The Esoteric Truth about Virus's
Preface: To come to an understanding of the Truth about Virus's is not a simple endeavor. In fact much of the reasons this hasn't heretofore been exposed resides in our very DNA. It could honestly be stated that Humankind does Not live in Realty but rather a description of Reality. There is what you might call a Global Agreement about this description, and within that Global description there are Cultural descriptions, descriptions based upon the various religions and ideologies, “science” etc. And all of these Descriptions of Reality, which have been accepted by us all as Reality itself, have been thousands of years in the making. And the bottom line is, NONE of them are Truth.....they are only descriptions built within duality. Considering these have been built over thousands of years, to the point that much of the description is embedded in our DNA, it can be a monumental task to break free of the descriptions that bind us, and make impossible the task of knowing Truth. And this task of knowing the Truth, outside of the description has never really been of interest to many, beyond the Sages and Saints. Humanity has always sought what they call ,”Truth”....within their Description. Science and Religion and all of the various ideologies have very systematically sought to Define Truth, and convince us all of that Definition. The problem is, as I must have stated by now..... a description of Truth is NOT Truth, in fact it could be said that the biggest impediment to Knowing Truth, is the definitions we've been so ardently fed. Our ideas about Truth....are NOT Truth. And we have built our entire conceptions of Reality, based upon ideas. And we can not come to Know the Truth, unless we can free ourselves from our most strongly held and dearly loved ideas. YIKES! This is only even possible, or useful, for a certain portion of the population. So, this subject, of knowing the Truth about Virus's will only be possible or useful for some of those reading this short treatise. And to say that we are going to come to the Truth about virus's via this treatise would also be an incorrect statement because we are using language and ideas to convey......another idea. It is only ever possible to know Truth. As long as we are thinking about it, we are simply forming more ideas about it. So the search for the Truth of a thing is really only a search for something closer to the Truth. And contrary to the way our current, “sciences” and religions work, that process is NOT one of adding idea upon idea upon idea to come to a conclusion that we will call a ,”scientific discovery” or a belief. The process of getting closer to the Truth, is actually the opposite of that. The Truth of any thing is actually what existed before we tried to define it with our ideas and beliefs. The Truth of a thing lies Before all that. So to get closer to the Truth is a process of Removing all those ideas and beliefs that have Defined the Truth idea about it.
I mentioned earlier that the knowledge of the Truth of virus's is only ,”USEFUL” to a certain portion of the population, now why would this be? In order to understand this we first have to Undo what is a very major facet in many peoples description of Reality. We must come to a understanding of the Nature of the Evolution of the human Soul which is closer to the Truth then the most commonly held ones. This is a difficult one because, even in those who haven't really even considered the topic, there has been enough mental and emotional energy fed into a False idea over a thousand years, that for some the mis belief is deeply embedded into the very fabric of their Reality...or conception thereof. So much of our conception and agreement about Creation as we Believe it to be, is actually embedded in our DNA, and this is a very difficult bond to break in our search for Truth. But alas, to understand the subject we are considering here, and to come to an understanding closer to the truth on this (and so many other things), we need to readjust our definition of , and understanding of.....the Evolution of the Human Soul.
Now what most of us have embedded deeply in our conception of this matter is that a Soul is sort of like climbing a ladder, always becoming more aware, and closer to God. The, “stairway to heaven” has gained archetype status in our collective reality, and it has ZERO basis in Truth. Once we understand the true nature of it, and not until we do, will we be able to come to a point of REAL Compassion.
So, here it is: I am pasting this in from something I wrote on the subject some time ago....
What people call Truth,
is mostly just opinion.
There are however immutable Laws
that Govern this Creation we are in.
And most of these Laws have been subverted...
Have been buried or distorted.
Most humans on the planet now,
have during the course of their Incarnations,
taken abuse, sometimes very harsh,
at the hands of Religions and Ideologies
which wish to control the
definition of Truth,
for their own Motives.
The amount of suffering and downright terror
inflicted upon millions upon millions
in order to get them to....
subscribe to a Lie....
has actually embedded itself in the DNA
of the masses.
It has become very difficult for folks to face the Truth,
or even consider it,
because the embedded pain
keeps them in check.
When I first finally "Saw" what i am about to tell you,
it was beyond difficult...
Convulsions were a bi-product of the Light
exposing the Darkness that wanted to maintain itself.
We have been programmed on very deep levels,
by ideologies that actually have,
due to all the energy of emotion and thought
that went into and goes into maintaining them,
Created what you can call Ideological Entities...
These are manifestations,
Constructs, that resonate at very defined frequencies.
We are raised a certain way,
we have evolved through time to come to our beliefs.
And these beliefs almost always sync with
certain ideologies that have now,
become something like energetic shadows....
These shadows are like a tuning fork...
a huge freakin tuning fork,
and they are drawn to
and people are drawn to them
when their resonance is in common....
thereby strengthening the resolve,
the perceived reality of every person
and their connections to specific ideologies.
What I am saying is that our Programming
is very hard to escape.
And around these "constructs" of ideologies,
Minions take on the task of
supporting them.
These minions rule Governments and Religions...
So what I am about to tell you will be difficult
for you to accept....
But nevertheless it is Law...
It is an immutable Law in this Creation where we exist.
This is The Law of Evolution of the Human Soul
OK, so we've been led to believe that
Human Evolution is
a linear ascension.
That it is a staircase we climb,
becoming more spiritual with each step.
This comes in handy for Duality where we can look down on those
below us on the staircase,
and look up to those above us.
But it's a Lie
Now here is the Truth,
Mystics have known this for Ages...
and we know what happens to the Mystics....
Awareness is not allowed...
They suffer and die at the hands of the Minions.
The Truth is,
The evolution of the human soul
is circular..
You know, there are not a lot of straight lines in Nature..
Lots of circles and spirals though.
Evolution is Circular,
The Mystics describe it as a wheel turning one way,
then back upon itself...
Here's how it works:
We come into creation with a Prime Directive...
Our souls job at that point is to,
Unique Separate Expression.
Looking to fill it's unique position in the Web of
It All.
It does this through the tool it has been given to accomplish it...
That tool is DUALITY.
Good/Bad, Pleasure/Pain,FEAR and DESIRE.
It seeks what it believes is good and pleasurable,
and shuns that which it believes is Bad/ Painful.
It runs from that it Fears,
and chases what it Desires.
This is the process of ALL SOULS
heading towards, "Culmination in Form".
No soul has ever escaped this,
not Jesus, or Mohammed, or Buddha...
It's an immutable Law.
This is where we gather our definitions of ourselves..
And it's pretty freakin self centered,
in fact "spiritual folks" have renamed the soul
at this stage, "Ego".
(This is another Lie)
The Soul and the Ego are
the very same thing,
only going in different directions on the Wheel.
Both pushing us forward in our evolution.
First towards a Unique Separation,
then back to Unity...
Greed, Lust, avarice, hatred, fear, desire....
these guide us to our unique separate expression.
But a time comes where we,
(seen esoterically),
fill our position in the Web...
where we reach Maximum density.
Where we are done finding our Unique Separate Expression.
The wheel halts.
People temporarily lose direction..
Chasing desire and running from fear was easy...
but they are done with that,
Now What?
Now comes the Undoing,
the Wheel reversing back upon itself.
The Direction has changed.
The collection is now seen,
beyond the duality that collected it...
Judgments that defined us,
no longer bind us...
as now our direction is one of facing them
with love,
not fear or desire....
I define "True Compassion" as
"the Heartfelt Realization that We Are All Together One Thing".
True Compassion is not possible within Duality,
where we judge this and that...
And unless we understand the true nature of Human evolution,
I don't believe True Compassion is possible.
Those folks still collecting via Desire and Fear,
still self-centered as they MUST be to complete their task...
We were them, or are them.....
They are doing what they must
to fill their unique positions in the Web...
Who knows what we did in past lives,
or even this one,
seeking that Unique SEPARATE expression,
that was our souls purpose.
The Wheel of evolution turns first
into greater separation,
then reverses back into
Greater Unity.
That's the Plan Stan,
pointless to get upset about it,
there's no changing it..
For those still culminating in form,
the best they can be hoped to do is,
cause as little harm as possible.
For those on the flip side,
letting go of the dualistic judgments that once defined you,
is your current task...
If we get too emotional about what,
"they are doing"..
we've lost...
I know how it is, you feel like,
someone has got to do it...
Like what you are aware of makes you responsible for it....
Yes, this is true,
Responsibility does not mean
jumping in the Shit Soup
to try and save the folks there...
Cause, hey, that put you there now
in the poop with em.
This is where we need to learn the difference between
True Discrimination.... and Judgement.
True Discrimination is simply awareness,
devoid of emotion,
and where the mentality comes in
after the fact....
to plot a constructive course...
Judgment is simply a dualistic notion
based upon our own unique programming...
And it isn't really constructive
except in aiding the
"Culmination in Form".
Human Evolution is Circular,
not A linear Ascension..
We are All One Thing...
So once we understand this Nature of human Evolution we see that for those still culminating in form, still adding to the definition of themselves via duality, an attempt to come closer to the Truth by removing the actually counter productive.
If you feel that you are still seeking Security, more then you are seeking really don't need to waste your time reading this treatise any further. You are still defining yourself within duality, as you is Law....and there is no merit in trying to do the opposite of that. You are on track.
So,three of the most misunderstood things in Creation are, God, the Evolution of and Nature of the Human Soul.....and Virus's. We have just discussed the evolution of the human soul and now we will focus on uncovering the Truth about Virus's.
The Primary reason that the Truth of all three of these things has been kept from Humanity, I'm afraid is Religions. The secondary reason is, “Science”. You see the Truth of all these these things runs contrary to the Narrative of all Mainstream Religions, and to expose the Truth about Virus's, will run contrary to the most strongly accepted tenets of Religion and our commonly accepted paradigm of Reality itself......
As long as Humanity accepts the Super Hero dude in the Sky Creator definition of God, the Truth about Virus's can not be known, because the Truth is....the Pure unvarnished Truth is.....God is All of Us, from beginning to End. And what we call Creation is a Co-creation of every entity that exists now and has ever existed. I will also briefly mention here, because it is relevant to the topic if we want to understand it, is that the Structure of the Human Soul is Crystalline. We'll talk about this more later. So, now that I have lost all the religious readers I will proceed to alienate those of a more ,”scientific” bent.
“Science” has yet to actually define what a virus is, or where they come from. It doesn't actually fit anything they think they currently understand. It's not living, it's not dead, they have never actually seen one, the germ theory has been shown to be a Hoax, but the Terrain theory has just as many holes in it. So, what's the deal. Well, first of all ,”Science” ….which we could call ,”Physical Science”, is based entirely upon......the Physical. And Virus's are ASTRAL entities. You can no longer capture a virus, then you can a Soul....and this is a fact. The current state of what we call, “Science” is bogged down because of it's obsession with the, “Physical”. Once this constricting paradigm is expanded to the point where all the bodies are recognized, much progress will be made. Humans have not just the one physical body that we can see and quantify and qualify, but also two other bodies, which are far more relevant then the Physical if we ever wish to truly understand what we call disease. Aside from the obvious Physical body we also have the Etheric body and the astral body..... Some esoteric schools might also consider the mental body as a separate body, but for our consideration that is part of the astral body. The Etheric body is the energetic body. It is the body that acupuncture is concerned with, and to a certain degree Chiropractic, but only peripherally. The Chakra system is the energetic counterpart to the physical / glandular system. This is our bodies ,”electrical system...... it is built upon FREQUENCY. Consider how our entire body is made of cells and our cells are made of atoms and the atoms are ENERGY. The state of our Etheric/Electrical Frequency body determines the quality of our Physical body. Off the top of my head I can see no diseases that actually originate in the Physical body, and yet modern medicine is obsessed with that, and seek all of their, “cures” upon the physical level. So the Etheric body determines the quality of our physical body, and therefore we might come to surmise that our diseases originate in the Etheric body....and up until the last century or so this assumption would have been TOTALLY FALSE. However thanks to electricity, and things like wi-fi and EMF's, there is now some truth in this. Our Etheric bodies are electrical....Frequency......and prior to electricity and it's myriad manifestations there were few external sources that interfered with it. These days we live in a virtual soup of aberrant (to our Etheric bodies) frequencies. The subtle electrical system that determined the quality of our Physical symptoms is under 24/7 assault. Good luck finding optimal health in that Shitstorm of aberrant frequencies. So, we might think that the cause of our diseases lies in the Etheric body because that determines the quality of our Physical Body, and on one hand that might be partially correct except that the quality of our Etheric body is determined by our Astral Body. The astral body is what defines the frequencies in our Etheric body. The astral body is entirely built in Dualistic Matter. It is sometimes referred to as the Emotional Body, but a better definition might be the Mental/ Emotional body. The fact that it is built entirely upon Dualistic Matter makes it a Karmic Liability, which is what puts it at the heart of disease. The Astral Body is built upon Trauma's , it is built upon and colored by our Fears and Desires, our Prejudices and our Obsessions. You can say that it's basic form is built upon mass agreements made within duality. The astral body is what determines the 'Colour” of our Etheric body, the Unique Frequency of our personal Etheric body. It is the Astral body that determines what you might call the quality of our Magnetism.....We've all heard about the, “Law of Attraction” which is an actual Cosmic Law in this Creation where we abide, though the Truth of this Law has been distorted by authors more intent upon making money then expanding Knowledge.
The astral body is the Source of most disease that besets Mankind. It is also what determines the quality of our Death Experience, and the realms we will pass through during that experience. (But this is a subject for a later day). Communicable disease is all Astral in origin, and to be even clearer it is a Mass Astral Creation, or to put it even better, Communicable Disease is Mass Karma working itself out.
Let's talk about where virus's come from, because...well this is the part that has flown in the face of the Religious narrative, and hasn't really even been considered by the Scientific community. WHERE DOES A VIRUS COME FROM? The most concise answer to this is, a virus is an astral creation born out of Mass Karma. What the Hell does that mean? It's not a short answer...To understand where something comes from you have to understand the Laws of Creation....nothing comes from nowhere, but ALL things come from a Mass Agreement that has been fed with mental and emotional energy. When Love is added to the equation beautiful things are created.
Now there is Something that Binds all of Creation together into One thing, some folks might like to call this, “God”, or the ,”Holy Spirit”, or Love. It binds all of Creation, it runs through all of Creation....but it is Never Separate. This can be seen by Mystics, esoterically as a Web of Golden White Light that connects all things. There are some primary attributes about it, Inertia, Love and is the Spark at the beginning and end of every Souls journey, as well as that ,Energy” that motivates the Soul...... and the Souls Creation. So understand that All Creation is a Mass Agreement with Intention, Love and Inertia motivating it's very Heart. Now within this, “Mass Agreement” there are of course different opinions...he he.....Ideas constantly battling against each other competing for the Title of which one is ,”Right”. Religions and Cultures and Ideologies all at War over their particular opinion of things. Not a one is actually any more right in the overall scheme of things, they all are simply another part of the Whole....the One that is God. But alas in their puny little boxes of narrow opinion, they will fight, kill and die to come out RIGHT. Now realize that the Whole is in Harmony, but within the whole these Ideologies are in conflict with each other....and therefore in conflict with the Whole.
There are some religions and belief systems that will tell you that if you are not in Harmony with God, you will create Disease..... well, there you go.
So, the Primary Rule of the Creative process is that, “any prolonged focused mental and emotional energy will eventually Manifest something”. Everything that is, was built upon this.
I guess I have to talk about, “Constructs” now. These are a hitherto much hidden metaphysical reality, but the time has come for their exposure, and for this current topic their understanding is essential.
What I call a ,”Construct” is an astral entity. Almost all, if not all humans have what you could call an ,”astral shadow”....I think these were what Don Juan called, “Doubles”. Here's how they work. Remember that Law of Creation about how prolonged mental and emotional (astral) energy focused over time would create a manifestation?. Well, consider how much thought and feeling has been put over lifetimes into defining that person that you call, Yourself.... Your ideas and feelings about yourself, and everybody that has ever known you, and thought about you, and had emotions related to you. Well, that is a lot of Freakin energy of manifestation....And what it creates is this like astral shadow creature that follows each of us, in astral matter on the astral plane....Not being in physical form we never see them and they are Usually only ever seen after we die, and very rarely then because they tend to be, “behind” us....and in the ,”inbetween time” as I call the death process we are generally involved in a very rapid,”forward” momentum. This is just the Nature of it. BUT, there are some Souls that are so very attached to their previous lives, that have things that are so unfinished to their astral bodies way of thinking, that they do turn around and,”look back”, and what happens is they see their Construct. And being that one of the major Laws of the astral plane, (which is where we happen to be traveling during the first part of the death process) is that,” where we put our attention....we will be drawn, “(or it will be drawn to us) it's all a matter of perspective..(The Law of Attraction or Magnetism)...By looking back at one's Construct we become attached to it, pulled into a momentum of, “who we were”.... This is what makes a ,”Ghost.”
So, this is the explanation of our personal Constructs. Now consider this, consider all the energy of thought and emotion that has gone into defining something like the Catholic Church, or Christianity, or any other religion, or Communism, or Democracy.....And remember the rule of Creation..... Yes, we have the Physical things in the world we call the accouterments of Religions, the books, the Church's, the practices etc. BUT, we also have the Astral Constructs.... And if you understand the Laws of Creation, or even just the most basic tenets of Magic you know that eventually a Creation...a Construct will become, “self motivated” once enough energy and thought has been applied. So, for every major belief system there actually exists an astral entity..( also understand that these all have a certain FREQUENCY, which is one reason people that are ingrained in their particular belief systems have such difficulty extricating themselves from them...because their beliefs are in Resonance with the Entities very strong frequency, they literally are in it's orbit) ..People won't want to hear this but you know all those folks with Near Death Experiences that see their dearly departed, or Jesus, or Krishna or Mohammed or whoever their particular upbringing defines for them to resonate with.....what they are seeing is NOT their dearly departed or their chosen saviors, they are seeing the Construct of these things, the manifestation of mass agreement. YES, there is a stage where we Might encounter the Souls of our Dearly Departed during death....But not in what is called the Tunnel, AND.....they won't appear as we ,”Knew” them....but will rather be felt as their Light Bodies....
So, where do Virus's come from? As I said, they are mass Karma working itself out, but they are also manifestations of the Constructs of our Institutions, Ideologies,Religions etc. that are NOT IN HARMONY with the whole, or each other.(which IS mass Karma) ... And few are. The Only cure for a virus is to deactivate the Construct, the astral entity that feeds it....(or the demon in old or indigenous thinking.) But in order to do that Humanity will have to give up their one pointed narrow minded obsessions with their personal chosen ideologies that run contrary to every other one pointed obsessive chosen ideology. Humans have to come to an agreement in Love that their Divisive Ideas are all equally valid within the Whole. Good luck with that! That which has divided us, is that which makes us ill. That which Unites us, Heals us. Karma is Built with Dualistic Matter...ALL Dualistic Matter MUST eventually Reconcile itself into Unity....this is the end result of the evolutionary process. But due to the circular nature of a Souls evolution, the first part being DRIVEN by duality, and therefore Karma Building....Disease , Virus's will always be a Fact of Life.
Remember I said that each of these Constructs exhibits a very unique frequency, that is in resonance with those folks that follow whatever Ideology that Construct sprang from. After all it was the energy/Frequency of their beliefs, and feelings that built that Construct. So, every Construct has a Unique Frequency.....Every ,”Virus” has a unique frequency....Every ,”Virus” has a Unique manifestation of Symptoms on the physical plane....
Over 50 years ago our Government was given a technology whereby Diseases could be isolated and ,”cured” using specific frequencies. I was shown the technology and told why I could not share it.
There were two reasons. First one was that , yes, via frequency manipulation any manifestation of diseases can be negated....BUT, like the idea behind the Science of Vaccines this does not REMOVE THE CAUSE of the disease, just the manifestation (sometimes), and the Law requires that the Karma that created the disease be worked out. Simply negating the manifestation, would force a manifestation elsewhere, possibly with a more dangerous outcome.... That was the first reason, the second reason, and one which has sadly come to pass and is in use right now is that, just as every, “disease” has a, ” Unique Energetic Signature” that can be duplicated, and negated....but also PROJECTED, so every Emotion and thought form can be isolated and duplicated......and projected
I was told to keep the information and blueprints to myself as it could (and now is) being used to project disease manifestations and mental and emotional patterns. Peoples health and thoughts and emotions are now being remotely projected via Unique isolated frequencies blasted from cell towers and satellites.
To Reiterate: A virus is Astral in Nature and people are thinking in Physical terms. This is the problem. If we want to find a virus, we need to think in terms of Frequency. Isolate via Frequency. A virus is spread via Resonance. A most concise definition of what a virus is is, It is a manifestation of Mass Karma working itself out. Every virus has a ,”unique energetic signature” which can be isolated and negated via counter frequencies. This can certainly ease suffering but like a real vaccine will NOT remove the actual cause of the problem, just the symptom....and the Cause, by Law must work itself out. The government decided to weaponize the technology instead and it is being employed via Sats and cell towers against the population as we speak. Not only does every disease have a ,”Unique energetic signature”/ frequency. But so do every emotion and thought pattern...All of these can be replicated and projected.... and this is actually what is behind the smokescreen of the whole COVD 19 False Flag.
The ,”Germ Theory” has pretty much been proven to be a Hoax, but the Terrain Theory also has some major problems that will make it impossible to be accepted by the masses. Namely, every person on the Planet knows that you can, “catch a cold”...that a, “virus” spreads from person to person....That's a big, “Duh”. It's seasonal, it'll happen within groups that gather together....that consume totally different diets and have totally different lifestyles.... So, the Terrain Theory has no good answer for this because they are still looking at things on the Physical level. So, how does a virus spread. Well the short answer is ,Via Resonance. As I mentioned a virus has a very unique frequency, the frequency is always changing slightly as it passes from person to person. So now I have to talk about the Crystalline Nature of the Human Soul. Every human Soul is like a unique crystal, each is unique but they all share certain basic characteristics, certain Facets you could say.....are built upon certain frequencies that they have in common. These frequencies are expressed right down to our DNA. Now think about this. A crystal has this one aspect about itself that is important in our understanding of how a virus spreads. That aspect is how it draws LIKE unto itself. If you put a tiny salt crystal in a vat of Salt, and sugar and other chemicals, it will draw Salt to itself, it will grow and expand by pulling the salt out of the solution. It won't wont draw out the sugar or other chemicals....It does this via Resonance. A tuning fork in a certain key, when struck will only cause resonance with another fork in the same key. A major Law in this Creation is that Like draws Like. This is most evident during the process of Death, as that process takes place almost entirely upon the Astral Plane. There are Heaven and Hell realms and other things out there, but contrary to the stories we have been told, we don't go to one because we were bad, and another because we were good. We end up being drawn to, or you could say drawing to ourselves (all about perspective) , That which most closely RESONATES with our unique crystalline /energetic/Frequency structure. This is a basic Law on all planes....,”the Law of Attraction”. So, as stated Virus's are a creation of MASS Karma. We each at one time took part in the creation of these, “Virus's”. Within each of us is the basic, “seed” of the frequencies that created the manifestation we call a virus. Virus's are always circulating through humanity trying to work themselves out, if it comes near resonates, like that tuning fork and forces the material expression which is the Karma working out upon the Physical Plane. They are frequency and with each person they pass through, the frequency changes some....and by the degree that person has evolved beyond the dualistic judgments that the virus was built upon, the severity of the manifestation will lessen. Or by the degree that that person holds firmly to the separative judgments, it will build in strength. Now as I stated Virus's are a creation of Mass Karma, however we also have personal Karma..... Through all of our Lifetimes we have collected a lot of Trauma's, we have built ourselves upon Dualistic judgments that have no relationship with Reality.....just more dualistic judgments. These guide our lives , and being built in duality....all will eventually bring Pain. Now we humans do not like, or seek Trauma or Pain....we have learned to avoid that....and seek pleasure.... This obsession requires that we, STUFF” our Trama and Pain so we can get on to the more pleasurable aspects of life. These Traumas are stuffed in specific locations within our astral/etheric and Physical bodies. The way we ,”stuff” them, you could say, esoterically is to Withdraw our Breath from them....but it's not just esoterically, we literally deny those area Traumas , those Pains....our Attention. By denying them our attention we deny them the, “Breath”...the Prana that maintains them in a healthy fashion. They become Chinks in our armor. Now we co-created virus's upon building blocks of our Fears, our Greed, our Desire to Hide from Pain... And these live in our bodies at certain frequencies that will resonate with some of the Frequencies that built the virus's. How this can play out is that Virus's created by mass Fear/Desire based judgments, can resonate with our personal Karmic Debts, so to speak...and can manifest/work out the Karma via some of our personal Karma. Basically our personal Karma liability will be triggered to manifest via the mass Karmic Virus. Right now at this particular time in the evolution of this thing we call Creation.... this process is greatly amplified. You could say, the shit is hitting the fan....and that, “shit” is our Shit....and the Virus's are a gift for us to work it out....or suffer endlessly. It is time to face our Karma, and the current astral/etheric state of Creation is Pushing the Point really hard.
Now for those who are paying attention there might seem to be a Hole in this ,”astral theory of virus's”.
It comes back to the, Origin of virus's because ,”Science” will tell us that Virus's were here before Mankind inhabited the Earth....And as this ,”theory” states....we, via our mass agreements, created the virus's that plague us. So how is this possible. Well, crap...once again to understand this requires breaking a very deeply held basic paradigm with which almost all of us have incorporated into our Conception of Reality.... But here it is, “some of the basic crystalline structures of a viruses are ,”Artifacts” left over from …..get ready for it, …..from the previous Incarnation of Creation....of God. You could say that they carried over in what amounts to God's DNA, from his previous Life. The thing is ….God Evolves, as above, so below.... There is an end point of each of our Souls individual ,”Lives”...and on a Cosmic Scale there is an endpoint to what we have termed, “God”. But as we know every ending is just the beginning of the next cycle. In some religion they call these Lives of God, Yugas....I believe that is the term. EVERYTHING IN CREATION IS RECYCLED..... not just EACH thing, but Everything...the totality. I have News for you, the Mayan Calendar ended when it did for a ended at the point where I call it, God Reaching Critical Mass.... This is the, “End of Times” people whether you like it or not...BUT, that is simply the cusp of, “The Beginning of Times” in the next revolution, and each new Revolution, or Incarnation of God carries over a certain amount of......information encoded in what you could call, “God's DNA”. The seeds of virus's being one of these ,”Artifacts”. A lot of things that ,”science” has not been able to explain the origins of, are these, “Artifacts” from the previous Incarnation.
So we humans have been built in ,”Dualistic Matter”. We have made ourselves upon our Pleasures and Pains. our Desires and our Fears..our Judgments based in Duality. All these things have defined our Frequency....our crystalline structure....and hence, that which we draw to ourselves, and that which we actually repel. Virus's are built upon our mass agreements that are Not in Balance with the Whole, and are by their Nature , seeking balance. The manifestations we call, “Disease” are that working out of the Karma, that seeking Balance. Virus's exist to bring us back into Balance. Everything that we collect and define within Duality MUST eventually reconcile itself back to UNITY. THIS IS KARMA. And Karma, or mass karma is worked out, reconciled via Communicable Disease. So the hard News is that to end disease, we have to jump off the Duality bandwagon, and that simply isn't possible until our Souls reach a certain point in Evolution. Disease is part of the Price we pay for being Human.(or the Gift given to us to work out of the Illusion).. Yes, we can do things to reduce symptoms, but NO, we can not CURE any disease short all....becoming Enlightened. When Mankind evolves to the point where they realize that they have collectively created their own diseases through their divisive ideologies, and when more energy of thought and emotion is aimed at Unity, rather then Division...only then will there be the possibility of reconciling the mass Karma that drives the creation of Communicable disease.
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