Saturday, July 9, 2022

We Need you Now

 We Need You NOW !

There are so many Powerful Intuitive people in the world today

that don't even know it.

Long ago when they were very young they learned that the voice of their Intuition,

upon considering the overall state of the world where they existed,

told them things that simply brought too much PAIN.

When you knew that literally everything man,

and people around you were doing


but you were small and had no power to change any of it...

So, you denied the Voice of your Soul....and buried it beneath a pile of Dogma,

and by Dogma I mean a pile of Ideas and Feelings about things

that you used to Describe and Define the world where you Lived....

and Yourself. …

The voice of your Soul was LOUD...

You needed a very large Pile of DOGMA piled on top of it,

to Silence it..

A lovely little blanket of DEFINITIONS of how things are...

To soothe and give a sense of SECURITY. .

And a place where you felt you could Belong.

Where you could forget that

you were drowning in the Bullshit.

But now is Cosmically a rare and important time of CHOICE.

We must decide .

Our Soul, our Intuition is the voice of the Truth....

Our DOGMA is the voice of SECURITY.

And here's the clincher:

The DOGMA will not protect you from the TRUTH ,

it has only insulated and distracted you.


It never really did...

So it comes down to a choice between a False sense of Security

within a virtual Illusion,


The Truth,

which can be Painful...

But here is a clue,

it's only Painful when we view it through our Dogma;

that Demonic Entity that has enslaved us within a Dream.

Choose your Soul,

listen to your Intuition

Not the Descriptions your Dogma

and the World at large

assault and control you with.

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