Friday, August 23, 2019

The Great Importance of Discrimination

but did I get your attention?

If you ever read any books written in the English language a few hundred years ago, one of the first things you will notice is that the English Language has drastically de-volved.  It's like back then our language was at a College level....and now it's at maybe Third Grade. The meanings of so many words have changed based upon the acceptance of common misunderstanding of the words, until the misunderstandings have now become the definition. The word Discrimination is a good example. Currently we have two meanings for it in our Dictionary. The primary one....the misunderstanding, is the first one listed. The real meaning, that has been lost to a large proportion of the population, is at least still listed.... and it is this lesser know definition that I will be discussing today, and will put an even finer point upon.

  1. 1.
    the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex.
    "victims of racial discrimination"
    synonyms:prejudicebiasbigotryintolerance, narrow-mindedness, unfairnessinequityfavoritism, one-sidedness, partisanshipMore
  2. 2.
    recognition and understanding of the difference between one thing and another.
    "discrimination between right and wrong"
    synonyms:differentiationdistinction, telling the difference
    "the discrimination between right and wrong"

Humans have an obsessive need to embellish upon Everything in their reality, they can't let anything just be what it is. This is how we have lost the Truth of most of what we perceive...we are perceiving an embellished definition, an idea that has been built piece by piece over time into something that bares little resemblance to the original thing. Religion is an embellishment built upon the Truth for so long, that the Truth it was built upon has been buried and almost entirely lost in the embellishment..... but the thing is, pretty much everything we perceive is like this, things become a definition in our minds...usually linked to a certain dualistic judgment. We do not perceive the world in which we live and breath and have our being, we perceive a definition of it, often quite removed from the original.  This is why I am such a big fan of Contemplation (another word that has drastically lost it's original meaning). It has come to mean the mulling over in our minds of a concept or thing, when in reality it is almost the complete opposite..... Real contemplation is the removal of the mind from the is simple perception of a thing or concept, as it is....before mind has been applied to it. Or you could also say it is the process of following the end result of the minds application, back through it's evolution until we arrive at the original thing, before mind and dualistic judgment was applied.   Our language is a good example of something where much truth has been lost in the embellishment......
We live in the end result of the application of Mind and emotion to very simple Archetypes.

 The goal of Contemplation is to perceive the archetypes....

So today I want to talk about the importance of Discrimination, in it's more original understanding....and take it back a wee step further. I will describe it a little closer to the Archetype of the meaning of the word...
One step back: Discrimination is the act of discerning between what is Real and what is not.
Two steps back: Discrimination is the act of Removing mind and emotion from one's perception of a thing.
Three steps back, at the threshold of the Truth of it: Discrimination is the act of perceiving the Archetype of a thing.

Are we perceiving things through Fear.... or hatred...or envy, or lust, or Need, or desire..... through a "Positive Attitude", or a "Negative Attitude"......? If any of the above apply, we have lost the ability to discriminate. We are perceiving a definition of the Truth....and not the Truth.  This is kind of at the heart of all the worlds problems my friends.   

These days when mind control of the masses is in full swing, the ability to discriminate is more important than ever before.
Look at the things that you believe and support, and stand and possibly fight for.....How deep are the roots of these things....can you follow them back through their growth, their evolution...OR as I find is a case with so many that have been zombified......  they have no real depth, nothing really substantial to back them up.
I've seen people loudly yell how important Vaccines are, yet they have Nothing of any substance to back it up.
 I listen to people promote....strongly this political candidate or that, but when you ask their reasons..... they amount to short little sound real substance.
Social media has become a great place for those who are engineering the thought patterns of the masses. They see you lean this way, or that way....and know exactly what to feed you to lock you in to a tiny box, you feel is somewhat safe, where your reality has some sense of cohesion, and you are not alone.... there are others locked into the same box....Community. Isn't it wonderful.  The problem is, all these folks are living comfortably in these boxes, looking at the lovely walls that have been painted there especially for them...and they have no idea that they are sitting on the railroad tracks....and a Train is bearing down on them. Happily, or at least comfortably content in their personal and group embellishment of Truth........ but far from the real thing.
So we have the Zombie Apocalypse.
It is very difficult to wake the zombies because they are relatively comfortable in their personally tailored to their desires and fears embellished idea of their Reality.
AND, their ability of discrimination.... has been systematically Killed by those who control them via electronic means via their cell phones and computers and Wi-fi and smart meters, etc which set the tone and frequency..., and chemical means such as Fluoride and the Aluminum in vaccines which destroy their Pineal Glands (check the studies on Pub Med).... and this is the gland that is linked to our Insight..... our ability to discriminate has been destroyed via the water supply and vaccines and now sprayed from airplanes over our cities to "help cool our planet"....

Discrimination is Important because it brings us to Truth behind the Illusion we have created for ourselves, and others have created for us.

So, how do we regain this lost ability?
We learn to contemplate, study the Yoga Sutras of Patanjili....
We don't vaccinate ourselves or use products (check your deodorant) with Aluminum.
We don't allow any Fluoride into our bodies.
We don't go outside when they are spraying the Chemtrails.
Turn off the damn cell phone, refuse the "Smart Meter" or if they won't remove it, like where we block it.
We do what we can to remove the Aluminum, other heavy metals and fluoride from our systems.
We have metal fillings removed.
We quit listening to mainstream media until we regain our discrimination...then it's good for amusement and the subsequent sadness...watching the mind control in action.
We look at the Fears that guide our actions...and we look deeply at them to see just how real they really are. Then if we think they are deserved.... we look again...and again.
Our elections have been driven by Fear.... ones fabricated for each of our individual conceptions of reality.
We must train ourselves to look at things through our hearts....not through our minds and emotions.
 Our hearts will not lead us astray,
 our minds and emotions almost always will.
We cultivate Silence in mind and body.
You know if you are in Silence, you can not be manipulated.
Humanity and the Planet is at a time of Dire Need for Clear Perception of what is..... We need to be able to discriminate between what is real....and what is an embellishment. I mean, if we want to save Humanity form a torturous demise that is in the process of taking place.


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