Monday, October 28, 2019

The Two Styles of Science....Revisited

It's kind of disturbing how my Soul seems to always wait to wake me up in the middle of the night demanding that I ......pursue a topic in the written word, when I have a Big Busy Early day the next day......
 But here I am, and here it is.

Humanity has come to believe that their Science
and Innovation.....
is what will save them.
But save them from what exactly?
Well, the answer to that is,

But really that is just the Science we see the most of,
I call it Idiot Science....
I wrote about this a long time ago,
To understand what I'm about to say
you need to understand these two styles of Science,
you need to understand how the human soul evolves...
Which I've written about fairly extensively,
because I believe it is one of the most important 
things that humanity needs to know 
I will give a brief summary here:
The two styles of Science,
what I call Real Science,
and Idiot Science...(no judgment there),
are briefly described as such.
Idiot Science, the predominate Science of Today, 
well...let me quote the Post cited above,
"Idiot Science, or
"Forward Thinking Science"
is a method where the mind is utilized.
It accumulates data.
It collects and relates this data and comes to conclusions,
based upon the data.
It adds these conclusions to the existing conclusions,
and calls this Science.
Data+Data=Conclusion+Conclusion= "Knowledge".
This is the Science that is responsible
for Scientific Knowledge.
A forward application of the Mental Principle,
creating conclusions based upon perceived (or theorized) data.
And these "Idiot scientists" will point out to you,
all the great advances that have been made based on idiot Science.
They will not however point out how virtually all of these
so called "advancements" 
came with a price.
And that price has been the destruction of human,
plant and animal overall health...
and the health of the planet we live on........"
Then later the article goes on to talk about,
"Real Science".

"....There have been some amazing "real scientists"
Einstein, Tesla, Burbank,
Gandhi,Martin Luther King.
Yep, even those dudes.
Real Science works in the opposite direction of Idiot Science.
It is not a matter of combining current data with past data and coming to conclusions.
It is a matter of observing backwards through the pattern of any given thing,
to understand it's true Nature.
Idiot science by it's process takes us further 
from the True Nature of Things
Where Real Science takes us to the heart
 of the true Nature of things.
Idiot science is mental manipulations.
Real Science removes the Mind from the observer,
and only uses it as a translator
once the Truth has been mindlessly observed.
Everything we can perceive
and even things we can't...
has a pattern.
Real Science takes what is perceived
and follows it's pattern back to it's beginning.
This is the only way a Truth can be known.
Idiot science gives us Ideas about the Truth.
Real Science gives us direct perception of the Truth.
Idiot science brings us Knowledge.
Real Science brings us Wisdom........."

You see, humanity for the most part lives
within a Description of the World.
Everything we a description...
an accumulation of thoughts
and feelings,
related to whatever it is we are putting our attention upon.
But at the Heart of all things,
there is an archetype...
a basic Truth...
the Reality of that thing,
the kernel of Truth that idiot Science,
is as far away from as it could be..
Now the connection my Soul wanted me to impart tonight,
is that....
Well first once again briefly I must define
the process of Human evolution,
as it is widely....almost entirely misunderstood.

We have been programmed to believe that the Soul....
that humans evolve in a linear ascension...
We're climbing the Stairway to Heaven...
The further up we go,
the more evolved we become.
This is entirely wrong and has led to 
much distress in the world of man,
via dualistic judgments placed upon a certain group of Souls.
OK, the Truth is, 
Human Evolution is more Circular.
Mystics have described it as a wheel turning one way,
and then turning back again upon itself.
The first turn of the wheel is where the Path
of the Soul, it's purpose and destination,
is to make a,
"Unique Separate Expression".
It does this via duality,
via the poles of opposites.
Very simply,
 it seeks Pleasure,
and avoids Pain.
It seeks to know itself,
as it is a unique and separate thing.
It collects descriptions of the things of it's world,
via judgments and thinking in dualistic 
and materialistic forms.
And this process eventually leads it to what Mystics call,
"a greater Density".
Then there is a point of greatest Density,
of maximum separation and uniqueness in form.
I call this, 
or "Culmination in Form."
This is where the first part of the Souls journey is complete,
it can go no further into density,
it has reached,
"Critical Mass".
Now what happens is,
esoterically speaking,
the wheel reverses upon itself...
That which had been collected via dualistic thinking,
is discarded....or it would be better to say,
is allowed to exist in it's most simple form...
as it really is
without added human definition
based in Duality. 
Instead of moving into a greater density,
the Soul now moves towards a greater Lightness,
Greater Unity.
It's heading back to it's origin.
Now here comes the Grand Finale 
that my soul demanded I put down in words here.
"Idiot Science"
is the science that drives Technology
 and Modern Medicine today,
it is the Science of the first turn of the wheel,
that move into greater density and division.
It's endpoint is basically as far from the 
simple Truth of things as it could possibly get...
It is a very destructive force.
"Real Science",
the Science of the Healers and Mystics,
is the Science of those returning to Source....
to Basic Truth.
Idiot Science brings us further from the Truth,
and embeds us deeply in 
Ideas about the Truth.
Real Science brings us to the Truth.
"Idiot Science"
brings us to a deeper Darkness.
"Real Science"
Brings us into the Light.
Idiot Science utilizes the mind
to grasp ideas.
Real Science is the removal of the mind from the process,
and it brings us to the Truth.
Idiot Science is Thinking,
Real Science is,
True Contemplation.
The Idiot scientists,
who have come to define contemplation as
the mulling over of a thing in the mind....
defined it based within their limitations, 
when in Reality Contemplation 
has nothing to do with Thinking at all.
Rather it is the removal of all the thought
of a thing, and simple observation of it's Truth. 

Right now the World...
Creation, is going through the Quickening..
Evolution is in Hyperdrive.
The two sides of the Wheel have become very obvious.
The first turn of the Wheel,
 with souls going into greater density and separation..
at breakneck speed,
(destroying humanity and the planet with their Idiot Science)
on one side,
and the reversing of the wheel,
where souls are going towards greater Unity,
and an understanding of basic Truth.

These two sides are at odds.
Just look around you.
People are actually building a Wall,
as a monument to Separation,
to dualistic Fear.
And others are desperately seeking to,
Save the Freakin World.
Sadly many are using Idiot Science in their Futile attempt.
The apocalypse referenced in so many religious 
and philosophical texts,
is simply the end result of the Quickening....
Which to put it simply is
Creation Culminating...

Humanity is trying to save itself,
with what is destroying it.
Trying to save itself from Nature....
when Nature is the Cure.

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