Saturday, October 19, 2019

A difficult time for Empaths.

There are basically two types of people in the world,
 dependent upon where they are on the evolutionary wheel.
 I've talked a lot about this before
 and it's a very important thing to be understood
 if we ever wish to find True Compassion.
 Quick review: 
Human evolution is not a linear ascent
 as we have been programmed for thousands of years to believe.
 It is actually circular, 
a wheel that turns one way.....
then once it completes that turn,
 it turns back upon itself.  
We begin like a child,
 new, unencumbered by Duality,
 and yet our task is to come to culmination 
as a "Unique Separate Expression"
 within the whole,
 and we do this via Duality....
that is the tool. 
We seek what gives us pleasure
 and do all we can to avoid pain.....
 desire and fear motivate us to make choices
 that we incorporate into our definition of who we are
 and what we believe the world to be....
 We become denser and denser.....
 Mystics say that we are "going into deeper density",
 or we "are culminating in Form". 
This is the first duty of our Souls. 
  Once we reach the greatest density,
 once we culminate in form.....
the wheel turns back upon itself and duality
 begins to lose it's power over us.
 Desire is replaced by aspiration
 and Fear is gradually replaced by Love.
 I call this the "return path", 
as we begin to discard all we have collected 
via duality that hitherto defined us, 
instead of going into greater density....
we are becoming lighter. 
Where once we sought to be a SEPARATE Unique Expression......
now we seek Unity.
The problem for Empaths is that being far less dense,
 they ...hmmm ??? , 
have more open space within them 
which makes them more sensitive to passing energies. 
When you are dense, your aura is very small 
and close to your body....
and very strongly defined..... 
this makes it fairly impenetrable.
 But the further we get on the return path,
 the more we have discarded those things that gave us density......
 the more we are open to whatever is floating around.
   You know, just 50 years ago,
 before the Quickening....
and before WI-FI, and so much dirty electricity, 
what we had to deal with was mostly other peoples energy. 
  Well, now because of the Quickening
 that,"others peoples energy"
 is vastly over amplified....
we live in a world that is currently an astral shitstorm....... 
People are Freaking out,
 and we have that to deal with.
 And with all the RF frequencies, the dirty electricity,
 the wi-fi etc. which are all aberrant,
 non-natural and are destructive energetically,
 we are being bombarded by destructive frequencies 
which impair our ability to "read" what is going on around us.
 And one other problem that I see is that there are all these,
 what I call "astral constructs"....
these are mass agreements that have been fed
 with a lot of mentality and emotional/astral energy
 to the point where they almost have a life of their own.
 I also believe that there is now technology 
that can amplify these constructs......  
These constructs can play into some of our remaining density,
 some of those things that are still Divisive, 
that are not built upon Love. 
A good example of this problem is,
if you are an Empath 
and support Trump's wall....
which is a monument to Divisiveness and 
obviously separation and Fear
you have fallen prey to one of these constructs. 
And it's difficult to extricate oneself from because.....
 there is a resonance in them to something that we used to be, 
and still carry a small piece of within our periphery
 and we fall back into recognizing it
 and believing it to be a part of who we are...... .
 This is a very difficult time for Empaths 
to remain in their ever lightening Integrity
 when there is just so much astral intensity in the world now,
 aside from the man made energetic firestorm.  
So, what must we do?
We must question our thoughts and feeling,
"Is this a product of divisiveness, separateness, or Fear?....
if so, let it go...
it's no longer part of your path. 
Choose Love.....
And here is another very important point.
This time we are in is very unique,
 it is a time of amplified manifestation....
 For both sides of the wheel. 
We are, in a very powerful way....
manifesting our Future with every thought....
like never before.
 If the energy we are putting forth is Love,
 then we will have a beautiful world
 in the not too distant future..... 
But if we are embroiled in Duality, 
if we are choosing via Fear and Separateness, 
if Desire rules us rather than aspiration....
we are destined for a Hell Realm.....
There are a lot of people currently in that boat,
and being an Empath,
it's really best to avoid them.
You see, as much as you would like to help them find Love...
just like we had to do once upon a time.
they must go into deepest density 
before they can join you on the return path...
and that probably won't happen in this Lifetime for them.
So we are wasting our time trying to bring them into Love.

Love breeds Love

Greed breeds Starvation.
Fear breeds that which we fear.
Hate breeds destruction.
Desire breeds lack/emptiness.
Bigotry breeds isolation.
Duality breeds separation.

Love breeds Unity

Choose Love and we'll meet in Paradise.

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