leadership is..... souls committed to Evil"
The "Forces of God," is Evolution
And ,"The End of History"....
well, hate to tell you, The Mayans had that right....We are Here.  
It's OK, there will be a whole new Incarnation of Creation once again....... 
But in the meantime ,
 or our ......future incarnation.....will suck.
To Evolve we must Stop the Evil.  

Vaccinations are Evil,
5G, Smart Meters are Evil.
The Crap they are spraying out of Planes,
"to modify our weather",
is Evil
Fluoride is Evil..  

Time to Wake Up...

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