The Evil Behind the, “Flat Earth Theory”
It is difficult to know where to even start on this subject, it is so Vast. So I guess I'll break it down into pieces.
For thousands of years there have been those who believe themselves to be Above Humanity. The only purpose they have of the masses is basically slave labor. To them Power and money are paramount. And through their greed and evil manipulations they have amassed almost all of the wealth in the world. They believe it is their Destiny to be the Masters of Humanity. There aren't that many of them, their Greed doesn't make them too willing to share, and they figured out a long time ago that if they wanted to control humanity, all they had to do was control the Narrative. By controlling the narrative they could control the Consciousness of the masses. By controlling the consciousness of the masses they could basically control manifested creation....and they were determined that that, Creation”....would exist to serve them. They have been extremely successful in this operation.
Humans don't live in the Real world, they live in Ideas about the real world. Their Conception of Truth and Reality are just that....Concepts. Ideas they have been told that they accepted and believed and incorporated into their being...and now define as their Truth. But there is a very big, like universe size difference between ideas and concepts about Truth....and actual Truth. Everything people perceive with their eyes, and think in their heads....are ideas, constructs built upon piece upon added piece upon added piece, of fed and ingested data. Data is not Truth. So people's entire relationship with what they call reality, is a mental construct that they have basically been fed, or collected over the course of their Lives. AND NONE OF IT IS REAL.....and for that reason people are very very easy to manipulate. Because guess what. Those evil Elite, let's call them the ,”Cabal” have been the ones feeding them the narrative, the data by which they define themselves and their world.
The biggest enemy of the Cabal, is the Truth. Consciousness unfettered by the ideas and concepts that imprison the masses is a power that they know would mean their destruction. If Humanity was actually conscious of REALITY as it is, instead of entrapped in Ideas and emotions about it...if they could simply Bask in Consciousness in it's pure form....they could Never be controlled.
So the Cabal has done all in it's power to keep people from becoming Truly Conscious....
Instead it has trapped them inside of Ideologies of a Group Nature. Because they know some mystical facts that they have made sure do not emerge in the consciousness of humanity. They understand the True process of Creation, and they have barred that knowledge from the masses . Instead they offered super hero in the sky creators of everything that would keep the masses under control via fear and intimidation. They understand that Group Mind is the manifesting force in the universe. They understand what happens when masses of people aim their mental and emotional energy at a certain defined thing. Quantum Physics is finally proving these things some few on both sides of the Aisle, he he, have known for thousands of years...
I'm going to tell you a recipe out of the Cabal's cookbook....
Recipe for Total Control of Humanity
Create thoughtforms that are
not in Harmony with Truth..
Feed them to the people.
Align them with other Thoughtforms
that have already been incorporated into the Humans.
Direct their attention to Idolize these Thoughtforms...
By this direction comes idolatry and other focused emotions,
depending upon the person and their degree of resonance.
But all that directed emotional energy of the masses in a very defined, and Confined Space....
What are Demons?
Demons are human Constructs that emerge when
masses of people focus their Attention, and Emotion,
in a very Confined Space..
The Strongest Power on the Planet,
on the physical plane,
is Group Mind.
The Elite Divided the world into distinct Ideologies
it made people Devout within their Ideologies.
Each Ideology has a distinct Frequency.
That frequency is determined by the energy that went into creating it,
the idolatry, The fanaticism, the love, the devotion....
And these frequencies that define these
Religions and Various other types of mass idolatry......
You know, a lot of the Saviors people follow,
once upon a time said,
They knew that
mass focusing on that which has no Truth,
was the stuff demons and disease were made of.
They taught that to their students.
Now I wonder who is responsible for the fact
that the Teachers words were edited to say,
Don't worship any idols.....
except me.
And in one fell swoop you have the masses creating their diseases and demons.
A demon is a mass human made construct, created and built upon the frequency of a certain colored mentality and emotion.
That much defined energy has no choice but to Manifest into something.
That is the very First Law of Creation...
So by all this focused defined energy fed at one idea...or ideology,
a Construct must form....
This Construct in early stages has no Intention of it's own.
But what it does have is this
These Demons are not bound by space,
they are primarily astral in nature.
So it does not need to be near a person to affect them.
And the people it will mostly affect,
are those that fed it....
That Idolized whichever particular Savior or ideal,
that that demon has sprung from.
is all about Frequency.
They had a part in the Creation of the Demon,
the energy they put into a frequency within them.
Our ideas, our feelings, our different thoughts,
all have unique frequencies.
When we idolize something we put a very distinct energy into that thoughtform
(idea, concept, savior, gods, superhuman beings etc. )
That energy, that certain resonance that went into building the Construct....
is in it....and in you.
There is a Resonance...
(just a hint here, communicable disease is communicable
because of this ,”Resonance”)
The Demon is basically the epitome of a
Mental emotional Construct
of the Idea or ideal.
The Primary and most Basic Law of Creation
Matter is a Creation of
fueled by Mind and Emotion and Love.
There are different degrees of Matter.
A Virus
is a Demon,
created from a mass focused mentality and emotion
upon something that
is an offense to the Truth.
So, Demons resonate with the people that helped build them.
AND they Amplify a million times within those people,
the frequency that they share.
This greatly solidifies the Demons influence
over the person.
All the major religions and Ideologies,
are TRAPS .
They have created Magnetic Demons that hold people firmly
within their different Ideologies/ specific frequencies.
And the intensity of the idolatry
is bolstered and builds within them.
And they are TRAPPED right where the Cabal wants them.
In ideas....
not Truth.
So, this is about the Evil of the Flat Earth Theory. This is another swipe from the Cabal, another time they like to prove to themselves, just how much power they have over human consciousness. They can literally get people to do and believe anything. Getting people to turn themselves into antennas, genetically modify themselves and inject very health destroying chemicals into their bodies, to.... ,:”be healthy”... Yeah, Right !
I mean, somehow they let 9/11 just slip by. Thousands murdered just so the Cabal could test some of their cool stuff out.
Human Evolution is Circular......
they convinced you it was a linear ascension.....
Circular is Sacred..... at the very heart of Creation....
If you have the ability go to the archetype plane and look for flat archetypes, line archetypes....... if you find any at all, they will be in one way or another, about LIMITATION.
The Cabal does no want you to have any concept of Limitless.
The Flat Earth Theory slaps the face of ALL non-Cabal constructed REAL Science.
It demands Ignorance of Truth of it's followers....
HMMM??? Maybe because of the dwindling power that the Cabals ,”religions” used to control the world by forcing belief in that which was contrary to Truth, sold to the masses neatly wrapped in partial truths or smaller non-threatening to the Cabal truths. Maybe they need yet another lie to distract. At all cost the masses must NOT start getting a knowing of the Truth.
And at all cost the Cabal must not lose it's grip on the consciousness of humanity....
If we have been told a lie about the Truth for so long, we won't recognize the Truth when it's right in front of fact, buy design we will FEAR IT.
We have been fear our Salvation, our Freedom from the Cabal and the world it has used us to Create for them. By feeding us lies that are in opposition to Truth, every decision we make after accepting that lie, will be tainted with the Untruth. The Cabal does not want us to know our Power over Creation. The Cabal does not want us to be free....they want us Bound to a description that is contrary to Truth, so that there is little chance that we might become a threat to them with our Freedom. There is nothing really flat in the Natural World. There are Immutable Laws that govern this Universe, these can not be repealed or reversed because some evil men desire control over the Ignorant easily manipulated masses. The Flat Earth theory breaks every natural law, every valid Science....and common sense. My Mom (and Dad) both worked for the Cabal their entire lives in secret government agencies. My Mom once said that ,”statistics and facts can be manipulated to make people believe whatever the manipulators wanted them to”. Within a very limited mental framework the arguments for a flat earth can make a certain amount of sense. But that Framework is part of the Trap. TRUTH can never be known within ideologies..... Ideologies are the primary blockage to knowing Truth. The Cabal has painted Humanity into a very small box, and they keep making it smaller as they add more and more limiting Lies.... And as the Cabal has done with so many other lies that become Ideologies, using the consciousness of the masses to create a Block to humanity knowing Truth....The flat earth theory has been fed enough mental and emotional energy that it's Construct is taking form. That Construct is a Demon that will enslave the believers, just as the Constructs of religions and ideologies have done. DO NOT FALL FOR IT, Seek Freedom outside of the box prisons of false ideas that the Cabal has thrust upon Humanity. Stand up for Freedom , not for ideas that are anti Sacred, that are against Truth. Flat Earth denies the Sacred of the Circle, the Sacred of the Human Souls circular evolution, the Sacredness of all things... Don't be fooled by clever lies......
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