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The blog post listed below will give some necessary understanding and framework for what I'm going to write here.
Real and Idiot Science/knowledge vs. Wisdom
This post was inspired by a discussion on a Facebook Group centered upon a book called, "A Course in Miracles" by Marianne Williamson.
I read this book quite a few years ago when I also checked out some things by Eckhart Tolle.
Both of these authors were writing about things I had written about back in the late 70's. The Eckhart Tolle books kind of freaked me out because his "style" and all the words he used and the concepts he put forth ....if I didn't know better because I was looking in his book, I would have believed it was my old writings. Word for word, belief by belief. When I read A Course in Miracles I appreciated it, but it was easy to see that it, like most decent religious and spiritual belief systems was built upon simple archetypes of Truth, but the human process of clothing those simple archetypes in order to communicate them, had gone too far....the embellishment was too deep and embroiled in old "religious" programming, and the Truth became obscured in the Metaphor which I knew, sadly....most who read her book would not search out.....they would accept the surface "story" just has been done with all major religions..... the Metaphor accepted as the Truth.
Here's the thing: First, like the Real and Idiot Science link above explains, there are two types of Knowledge. I like to break them up and call one Knowledge, and the other Wisdom. I just very recently realized what should have always been obvious. Knowledge is a thing of the Muggles, of those who are still evolving into deeper density. It is a collection, a systematic collection of concepts built upon one another with ...usually, an archetype at the center and a "belief" as the end result. The further this knowledge expands, the further it actually gets from the Truth of the Archetype it was built upon.
Wisdom is what is found at the Heart of Knowledge, before any thought was applied, before it was embellished in Concepts. Wisdom is a thing of the Mystics, of those who have reversed upon the evolutionary wheel and are basically dismantling the embellishments, the duality that has been placed upon simple Truth from the first day of Creation and the First day of their Souls Journey.
Now there is this "Thing" about the Knowledge of Humankind;
Human knowledge, like Creation itself expands outward from the Center.....and it has an edge, seen esoterically it's like the outer crust. This is the CURRENT limit of knowledge accessible to Humankind. But keep in mind this edge is ever expanding outward, or has been since the dawn of this Creation. We are currently at a point of evolution in this Incarnation of Creation...this Yuga, where that has actually hit the wall, and possible,"knowledge" for humankind is basically at an end point....the Truth can not really be embellished upon much further in such a way as to have any Purpose, there will no longer be an outward expansion, just a meshing back and forth of existing concepts. Okay so Mystics have had a Boundary to what they could communicate from the Wisdom they have gained by removing the embellishments upon the basic archetypes that are the Truths of Creation, and that boundary is that outer crust of Knowledge.... Now think about and understand this, it's important, "Okay so Mystics have had a Boundary to what they could communicate from the Wisdom they have gained by removing the embellishments upon the basic archetypes that are the Truths of Creation, and that boundary is that outer crust of Knowledge.
When I read Eckhart Tolles' books I saw that they were based upon an old outer edge of knowledge, as was The Course in Miracles ....they were bound to an old paradigm. I got rid of the Tolle book as it was simply yesterday's news and was still attached to the old limited view where Ego was demonized and Soul was supreme....not having gained the insight yet about the Circular Nature of Evolution, still attached to the very deeply ingrained belief of a linear ascension. And there wasn't much else there. I kept the book The Course in Miracles because, even though it was also still mired in these old limiting, and actually destructive, like some other religious and spiritual texts, could be used by Mystics that could see beyond the surface embellishments to the archetypes they were built upon.
I wonder if these authors have evolved beyond the ego/soul dualistic views yet, and the linear ascension models of evolution. It took me a good 40 years or so, and it was very very difficult to break free of these, as....thanks to the intensity of Religions long history of persecution of the Truth....many wrong beliefs have actually become embedded in the DNA of the masses, and for me breaking through brought on convulsions when I could actually access the thread of Truth that had been embellished in such a violent manner, and so deeply buried.
When I wonder about these authors and if their Wisdom has evolved beyond these old limits I am reminded of the first thing I ever read that spoke to me, in 1970 it was a required reading at my school, and I actually remember it almost word for word to this day. It was in a essay by Ralph Waldo Emerson, He said,
“A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines. With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do. He may as well concern himself with his shadow on the wall. Speak what you think now in hard words, and to-morrow speak what to-morrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict every thing you said to-day. — 'Ah, so you shall be sure to be misunderstood.' — Is it so bad, then, to be misunderstood? Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh. To be great is to be misunderstood.”
I hope that these authors do not feel bound by their old beliefs because they were written in books. I know when I was writing a book that was entirely in line with what they are saying and had very many years invested in it.....then suddenly "saw" one step deeper which basically destroyed everything I had written.... it wasn't so easy to throw out all that work. But, the old ideas about a linear evolution have denied humankind of real and true compassion, they have created an idea, based deeply in duality that every soul simply needs to make the right choices in order to evolve towards the Light....when at least half of the population is evolving into deeper density, and have zero choice in the matter. It's the Plan Stan....and the idea that we have this nasty little ego that exists to keep us from the Light and this wonderful Soul that leads us to it....well, as I keep trying to make the point....the Ego and the Soul are the very same thing, they are that which motivates us in our evolution.....they, or rather It help us down the Path. It's just that the first part of that path is into deeper density via duality, and the latter part is returning to Source, back down the path we had traveled via duality.
So, for Muggles, knowledge is a fine thing, it helps them define their Unique Separate Expression.
For Mystics, knowledge is a Trap....and Wisdom is the Goal.
If a Mystic accepts a Knowledge put forth by another, even if it was built upon archetypes of Truth..... they will lose their Path. However if they can follow the evolution of that knowledge back to it's Source Archetype...they can gain Wisdom from it. In my last life in Tibet we were taught this technique, but also one method our Teachers used that I really like is that they would put forth a just slightly embellished archetype for our contemplation, so that the journey back through it was a short one.
But for Muggles, knowledge IS the Path.
You see another problem here with the lack of understanding of the circular evolution is that Mystics might accept the idea that they are moving forward via a collected knowledge, when they are actually done with that style...that Direction of Intent.
It's important that Mystics know they are Mystics, and this is fairly rare at this point.
And a very important point is that it is very detrimental for a Mystic to Collect knowledge, because the epitome of knowledge is accessible to them for the purpose of communicating the Wisdom they have gained by discarding all Knowledge.And accepting the Current expressed knowledge, is a limitation when the epitome of knowledge is available to them through right practice. Trippy Huh?
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