and times earlier in Life....
where I was in......
a different perspective,
where the place I was viewing my world
and the world around me from
....was totally different.
Everything was lit up with life,
there was no heaviness
and the feeling of love and connection....
....Ecstatic .
I guess you could say it was a world without Duality....
life was pulsing and everything was literally vibrating
with some beautiful potential.
I had one of those dreams tonight....
then I woke up,
still there.
We are on the edge of The Shift.
Heaven and Hell stand before us,
shouting at us louder than ever.
This distracts us from our task,
of letting go into the True Perfected State,
"Returning to Eden"
and eventually one day
letting go of that.
You see right now Duality is exerting itself like never before,
I've written about this many times before.....
The "Quickening" that is upon us.
This quickening amplifies what we call "Good",
And what we call, "Evil".
And the whole world makes the choice between these two,
as if these were the only choices.
We, "think positive thoughts and avoid the negative",
"we grab all we can to feel good and define our position in the world."
Most of us make choices in both of these categories every day..
But you see this is the
Entrapment of Duality,
and the Shift is
Moving into Unity..... no mas Duality.
Moving into Love...... no separation.
Duality is built upon Judgments,
this is good and this is bad......
So many of us spend lifetimes Battling
what we perceive as "bad".
"We are doing the Good Fight".
EMBROILED in Duality.
OK, here's the thing.....
A lot of us have been to the Edge,
what I call the Threshold to Eternity,
or the threshold of the Shift....
And a lot of us have jumped off into it,
but have always come back...
And a lot of us don't even know this....
As we function in our day to day lives we Vibrate
at a certain frequency......
On the Threshold to the Shift
we vibrate at something of a totally different nature.
So when we have been to the Edge,
in our day to day lives.....
that frequency....
can not remember the Edge,
because it wasn't there...
Get it?
We only remember the dreams we have,
that resonate at the same frequency
as our daily consciousness
that is doing the remembering.
Suffice to say that ,
Here we are..... all pretty much standing there,
waiting to Jump off into it.
But one thing....the main thing that really stops us is,
....well this can't quite be explained in a short sentence....
The closer we get to the Edge...
the Brighter we become....
and we've been on this journey to the Edge for a long time..
and what we found out a long time ago,
early as children in this Lifetime,
or/and in past lifetimes is that,
The Brighter we Shone,
the more Fear we created in those around us.
Joy was not something they could relate to.
The more you shone,
the more ostracized you were.
The closer you get to the Edge of the Shift,
the greater the sense of loneliness.
Your life can be full of People,
but your Soul is so freaking lonely....
Because it seems nobody can see or feel what you do.
And from the utter depth of that loneliness
it's difficult to realize that...
you are one step away from Eden....
and just one more
from Eternity.
We have been trained to "seek Heaven" in the afterlife.....
But in the "afterlife" Heaven is really just a distraction.
It's here, on these sacred vessels (bodies),
that we should seek to Embrace Heaven.
You see, here's the thing.....
Heavens in the afterlife are astral worlds....
like the Hells.
They have been created by mass agreements
made within Duality us.
Heaven on Earth.....
the True state of Eden I guess you could say,
is that which exists,
before we've done anything to it.
Eden was what existed before Duality was applied to the situation.
Eden is where we go after the Shift.....first stop anyway....
But here's the catch about Heaven on Earth....
It requires that a whole freakin lot of us,
Accept the Shift.
I mean so far we've learned that the more we know about
the world around us...
the more educated upon it's workings we are....
the more we are feared.
Most people do not want the Truth of their world...
they want to be coddled by religion into a false sense of security...
and/or have their government or family or clan or gang...
protect their false sense of security.
Evolution is circular...
There are two types of people in the world,
those seeking "security" in the most comfortable definition
of themselves and their perceived world.
Going into deepest Density.
Those who found That,
that have already made their "Unique Separate Expression
in this deepest density....
who you could say,
"filled their cell in the body of God",
if you really wanted to confuse matters.
Who had fulfilled the first turn of the wheel of evolution
and who now,
are discarding the collection they made within duality,
and instead of moving into greater density....
are become less dense and moving toward Unity.
But the world around us, the one we see in the media....
is currently just about at Max density....
It is a dark place built upon Fear...and all that fear Breeds,
namely Hatred (Aversion), Greed, Bigotry, Lust......
and the idea of Separation.
If we decide to just step out of that world,
what's to become of us.....
are they gonna put us in the Looney Bin,
give us some nice Meds to,
"Bring us back to Reality"?
We need to just be practicing,
secretly stepping out
when we can't be seen by those that will fear us.
Hey, how about some communities of folks all stepping out of Duality and Into
Could that be possible?
After the Shift our connections to the World around us,
are via Love.........
Before the Shift.....mostly Fear.
I have to make a point right now,
Love and Hatred are not opposite things..
one more time
Love and Hatred are not opposite things..
Love is the Natural state of Life
Eden is Love.
There is no Duality in Love.
If "Love" has requirements,
make no mistake,
it is NOT Love.
Hatred is something built within duality,
based in judgments.
The opposite of Hatred is not Love....
What would be a word for, "Extreme Like"?
So folks at some point
in the not too distant future,
we as a group....
Have to take the Step,
accept the Shift...
and Return to Eden.
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