Thursday, March 24, 2022

To Shift or not to Shift...That is the Question...


To Shift or not to Shift

That is the Question.

I keep saying to myself,

it's just a matter of making the Choice..

But it's not so easy.

And I realized that this,  “Choice”

 has been at the Crux of my world 

for a very long time...

And it isn't easy.....

I did it once, a long time ago.

And it was PERFECT.... and Blissful, and Lighted....

and Eternal...

Then the door opened and in walked Humanity,

and my old world..

And it had not Shifted

and it was AFRAID.

And it was afraid of me.....


The Mirror was just too clear.

And that, Humanity...couldn't bear to face it,

it wasn't ready to

give up it's Creation.

Through monumental 

effort and Magical Manipulations

of things I was never meant to know....

I took it all back.

I reversed the Shift...

I know, those of you with some knowledge

of these things might say,

That is Impossible”.

But it isn't.

But I took it back,

out of order....

Each of our Creations is built

in a very specific order.

I took it all back, and then some..

and , out of order”.

This I called,

 " My Humpty Dumpty Episode"

It took me over 40 years to Re Order my Creation....

so I could once again discard it,

and prepare for the Shift.

So here I am again,

standing on the edge of the Shift...

and my body has grown much older,

and the weight of the Creation

 I have been carrying around,

has taken a toll.

And the fact of the matter is,

It's TIME.

And due to certain Cosmic Events

 we won't go into right now,

it's time for very many of us.

To Choose.

Now there are certain Evolutionary factors that deem

that not all will make the Shift,

or ever have any desire 

or thought given to it.

In fact this could be a significant portion of the population.

And Shifting, in the middle of that,

could get really freakin Weird.

It's a matter of changing Frequency...

Do we cling to the Old Creation,


Do we Embrace the Light?

Do I choose this Body

of many contrasting Hues..

Built upon Ages of …

judgments within duality....

Existing in a Sea of Fabricated

cacaphonious, aberrant, disease causing,

astral and etheric body assaulting Frequencies...


Do I choose a Body of Light....?


If I choose that Body of Light,

will there be a place for me in this World,

where the dominant forces of control

 of Humanity,

shun the Light,

and have hypnotized the masses,

to do the same.

And right now, the Bottom Line comes down to,

at least for me...but really for Everybody..

Shift OR Suffer.

To Shift or not to Shift,

that is the Question....

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