Friday, November 8, 2019

Wakey Wakey Mystics...and Yes, I'm talking to you.

{Disclaimer: I will be speaking to things that no Muggle will understand...and that's OK. Most Mystics are still sleeping at this time and will also have great difficulty with much that I'm going to say, having spent thousands of years living the life of a Muggle, and even once, having turned around on the path of evolution, and having entered the Road of the Mystic....they have still mostly chosen the world of the Muggles to abide within, as has been necessary for their relative comfort and survival. Suffice to say that a lot of this is going to rub you the wrong way, and possibly downright piss you off to your very core. Again, this is OK for you Muggles and to be expected and accepted.....but for you Mystics still sleeping, whose Muggle Dreams still enthrall you, much that I'm going to say will greatly disturb you. Fight the discomfort and seek utter Silence of mind and body in consideration of the words and ideas. I don't want a single person to accept what I say, I want you to Realize it.}

A Mystic does no learn how to be a Mystic....
They Unlearn how to be a Muggle..

Wakey Wakey Mystics...and yes, I'm talking to YOU.

Never before in the History of this Incarnation of Creation has Fear, and Greed, and Hatred run so Hot and Heavy...and it seems like everywhere we look the world has gone stark raving mad. Governments are run to satisfy greed, entire populations are being slowly murdered so industries that thrive on their suffering can prosper.....The very planet we live on is being suffocated to death, for Greed.......
BUT, and this is very important, by the same intensity that this Quickening is amplifying that which we might call,  "Evil",
it is also amplifying what we could call Magic....
Of course "Magic" is simply Truth that has been buried beneath a description built upon the embellishment of simple archetypes that exhibit certain basic Truths. The problem is that there has been so much embellishment upon these simple Truths, that the Truth has been totally lost, and the Agreement...the Description has become the accepted Reality.
As many as there are the people going deeper into the density of Duality.....there are those emerging into the Light from it. And the thing is, these Mystics.....most of em don't even realize what they are.
When you have been bound for lifetimes in an agreement, when you have even taken part in the embellishment of that agreement by applying your own personal dualistic view of a become somewhat invested. Even when your path on the wheel of evolution turns back upon itself and you begin breaking the bonds of an agreement that denies Truth to Humanity....we still cling to the old agreement, the old frequency...even though we see it no longer serves us...or our Planet.
The "Return Path" of Evolution is the path of the Mystics....and it is so vastly more difficult then the first half of our evolution into deeper density, when it was basically a free for all.
For one thing, the world we live in, the mass agreement that humanity calls Reality has something akin to Gravity, or you might say (as becomes evident upon the astral plane)...a momentum. It binds us....and pulls us along.....
But now is a time for the sleeping Mystics to finally awaken, and to come to an agreement that is no longer an embellishment of Truth....but rather is Truth.
  Most of you reading this knew when you were very young about this Truth, but the Embellished world, the Parents trapped there, the "educational" system, the friends that all succumbed conspired to rob you of it..... you knew right away that the Truth made you an outcast....and that was not fun.   You have forgotten a lot of this...if not most or all, but you saw things in a totally different way.... So for most of your life you have learned to accept and incorporate the Embellished Description as your Reality....... otherwise pure unadulterated loneliness would be your lot in Life... So you have forgotten how to See what lies at the Heart of the Description..... you have dutifully accepted an agreed upon reality that has literally taken thousands and thousands of years to create....... and it's a complete Illusion.  You have Magic in your Soul, a magic that can heal and literally move mountains....but you have denied it probably for lifetimes now... But now we are at a critical point in the evolution of this Incarnation of Creation where we MUST allow the Magic to return.....
It's so easy to get caught up trying to fix the apparent manifestations of the insanity of  the Muggles....the Skeksis...
 to become embroiled in trying to bring Light into their Darkness... to save Humanity and the Planet from them, and this is a Noble Cause....and yet it just feeds into the whole Illusion. Our True Task now is to Build an Agreement in Truth,
 an un-embellished agreement. 
So here's the thing..... An un-embellished Reality is vastly different than the world of the Muggles where we currently abide, and in fact to "see" beyond the Muggle world that we are accustomed to, can be pretty freakin scary. Things do not look the same....we begin to see energies, frequencies....patterns. In fact the best method I have found in breaking free of the Illusion is..... following the pattern of the embellishments back through their evolution until we get to the archetype that first inspired the whole Description. This is done through a process that long ago, before the definition of the word was also embellished out of Truth, was called Contemplation.
True contemplation is NOT the mulling over of ideas in the brain to come to some conclusion that we can feel comfortable with, it is actually the Total Opposite. It is rather the total silencing of the mind and emotions with the Will being focused upon that which is being contemplated.
So here's another thing I think is pretty interesting...Hmmm, OK, so Muggles pretty much define the world through the centers in the body below the diaphragm,...there are these triangles of force there.... once a Muggle changes evolutionary direction and becomes a Mystic...they switch to corresponding energetic triangles above the diaphragm....
For example in a Muggle we have desire....which is centered below the diaphragm.... not sure the name of the Center.... but for a Mystic that Desire Transmutes into Aspiration....which is centered in the Heart. Desire is a longing for things in the Physical world for the personal self, things that add to that persons "description" their safe separate Security, to the creation of their Unique Separate Expression.
 Aspiration is a longing for ..... it's heart you could say it's the deep need to know and be one with......I hesitate to use this most incredibly misunderstood word of all....GOD.
Now I'm sorry I said that because "God" is the most embellished thing in the Muggle Reality...and pretty much the furthest from the Truth.   Let's just say that aspiration is the intense longing for the Peace and Oneness of the All of Us.
Another example is the words, Ego and Soul..... this is difficult for many to grasp but...they are the same thing. The Ego is what we call the Soul of a Muggle, it is the Soul that leads one into greater density....but once the wheel of evolution reverses....what we were calling ego magically transmutes into what we call the Soul, now leading us back to the Source....But it's the same thing.....
Painting I did in maybe 1972 called The Creator of the Created World..The Ego/Satan
And her's another one where I'll lose half of you....
Satan, and Christ are the same thing.
 Satan is really just the archetype for Ego...
and Christ is the Archetype for the Soul.....
 same thing, different direction.
Now I want to make something perfectly clear....
 we must have no Judgment on Ego, on Satan.
We have been given these dualistic judgments by religion and spiritual systems that have not yet grasped that they must exist,
 they are part of the Plan...
we are All ruled by these during the first part of our evolution....
and that part of our evolution can NOT BE DENIED,
 it must culminate naturally as it is our souls first task of finding our Unique Separate Expression within the all..... that's the PLAN, man...cosmic law baby, can't escape it....and the judgment placed upon it has brought more grief into Creation then  just about anything else.
As we as past Muggles, and as the Muggles of today have created this Illusion that is destroying Humanity and the Planet, we as Mystics must undo that description within ourselves and seek out the Truth at the Center of It All.
Muggles are very Noisy...their minds never quiet, their emotions always rampant..they must do this to secure their Unique Separate Expression in the world, which is the First duty that all Souls have..... we've been there, done that...and now it's time to quit doing that.
And now our souls duty is in Returning to the Un-embellished Truth which, to use a Biblical archetype, is Eden.
This process for the Mystics requires absolute Silence of Mind and Emotion, and the cultivation of the Will to point the consciousness in the right directions.
The Muggle world does all it can to make this difficult for us, but we MUST be up to the task....really there is no escaping it, it's the direction we are going in....and in fact all of our problems, all our infirmities and difficulties come from us denying our True Path.
And the thing is, we have to all do it together. Hell was created by the embellished agreement of masses of Muggles....
Heaven / Eden is found by dismantling that back to it's Source....via quiet pointed contemplation, and coming in mass to an agreement there.
So it's time for us to Wake up,
 find absolute Peace of Mind and Body,

point our Wills towards the Source of Creation,
Open our Hearts....

and agree to abide there together in the Garden.

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