Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Hello Amerika

Hello Amerika

If someone Sells you something
And they tell you it is Safe and Effective.
And they have nothing Real 
to back up that claim.
And there is mountains of evidence 
to the contrary....
And if their Product
Damages Millions of People
Killing many.

How is it they are not in Prison?
And the product is still being sold?

The Answer is:

They make so much money 
selling their defective and dangerous product,
that they can afford to buy Politicians
and have them make Laws,
protecting them....
and in some instances
requiring Every parent
to buy this Dangerous Defective product,
and give it to their kids...
and those kids have to play.
Some die,
 and ALL are damaged.

They can afford to Buy the Media,
and the Medical Schools.
And these are all very well paid to,
Sell their Lie...
their Toxic Product...
And the Bought Politicians even made a Law that
 these Killers of Children, 
and Destroyers of Lives; 
They could not be held responsible
for the Millions of lives they have destroyed.

Hello Amerika...

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