Sunday, April 17, 2022

Your Life is Ruled by Demons


Your Life is Ruled by Demons

Except for maybe one person in Billions, this is a Fact. But for you to understand this, for me to be able to communicate how this is to you, is almost entirely impossible. For humans to come to understand anything, it must have some context in their current operating definition of reality. We build our understandings piece by piece, idea added to previous ideas to make some sense of the world where we live. But if there is no context in our definition for something outside of our definition, it is impossible to grasp it. The subject here of Demons has little to nothing of context in your current reality, so to understand it is like learning a whole new language, so that there is some context. So as difficult as it is to understand, it is equally difficult to explain, without teaching you a whole new language, so there is a context for it. The other problem is that it is IMPOSSIBLE to know the Truth, via ideas..... ideas can help lead us there, but Truth can only be known....OUTSIDE of Ideas. The first thing you would have to do is throw out anything you might currently think on the subject of Demons..... can you do that for a time?

And I must say up front here, something that will be clarified in the last paragraph. For some people Demons are Allies and aid their Evolution, for others they are like prison wardens that keep us from our Freedom.

So in order to explain how you are ruled by Demons first you need to really understand what a Demon is....where it comes from....and this is not a short explanation....

Let's start here: Everything that exists is based in frequency. It's built upon energetic matter that is built upon energetic non-matter. The inherent frequency of anything is not the same as the frequency of a thing as we perceive it...It changes by the application of our thought and emotion to it. This is finally being proven by Quantum Physics. But it has been known to some for many thousands of years.

A primary Law in this Reality is that Energy/frequency follows thought and emotion... This is the key to Creation. Reality is built upon Energy/frequency and by the way it has been defined via the thought and emotion that has been applied to it. Everything that we, “know” has the frequency of our thought and emotion defining it. There is no Truth in our knowing of a thing, there is only a definition...and definitions only serve to obscure the base Truth of things. What we, “know” of any thing, and of our conception of Reality is a Frequency that we have determined based upon all our prior, “Knowing”. Our conception of Reality is a conception, an idea....which is Totally different from the Truth.

Now to understand what a Demon is, we need to understand one of the most hidden Esoteric Truths....I call it ,”the Construct”. In my past life and early in this one I was taught a Practice called, “ Yoga of the Death State”, which was going through the process of Death, without actually having the cord that binds us to our bodies, severed. It was here, in what I came to call the, “Inbetween Time” that I learned about the Constructs generally.....and about our Personal Constructs by …..Cheating, by doing things my Teachers warned me not to do. I am an Aries, I make a lousy student, because I rebel against being told what to do....So I learned things I wasn't meant to learn, but also really set myself back almost an entire lifetime....

So let me first give a simple and concise definition of a Construct: A Construct is an Entity/Creation built upon astral and mental matter.

OK, let's break this down. One of the most basic Laws of Creation is that any prolonged willful application of the mind and emotions to an idea, will eventually manifest something....there is no getting around this Law, it's at the heart of Everything that is....and will be. And to take this one step further, that which is created by mind and emotion and Will, will eventually break free from the, “Creator” and have a Life of it's own.......

Now I realize all this will be difficult for some folks to grasp simply because the Paradigms they are currently operating from will Rebel against it, in fact humans have been fed so much BULLSHIT about the Nature of Reality for so long that the Bullshit has incorporated itself not just in their belief systems, but also their DNA....and even more a problem is that the Demons that literally Bind them, will not allow their minds to venture into areas outside of the Demons control.

Now there are thousands, probably millions of different kinds of Demons, but I think they fall into basically two categories. Demons with a Purpose, and Demons that simply exist, and control simply by the intensity of their frequency, but without any real Intention.( I might be wrong here). OK, I still haven't explained exactly what a Demon is and where it comes from. But I promise I will get to it.

Now something that might sound scary is the fact that each of us, except maybe brand new young Souls, has a personal Demon that literally follows us everywhere. Let me explain. Remember that Law of Creation, where prolonged thought and emotion applied to something was destined to Manifest something? Well consider just how much thought and emotion has gone into defining who we are, over many lifetimes....Ourselves and how we define ourselves and feel about ourselves, and every single person that has ever had a thought or emotion about us.....I don't think you can even imagine the shear amount of creative energy that all that amounts to...And it has no choice whatsoever but to manifest something....That something I call the Construct....Don Juan, the Medicine man called this, “The Double”. Now this Construct you could say follows behind us, on the astral plane. When we die, it is behind is an energetic representation of who we WERE..... Just a couple of side notes here: when people have near death experiences and believe they see their dearly departed's Souls, what they are actually seeing is their ,”Constructs”. We have no connection to our dearly departed's souls until a much later stage in the death process, and folks going through NDE's usually don't make it that far. Another interesting factoid is that ,”Ghosts” become Ghosts because they have done something not common during the death experience, and that is....they Looked Back and saw their Construct behind the Inbetween Time Frequency and Magnetism are major factors, and where we place our consciousness...and where our frequency is vibrating....we will be Drawn to that (or vice-versa....all about perspective)... So, generally speaking when we ,”die” our Soul is on what you might call a forward momentum....unless we have some major unfinished stuff, we don't look back. There is just too much in front of us, and there is a natural momentum that happens as our consciousness travels through the,”Tunnel” (which is the spinal column in physical terms)... The death process takes place primarily in the Astral Plane, until the very last part. The tunnel is where we encounter the Constructs of those we knew, and also the Heaven and Hell Realms which are also Constructs. Now there is an interesting aspect of the Heaven and Hell realms that I'll mention here because it is relevant when understanding the nature of Constructs and Demons. This is yet another thing I learned by, Cheating”. My Teachers purpose in showing me the Death process was to show me how to Navigate it to the most benefit of my Souls Evolution...and their Primary rule was....DO NOT DODDLE, do not let my consciousness settle upon ANYTHING in that realm, except that tiny Point of Light on the other side... That was the goal, and the task was to remain in that Light as Long as possible....Well, that was GREAT and all, except for the fact that I wasn't dead and going into that Light each time so drastically changed me that before and after each time I was a totally different person.....and that really started to FREAK OUT my loved ones to the point of Hysteria....I became a clear mirror, and few can stand before a clear mirror. In fact I was Begged by the person I loved the most in the world to, “go back to who I was”..And after they promised to ,”come to the Light “ with me (since at the point when they freaked out and begged me to go back, I was in a Timeless Place and saw all their future choices, and saw the ones that would distract their Souls from a path to the I figured I could help them avoid the distractions....And, since I had, Cheated” and learned about the personal Constructs I ….well. Let's just say that I literally became a Ghost in a living body. I just not long ago became, “real” again. I called this my Humpty Dumpty Episode because there were some factors I didn't consider....and the whole experience seriously messed me up. I became way too psychic, had to quit my job and move into a VW bus with that woman who begged me to ,”go back to my old self”..and I had to be as far from Humans and their thoughts and emotions and infirmities as possible, because if they were within a city block or so of me....they were INSIDE me....and it was unbearable. The only place I was ,”safe” was in the Light....but that was beyond this world... In fact it all came to a head when I was working for Ma Bell in a Big Box which was their new Centrex that I was helping put in at Stanford, and I kept going into the Light. Finally I went into a bathroom stall and went into the Light.... They had to carry me out and take me home.....Weird times....Anyway, where was I before I digressed ? OH yeah, the interesting aspect of the Heavens and Hells.....they are Constructs as I said, created from Thoughts and emotions of Millions of millions of people, and they have this thing , that I suppose is akin to what we call, “Time” here in this realm. I call it, “Momentum”... You step into these realms and it's like an undertow pulls you in and along.... and where you end up there is totally dependent upon your unique frequency and how it aligns with things in that realm....The ,”Law of Attraction” is greatly amplified in every part of the InBetween time. Now I should mention here that most of what people have been fed about Heaven and Hell is total Bullshit, but does have a tad of Truth to it. It is not about being bad or good that determines where you go, it's about Frequency. There is not some judgmental super hero in the sky that determines where you go, AND very importantly, it is NOT for Eternity. Though I'll tell you that ,”time” is very different there, and what feels like an Eternity ( I lived a very detailed and encompassing life there, totally with no consciousness of who I was back in my body was a totally different reality, but when I was there, it was as real as what we call reality here. My Teachers pulled me out...and what had seemed like an entire lifetime spent there, had been seconds in our time...... But what happened next taught me why they had told me NOT to go there, and it's hard to explain, but it showed me how easily we are DUPED by Constructs via frequency....

So now I am going to say something that every fiber in your being will rebel against.

All major Ideologies and Religions have a Demon that controls the adherents to those ideologies and religions. Sorry, it's true...and if you thought for a few moments about what I have said so far, you would understand this. I will also tell you that every communicable disease is basically a Demon..... but unlike our personal Demons and the Demons of Ideologies.....these have a specific purpose, which is actually good and necessary. But that it a whole other long treatise of explanation, and not what you might think. So, how can I say that your main belief systems have Demons, that control you?

OK, so remember how prolonged thought and emotion about us as a person created our, “Double”, our Construct...Well just for a moment imagine just how much mental and emotional energy has gone into your Religion for example. Millions upon millions of people believing a narrowly defined Description... People putting their whole hearted belief and faith behind these IDEAS. All the Energy of Millions of Souls focused upon just this one system, this one conglomerate of congealed ideas..... THAT is a lot of Creative energy, more then goes into our personal Constructs....and that is a lot. By Law something must be built upon these defined frequencies of thought, and emotion, and will, and Love. There is no way in Creation that a Construct is NOT formed upon all these different belief systems, all of which have a generally defined Unique Frequency. Every thought, every building block of the Ideology has a unique energetic signature, and combined they create a Symphony of Frequency that defines that Belief System.....and the Construct that comes from it. Demons do not create belief systems, they are created from the belief systems...and the Reason I call them, “Demons” is this.... They bind you, they control your movement, they control your beliefs, they imprison your Souls.... OK, so now I lost most of you, but for those gaining control over their Demons that are still here, let me explain. Let's use religion as an example to really piss some people off. A person chooses a religion that ,”Speaks to them”. It resonates with thoughts and qualities that they already have....Nobody becomes a religious person because of religion, they are already a religious person, and seek and find a ,”religion” that resonates with what they feel in their hearts, minds and emotions already. So, their personal religion, that which is inherent in the person they are ….even without identifying with an ,”outer” religion.....resonates at a certain frequency....then they seek out some organized religion that they can further resonate with... Now every major religion has this incredibly energetic Construct/Demon that is an amplification of the Frequency of that particular ,”Religion”... It is a very intensely strong vibration that was built upon beliefs of millions upon millions of people. It literally has the power to draw in those who resonate at a similar frequency, much like the ,”Momentum in Heaven and Hell realms that I mentioned. It amplifies the frequencies that the religion was built upon and that are part of the make up of the ,”believers” of that particular religion. It locks you in to the DESCRIPTION that is defined by the frequencies, making it very difficult to free yourself from the Description, so that you might know the TRUTH. Remember, a description is NEVER the Truth and only serves to deny us of the Truth. Of course every Believer in every religion believes their set of ideas are the TRUTH, and this has a lot to do with the Demon.

People that believe in Vaccines are like a religion , it is an ideology that has been built upon emotions and ideas that have been fed by the fears and desires of Millions upon millions of people. In fact all Religions and ideologies have Fear and Desire at their roots. This is why you may have noticed that it's impossible to waver a person from the belief in Vaccines, or their Savior of Choice..... Because they are virtually spinning within the frequency that defines that belief system and that is amplified within them and transmitted by the Demon created from their particular belief system. It's like our Ideologies are whirlpools of resonant frequencies that restrict us from expanding to other frequencies that are outside and beyond them. Our evolution is more hampered by our Beliefs then anything else, this is a basic fact. It's like we find this comfortable box that is decorated in a way that makes us feel more secure from our Fears, and in some way fulfills some desire we have, so we crawl into these boxes and feel safe.....and the boxes are kept strong and maintained very well by these Demons...... Why would we want to leave, we are comforted here....This is what we believe, this resonates with my being......

But the thing is these ideologies ALL imprison us, they Limit our view to them, and little that is outside of them will we even consider.... This is NOT Freedom.

Now in the earliest part of a Souls evolution we are not seeking freedom, we are in fact seeking a comfortable security within a definition of who we are. The first task of EVERY single Soul is to find it's, “Unique Separate Expression” ...and it does this via the Tool it has been given, which is Duality. It seeks Pleasure and it avoids pain, and it defines itself in a world via it's collection of IDEAS, it colors itself in varied frequencies, it defines itself as a Separate Being, Unique.....And that is how it is meant to be, and for these Souls Ideologies and Religions serve very well in coloring out that description. HOWEVER.....a time comes in the evolution of every Soul, that it Culminates it's separate expression, it reaches critical mass in it's ,”form” it's description of it's separate self built within duality.....and at that point the wheel of the Souls evolution turns back upon itself. The Religious man becoming the Spiritual man. The Goal of the Soul shifts from seeking that separate unique expression in all the colors and Frequencies of the world of seeking Oneness, in the Light.

And any Soul past the turning point of the Wheel, MUST free itself of all the Demons.

This is where self honesty is very very important. In your life what is more important to you....finding your self and seeking a comfortable Security.... or finding God. These are a Souls two tasks.... First we seek the security of a definition of ourselves and the world..... then once we've done that, we seek Freedom and Unity with God. You can not be Free and Secure at the same time.... that's just basic. Demons help Secure us so we can eventually be free, but after the point where the Wheel has Reversed upon binds us to our past, it holds us to a description and denies us the Truth. So, are you still decorating your Box, or are you done with that and seeking True Freedom. You must be honest and know that there is no judgment with either, Both are part of the sacred path of Life...But you must be honest and act accordingly for the sake of your Soul.

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