Sunday, April 17, 2022

A Souls Evolution...and the, "SHIFT"


A Souls Evolution... and The Shift

It's been a long time coming.
We've waited and waited.

But the Time is Now.

As the Dark Storm swirls,

the Illusion loudly proclaiming,

This is Real.”

A long time ago, we played along,

dancing in a Dream.

But it wasn't really our Dream.

At least now, looking back

we'd really like to believe that.

For thousands of years we've been compliant,

with the Dream we were told was Real.

A dream that was conjured

by the Dark Ones....

and quietly behind that ….

the Dream that comes from our Souls.

But we danced their Swirling Dance in

what, in quiet moments our Souls

were finally able to show us....

Was no longer our Dream.

And we saw the damage being done,

to the Souls of Mankind...

It was all about creating,

a Unique, Separate, Self...”

Thousands of years spent defining who we are.

Pleasure and Pain were our Guides...

Duality was our Master...

and this was as it was meant to be.....


But a point came where we reached

maximum density in our definition.

The Mystics call this,

maximum density in Form..”

And at that point,

at the epitome of years of collecting pieces

that based upon our unique flux

between the Pair of Opposite's,

we decided were Good.

And all those things we avoided,

yet by our avoidance

carry within ourselves,

that we called, “Bad”.

Back and Forth we collected

and repelled.

We kept collecting and collecting,

defining and defining...

and each collection was like another color and hue,

added to canvas of the painting we called,


And we kept adding and adding

until there were so many colors all piled upon each other....

so much so that we became denser....

A point finally came where we could collect no more,

there was no place left to put that color,

we were all filled in....DONE.

At this point,

the Wheel of Evolution

for a brief moment,

comes to a stop..

It's like we are at the top of a Ferris Wheel,

but it can't go any further..

the air in front of us is so thick,

like a dark wall....

It's a wall of everything we have collected

within Duality,

to Define our Reality...

It's a Solid wall.

And when we come to this Point,

we're just sooo freaking

Done with It...

This is a difficult spot.

The ,”Dark Night of the Soul”

I call this,

Culmination in Form”..

I call folks here at this stage,

The Fence Sitters”.

Because they are no longer

pushing themselves to deeper density,

to culmination in Form.....

but they don't really know

what to do now.....

I imagine a lot of Suicides happen at this point.

But this is where that Ferris Wheel

begins to turn Backwards.

The Wheel of that Souls Evolution,

turns back upon itself...

You could call it, “

Changing Directions”.

Because what happens is,

we turn around to see what all brought us here....

And we see through the multi colored dark clouds,

a bright Light...

And our Soul Remembers,

That is where we came From.

The Beginning and End of our Journey.

And now we are not adding to the Density of our Reality,

but rather going back through all we have collected,

and letting them go,

by releasing the dualistic notions/judgments,

that held them within our Definition...

denying them their Truth,

and denying us the Truth of Them.

So as we release these things,

the Light we see on the other side,

keeps getting Brighter....

We are discarding the Illusions we had painted upon Truth.

Our goal is no longer a ,

Unique Separate Expression....

Now it is Unity with the Light.

So some of us have been Seeking the Light,

for Lifetimes.

And during that time we became less constrained by

the Density and weight of the old Definitions.

We have gained certain Powers,

our Insight and Intuition is now a guiding factor.

Despite what the Dark Ones have done,

to Quell the Insight and intuition with their

Poisons like Fluoride and Aluminum to name just a couple,

that destroy Insight by attacking that Pineal Center.

And they destroy Intuition with all their

omnipresent Aberrant Frequencies

from Towers and Electrical Outlets

and Freakin Outer Space .

And for thousands of years if we were to

Let that Light and Truth Shine,

they'd freaking burn us to death, ostracize us, torture us,

unless we agree to climb back into their

very dense and small Definition of Reality.

We Faked it,

been faking it for Centuries....

But now it's time to Let it Be.


Be Magical,

Dance with Spirit...

Listen to the Silence...

and BE FREE...

Now it's not like they aren't still going to Fear you...

It's not like they won't still want to shut down that Light,

that shows all their Shadows....

and they don't much like that.

But....they are Freaking Destroying Humanity,

and our Sacred Planet...

to Feed their Density...

Which by the way,

because of certain Cosmic Features we'll discuss later,


So it's a Crazy Free for All of

Fear, Greed, stupidity......

of Duality's attempt to Assert itself,

to shut out that embarrassing Light.

But it is NOW the Time to SHINE.

We've waited,

we've hidden,

even from ourselves.

More people out there are ready to Shine Free

then even Know it..

Yep, maybe you feel that you Lost the Magic,

you played along so long you got caught up in the Game..

But the fact is,

It's just a Shift Away.

The Light is a Frequency that is Everything.

It contains Everything.

All those minor hues and colors that the Dark Ones

try to throw on our Canvas's.

Fade away in the Light...

At some point in a Souls evolution,

it Culminates in Form.

It has a very Unique Frequency/Color

at maximum density.

And in that is Separated from

every other Unique separate soul.....

and the Light.

All of these Canvas's of Unique colors and frequencies....

that we called, “Ourselves”....


Make the LIGHT.

Ponder that.

Chicken or the Egg?

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