The Archetype.......The
Thoughtform.........The Construct , Truth
OK, this is going to be a stretch for most people's current acceptance of known accepted human knowledge....
but it is also the next step in expanding that.
Archetypes are pre thought...pre astral
of all aspects of Creation.
They are the link between
Source...and Creation.
They are beyond duality.
human mental and astral embellishments
that are placed upon
Archetypes and Constructs
and are built within duality.
Thought and Belief Constructs
are projections of
the mental and astral embellishments
placed upon simple archetypes.
knowledge Construct is not bound by human time
and like other types
of Constructs
(the Human Construct for example)
they eventually take on a life of
their own.
They have their own evolution
that can be steps ahead of
the human knowledge
and emotion that projected them.
realization kind of freaked me out.
Read More about that with the link Below,
(some very scary stuff)
More Background Info here:
Human manifested knowledge
built upon the framework of these projected,
yet self evolving
That fact that they are self evolving.....
basically the
progression of a pattern is what makes it possible for one of the two
types of Psychics to,
"tell the future”....
it is a process of
following a Construct forward in it's“time”.
No need to worry about thinking about that right now,
it's just an interesting Factoid.
The realization of this Post
came when I was
contemplating how I could have been so wrong about major tenets of my
that I had come to understand long ago
via meditation.....
A few lifetimes ago and in my previous
life I learned a technique for accessing what I called the Archetype
that land between Source and Creation
where the seeds of
Creation Exist.
I also was taught a technique of
accessing the astral plane....
and what I called the “in-between
which is basically where we go in between lives.
I called
this Yoga of the Death State.
The process was similar for these two
One entailed “going within”
and letting go of my
“description” of the world.
The other entailed focus upon
things in Creation...
be it thoughts, beliefs
or even things like
plants and stones....
anything of Creation..
and letting go of my
description/ideas/concepts and judgments
that had been placed upon
them within duality...
In the “going within”,
the yoga of
the Death State....
I was given one primary rule....
Not to focus on
anything there,
as everything there is very “magnetic”
and created within Duality.
Where we
place our attention in that Realm...
we will go,
or it will come to us....(a matter
of perspective).
And in fact another rule is to be devoid of thought
and emotion, because these create a resonance,
a particular unique
that will also pull unwanted things to us.
This is
problematic in many ways for souls on the return trip
of the
evolutionary wheel,
where our process is discarding our collection,
our definition of the world....
because this “In-between” place is
the astral plane.
A plane where Heavens and Hells exist...
And also
the Constructs of Humans.
And everything there is Illusion...
they are mental and emotional Projections.
Heavens and Hells are Constructs.
For souls seeking Liberation from Duality,
the "Mystics" as I call them,
those who have Reversed upon the wheel of evolution
this is the
and the key to the battle there is
Do not to partake.
Look towards the Light on the other side....was the rule.
From 1970 until maybe 10 years ago,
years if my math is right....
I was writing as book.
It was all about
Ego and Soul.
It was about the battle to overcome the ego
to be
guided by the Soul...
and the path to Enlightenment.
I also believed
in the Linear Ascension version of Evolution
and it was part of the
framework of my belief system........
Now in 1970 I had a vision
explained just about every question
I have had about Life since
the vision was on the archetype plane
where I asked the
"What is Life, and what is going on here in Creation."
The answer was a Vision of Archetypes,
moving changing shapes that
explained everything...
to a point....
BUT, I was meditating in a
little travel trailer
with two German Shepherd puppies,
and one was
chewing on my hand....
the vision did not complete itself.
Ten years ago I was driving my car very
early in the morning...
delivering rural newspapers before I went to
my Mail Route..... And my Life a transition point.
So I'm
driving along and I ask my Soul,
”What am doing here?...
What am I
supposed to be Doing?
Immediately I got the same answer I had in
OK, yeah, right, I know.....write what!?.
Then in that moment I was back on the archetype plane,
and the vision
from 39 years ago completed itself....
The holes in my understanding
of Life....were filled in....
and these holes I had previously filled
by extrapolation from the old incomplete vision it
turns out,
from the Mistake of accessing
the Constructs of
rather than the Archetypes......
Now I came to
understand that my belief
in a separation of ego and soul
was due to
my accessing the construct of that thoughtform,
which sadly was a far
far cry from the Truth of the Archetype.
I had accepted an
embellishment in duality of an Archetype,
that was simply not true,
in fact it was as far from the Truth as a thing could be.
Knowledge/Belief Constructs are the epitome
of possible human knowledge....
and since
the Constructs evolution
is one step ahead of the humans
understanding of it,
and is constantly evolving and changing via that
human knowledge is always one step behind....
and is as
far from the Truth as it can possibly be.
Knowledge, which is an
accumulation of facts,
a piling of one concept upon another to come
to a conclusion,
and conclusions added to conclusions to come to
often based upon the most forward thinkers accessing the
construct of whatever idea or concept we are considering...
embellishing that further,
are as far from Truth as anything can be.
Constructs are fed by our mental and emotional embellishments....
in turn they evolve beyond us,
and define our future understanding.
The most forward thinkers.....are the most Lost,
the most distant
from actual Truth.....
Although being at the forefront of possible human knowledge,
do you get this?
Knowledge is the embellishment, mental and
of simple Archetypes....and of Constructs.
Wisdom is what
we gain when we discard knowledge.
It is what exists before all the
of mind and emotion....
of Duality.
Knowledge is a thing
of Duality.
Wisdom is Not.
Now the idea that Ego and Soul are
separate things
has not come to us via Wisdom,
but via Knowledge,
these concepts are firmly built into Constructs
that Mystics mistake
for Archetypes....
Many created and fed most potently by,”the
which has always been the greatest supporter of Duality.
Hence the confusion and mistake
in this matter of a separate Ego and Soul.
same goes for the linear ascension model of Evolution
....and the
Concept that God is some Super Entity
apart from everything else,
Creator of everything....
when the Truth is,
God is simply Everything,
Creating itself in an outward expansion.
But humanity is ruled by
Knowledge, not Wisdom.
By Idiot Science, Not Real Science.
Read about that here,
it also contains a link to the first short treatise on the subject.
We resonate better, living here and so
accustomed to duality,
with Constructs then we do with Archetypes....
Archetypes scare us, they have nothing we can relate to,
being that
they exist outside of duality.
Constructs, being mental and astral
like we are...
and highly energized.....attract us.
Many Mystics
make that most common mistake
that my Teachers warned me about...
they focus on the Constructs
and take the seeds of their knowledge,
of their personal embellishments upon them ….
one step
feeding the Construct
and feeding the manifested idea
within duality.
Our task as Mystics in this very
important time
is to seek Wisdom
by discarding this self perpetuating
built upon Constructs,
with no longer any roots in realty,
in Truth.
The Construct is as far from the Archetype
as it can be at
any given point...
and the Archetype is the closest we can get to
The construct is the deepest density within duality that a
concept can reach....
Knowledge is built upon these constructs.
Wisdom on the other hand is the least dense,
and does not exist in
and is the closest thing we can get to Real Truth.
You could say and be accurate that the
“leaving of the Garden of Eden”
was when humanity chose
to pursue Knowledge
and gave up Wisdom.
As Mystics our Journey is one back to
the Garden......
from what has been said here,
that path should be
Sadly most of the Spiritual Leaders in
the world today
are accessing Constructs in their quiet moments,
rather than Archetypes..
Like I was doing for 39 years..
so they are
simply adding to the Dualistic Interpretations
and embellishments
that have denied us
the Simple Wisdom of the Truth,
before it was so
grossly modified via duality.
These Spiritual Teachers have accessed
the epitome of knowledge
that is currently available to humans
added to it,
and in so doing
have denied themselves and their
Spiritual Leaders are like famous scientists,
they are akin to the Idiot Scientists,
and the Real Scientists....
and it all depends upon where they are looking
for their data.
Einstein, Tesla, and Burbank
are examples of Real Scientists.
They did not go forward via Constructs into a
deeper density of dualistic thought,
rather they reversed this process,
tore down all the accepted beliefs on the subjects
that they were seeking the Truth about,
and accessed the Archetype Plane.
And gained Wisdom about the subjects
they approached.
Scientists working within the scope of Human knowledge,
within the Constructs....that I called,
Idiot Scientists (no judgements)
were Madame Curie, Louis Pasteur, etc.
and those scientists that took Einsteins Wisdom,
and turned it into the knowledge of
the Atomic Bomb.
They were correct in their "Knowledge"
but that knowledge was Destructive...
Wisdom never brings destruction.
Vaccine Science is Destructive,
it is Idiot Science.
Spiritual Leaders that I guess I'd call,
Real Spiritual Leaders,
because they accessed the Archetypes were
folks like Gandhi, and Buddha,
and my Teachers from Tibet.
They did not promote ideologies
built within duality upon
knowledge constructs,
but rather taught their students
how to access the Wisdom of the Truth
that exists in the Archetypes
before duality was applied to them.
Sadly I have to say that most,
"Spiritual Leaders" today
do not fit in this category.
Rather they are accessing,
the Constructs of the epitome
of possible current available knowledge.
They serve the Muggles well,
as the "Church" has always done,
in aiding folks evolving into greater density,
towards culmination in Form,
in finalizing their Unique Separate Expression,
that is the midway point of all Souls evolution.
Now what I write is aimed at the Mystics,
so I guess I am warning you to be careful of the
ideologies you embrace,
almost always they will be a trap.
If you did not come to your beliefs
by experiencing the Truth of them,
but rather by accepting someone else's
thoughts and conclusions....
you are probably securing yourself,
rather than freeing yourself...
Be Aware.
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