Tuesday, September 29, 2020

What is Really Going on...Big Picture, Cosmic Level

 Well crap, my Soul won't let me sleep until I at least attempt this effort in Futility...but here goes. 

The world ....Creation is at a very pivotal point right now, but to try to explain it is like trying to explain Columbus's ships to Natives that couldn't even see them because they were just too far outside of the accepted mental constructs the Natives were perceiving the world through. The thing about Truth is....you can NEVER understand it...this is a Fact. There are two relationships a person can have with Truth, One is to experience it, the other is to have an idea and feelings about it. Our society does not teach you how to experience it. Our Religions, our ,"educational systems" our parents our media our cultures All simply dictate IDEAS about the Truth. None are the Truth. And the problem with the Truth is, when it is actually experienced, it's sooo awesome that a person feels compelled to share it.....he he, but alas, to share it it must be clothed in words and concepts which instantly downgrades the Truth, to an idea about the Truth. 

What I am about to speak of is beyond the....ideas, beyond the mental and emotional paradigms that define the realities of 99.9999999% of the population. Our cultures, our schools, our media and our parents and our religions have all defined the limits of our ability to perceive through ideas.....everything we come to, "understand" must filter through our previous understandings.....most of what I'm about to say is not within that understanding of the masses previous programming.....so....this is difficult. But to many people right now, at this pivotal time, what I am about to say is VERY Important. 

OK, let's not waste some of your time. Do you consider yourself a, "spiritual" or a materialistic person? Do you seek Peace within your Soul, or do you seek Stuff to insulate you from your fears and define who you are somewhere hopefully closer to Pleasure then Pain?  

OK, I gotta lay out the first little bit of groundwork here, to make it more possible to grasp the final points . The first Truth that needs to break through all the previous programming (and there has been a lot on this subject that is contrary to what I'm about to say) is, The Evolution of the Human Soul.... is Circular...  it is not a linear ascension as we have been led to believe, and even forced to believe for thousands of years. Mystics have referred to the evolution of the human soul as a wheel that turns in one direction, then once that turn is completed, it turns back upon itself......So I'm going to explain once again as I probably have in many previous posts how this evolution works.  

When a Soul firsts comes into being it has one job to do, it has a singular motivation, an uncontrollable Urge. This urge is to ,"Create a Unique Separate Expression" within the body of the All. It is given a tool to do this, and that tool is Duality....the Pairs of Opposites. You gotta bite into that apple in the Garden to even begin your souls journey.... sorry, part of the Plan... "Good/Bad", Pleasure/Pain. It begins a long journey of defining itself by chasing and collecting what feels good to it, and shunning and avoiding at all cost what feels bad. This is it's Sacred Duty.  Mankind, based in Duality has come to call the Soul at this stage of development, "the Ego". And sadly they have Demonized it, because of course it is ,"self serving" and it's methods they find questionable, and their religions and spiritual systems all....Judge it, based in duality....as basically ,"Bad". Satan is the construct, the archetype of this conception. But in Truth, the ego, is the soul.....only during the first turn of the evolutionary wheel where the task is making that Unique SEPARATE expression. We did not come here to all be the same, our first task is not to be the same, it's to be a entirely new experience...new expression within the whole, UNIQUE.   

This is the first ,"turn of the wheel"....but a point comes when this turn completes itself, it is when the Soul is at deepest density, sometimes referred to as deepest density in Form......though this can be misleading as "form" here means not just physical, but mental and emotional as well. Now I call this evolutionary landmark, "Culmination".   

Once a Soul has culminated, once it has totally collected it's description of itself via duality, once it has made it's unique separate expression to completion....the wheel begins to turn in the opposite direction. This is where historically we begin calling the Soul, the Soul....and Not the Ego, because now it's, "the good guy." Leading us towards unity based upon Love, rather then leading us to that Separate expression based upon fear and desire. 

But guess what, that's all Bullshit...that is the Duality trap that no longer serves the evolution after the soul has culminated. Guess what, the entire Journey, up to and leading back from Culmination....is ALL SACRED, all part of the Plan...the Law that Rules all of Creation. Once the soul has culminated we must stop Judging within Duality, it only now will hinder us on the Path....where it once was our Guide.  Do you understand this. This understanding is essential for us to gain True Compassion.  We have all collected via fear , and pleasure, and desire......and in that collecting we would let little hinder us...we had our ,"sacred task" ....and it might have been very outwardly ,"destructive". BUT, essentially it was constructive as it led us to that ,"Unique Separate Expression" that was our Sacred Goal at the time.

So, we culminated....and the wheel reverses, now we are involved in a process of discarding what we collected via duality, our focus will switch from Fear/Desire based, to Love based. I mean it naturally makes this shift, but we are still embroiled in the duality that created that description that we call our self. The Journey now is back to Unity......

OK, so there is a little more groundwork necessary for future steps into this .........

Here comes the next really big ......JUMP.

It is not only the individual souls that go through this process.

OH, yeah.....if you are one of the souls still working through duality to define yourself, if you are still basing your choices on Fear....and desire.....you can quit reading now....what I have to say is not needed by you for your evolution just yet, go about your business. Later..

Next Big Jump,

God is Everything...

Not some super hero in the sky with all the human attributes we'd like to put on him via our dualistic view. 

Every Soul is like a cell in God's body.  

Without us, there is no God....and without God, there is no us....

We are all the co-creators...... I know this is way way beyond some of the programming most folks have. "God" has been used as a tool of control for so long that the whole idea of God as some super hero....sitting outside of everything pulling the strings.....is actually embedded in the DNA of most folks, so many of you won't make it past here......

Anybody left????    Hello.....

And Now for one more Big One.....

Just as we evolve, we collect, we culminate....we return.....and then roll on again....

So does God.

A few religions have recognized this......but not many.

Now here's the clencher....

Remember the Mayan Calendar ......remember how it just went to a certain point....not long ago, then ended.

Well, that was the point where, "God"......or I'd rather use the term, Creation.......Culminated.

OK, Next one.... Reincarnation is REAL..... a fact of this Creation and essential at that.

AND, it's not just our individual souls that evolve, are Reincarnated..... so does all of Creation.

 God Reincarnates.

Right now Creation is at a point of Deepest Density.....

This time has been called by Mystics, "the Quickening".

What exactly is ,"the Quickening?".

OK, well you could on one hand say that, Creation has reached Critical Mass....it has Culminated....it has reached deepest density. 

You could actually say, esoterically speaking, "it has hit the wall".

Up until now Creation had been expanding outwardly from the Center, from the first spark...and it's had a free for all....But just as there is an end point to each of our individual souls possible expansion , so the ALL of Creation has an endpoint...,"the Wall" that it hits.  BUT, not every single cell within that has culminated yet..... very many are still expanding and projecting new creations (we won't go further into this yet).... But once the Wall of All Creation was hit, in preparation for the return trip and eventual re-birth..... the continued expansion and projections within the All creates a Pressure on the whole..... all those souls that have not yet culminated are....pressured into hyperspeed in order to finish their first task....HMMM??? not the best explanation...

Creation is built within duality....a balance of Light and Darkness..... once the All of Creation hits the wall, that Darkness and Light, due to the pressure of those "cells" which are still expanding and projecting......is compressed. The Light becomes Brighter, and the Darkness becomes Denser. And "Time" speeds up.

This is ,"the Quickening" 

This is where we are in the world today.

The Light is becoming Brighter, the Darkness is becoming denser. 

Those souls still seeking to define themselves via duality, still making their collection based in Desire and Fear....are in HYPERDRIVE....so that whole "destructive" aspect of "ego" is also in hyperdrive. That part of duality called ,"evil" has never been Greater. But the same goes for that part called, "good" has never been Brighter.

We don't see a lot of the "good" part because the, "bad" part controls the systems that attempt to control our perceptions for their own benefit.

The Darkness wants Company, it's scary and lonely there and the Light.....threatens it, or rather it feels threatened by the Light. So it does everything it can to quench the Light, and build the Darkness.

Hello Frequency Manipulation Weapons in the form of ,"5G", wi-fi, chemical and biological compounds that destroy Life and mental and emotional programming designed to keep people in frequencies of Fear and anger etc.

But these are not a matter of real concern right now.

"Did he seriously say that those were not a matter of concern right now?"

Yep, that's what I said...

So what is?

OK, so...,"the Quickening" has this dual attribute, depending upon where on the wheel of evolution a person is....well, really one attribute that manifests differently. This aspect is......hyper manifestation.....

Right now we are creating our own personal realities....and our Group Constructs which will fall under two categories, Heavens....and Hells.....at a very amplified speed...Where we put our energy....is what we will create for ourselves and our group of allied souls.  Are we building in Fear.....or Love.....

Are we seeking to satisfy temporary desires and quell imagined Fears, or seeking to have greater Unity and Peace.

Here's the thing. If we live for Peace, if we seek quiet of mind and emotion.....we will come to find ourselves in a Peaceful world of well, scary instant manifestation abilities.....he he...seriously..."Did I just think that and it appeared?"

But if we cling to the old Duality that is Blasted at us from devices controlled by very dense dark Souls with, "evil" intentions.....we will find ourselves living in a Hell, with them.

The Answer now, to a Bright future......is a bright present.  The way to a bright present, is through Peace of Mind and emotion.

If you don't meditate now....Start.

Find Peace within..... 

Do not be swayed by the aberrant frequencies projected via satellites and towers and words and Illusions that are the tools of those who fear your Light. 

Shine in the darkness and you will find a Bright Beautiful place to live.

Be distracted by the Darkness....and you will live in darkness.

Fear is their primary tool of control....... 

so find Peace....... you have been led to believe that the Fear will protect you from what you fear, that the Fear equates with awareness of those fearful things.....but rather it embroils you with those fearful things. You can be aware of the evil designs....without fearing them....and only by fearless awareness will you be able to extricate yourself from the Hell they are creating and live in the Heaven that is your birthright.

Now is the time to make the choice. Do we cling to the old Dualistic Controls, or do we Seek Freedom from Control.    Hell, or Heaven...... the choice is now, and better make it before the manifestation is dialed in. You are not judged and put in these places by some external super-hero....as everything else in Creation, it's all about Frequency....vibration. 

Deeply dense fear based low vibration begets a deeply dense fear based low vibratory Hell...... A light filled High Vibration begets Heaven...... So we must firmly choose NOW, and act accordingly. 

Here's another little tip....we were programmed to believe that if we were bad we'd spend an ETERNITY in Hell, and if we were good, Heaven....... There is an interesting aspect of these realms, and where this.....misunderstanding originated from.

In the Heaven and Hell realms what we call, "Time" is totally different then it is here.....

Once I was doing what I call, "yoga of the death state"..... basically going through the death process without dying.....and I cheated, went against my Teachers strong instructions not to be distracted by ANYTHING out there, not the heavens or hells or constructs floating around. I am an Aries in this life...willful and curious, so as I had a habit of doing, I cheated and put my attention on one of these realms....HOLY CRAP !   Jeff as we know him was gone, I was in this whole other world (like the past in a culture where rich folks wear powdered wigs and have crazy parties with silver and orchestras playing and servants etc. I was this different person, with a different everything, and totally comfortable in that world, going right along with my life totally oblivious to the body back in this world meditating.... A whole lifetime rolling along until my Teachers pulled me out....Whew !  The thing is that time in those realms has a different momentum....so what can seem like an eternity "there".....is seconds "here".  I say this to take the edge off the fact that Creation is going to die and reincarnate ,"soon".....People are pretty freaked out by oblivion..... 

When we die there are 4 choices of Direction, so to speak. First there are Heaven and Hell realms...I'm counting that as 2, then there is our ,"construct".....this is a whole other subject, but it's what folks who have major unresolved stuff tend to look back upon and be bound to (this is the Law of the "Inbetween Time" which I call the death process realm.....it's actually the astral plane but that word has too many.....triggers for some folks. So, the Unresolved Souls basically become attached to their previous selves...."Ghosts"..... that's the third choice....and the final choice, that which my Teachers told me was my Only choice.....was the Light. Everything else they said was a distraction.  The Light Purifies.....everybody passes through that between lives, but sometimes the,"time" they spend there is very short. In Heaven's and Hells we have a consciousness to relate to, a pattern of who we have come to believe we are....the Light overshadows that and kind of destroys it....the longer we stay there, the more it destroys it....hence, my Teachers taught me this whole Yoga of Dying so I could learn not to be distracted, to go to the Light....and to stay there as long as possible......  It was very difficult for the people in my Life because every time I came back to my body, after spending time in the Light....I was a totally different person....the programming that had previously defined me, had been burned away in degrees. But I'm getting distracted here from the main tenet of this writing....

Well , maybe not...it's important to realize that the choice of Heaven requires that we relinquish that which holds us to Hellish things.....and the Light is greatly amplified right now, if we can Accept it and go to it and spend as long as possible in it.....the density that exists within us will be enlightened......we will be changed....and we must allow that of ourselves and others.....We are NOT on this trip alone....we travel in Groups, even if we don't see this.....

OH, and I don't know if I said this already but, "the Light" is NOT the opposite of what we see as the Darkness. The Light is NOT the white part of the yin yang.....The Light is Behind and within the yin and the yang..... it is at the heart of and end of duality...... 

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