Saturday, July 9, 2022

"It's ALL Good", or, "it is what it is"?.


“It's All Good”, or   ”It is what it is”

Most people open their eyes...

and immediately begin defining everything within their perception.

This is an automatic response..

“This is this” (in relation to everything I've “Known”.

“And this is that” (in relation to everything I've known”.

Every single piece in the landscape of their lives....neatly defined in relation to every other thing.

Emotions attached to things... memories...attached to things..

Judgments ….attached to things.

And this is the Human way...

But something Magical happens when

we withhold the definitions.... the emotions...the Judgments,

that we have attached to Everything.

And that magical Thing is Awareness.

Awareness is very different from ideas

 and the thoughts that spawn them.

It is a direct comprehension of “What is”.

Vastly different from dualistic Ideas about what is.

It is understandable that many people who have never experienced

 the ultimate result of meditation

will think that meditation is boring.....

 that one becomes “drone like”,

because it is impossible to explain the ecstasy of “Direct Knowing”;

the ecstasy of the state of consciousness devoid of human thought and emotion.

There is a mistaken belief, among many who have never experienced it,

 that the of lack of thought and emotion must somehow be an empty wasteland.

When it is really quite the opposite.

Once we remove our definition of the world

and replace it with direct perception of what actually “Is”.

Our view shifts.

We cease being one small cell attempting to conceive the big picture through our thoughts and emotions...

and we BECOME the big picture reflecting upon Itself

The point of all this being:

Clinging to one half of a duality,

 as it is when one say's, ”It's all Good”.

Is a very limited view.

But embracing the Truth that,

“it is what it is”

Has no limits and leads to ecstasy.

Those who live by the, “It's all Good Creed,”

ALWAYS get slapped upside the backs of their heads by their “Good's” Opposite.

And since they were refusing to see the whole picture,

are almost always surprised when it happens...


and it always does.

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