Saturday, August 6, 2022

Breathe into the Stored Blockages...

  •  Breathe into the Stored Blockages

Embedded deep within the DNA of most humans is the Intense Compulsion to Seek Pleasure, and avoid Pain. And herein lies the roots of the cause of most physical body and life problems.(aside from mass karmic creations like virus's). As much as we would like to avoid pain in our lives long experiences.....Shit Happens. We become hurt and scarred physically and emotionally just through the course of living. But as I said we have a compulsion to shun we stuff it, try to bury it behind more pleasures. We lock away our grief, our pain, our shame and guilt, and our Fears, we bury the scars from assaults we have allowed to harm us..... and we cut them off from our attention, and our awareness to protect ourselves. We stash them deeply. But in so doing we also cut them off from the Life Force, the Prana that motivates life.....we withhold our breath, on more then one level, from them. A funny thing we do with all these things that we shun is, we hold them within our bodies. They take up residence within our Physical and Etheric bodies....but they have their roots in the astral body. So by withholding the Prana....that follows the consciousness, the awareness....we withhold the energy that feeds that part of the body where those things we are shunning have taken up residence. By denying the Life Force to these areas that we are embarrassed about, or afraid of....we deny the natural and necessary (for good health) flow to those areas in our physical bodies..... Problems will arise. For those whose Souls are still on the first turn of the wheel of evolution, this is par for the course. Duality is their roadmap, and Karma, and hence disease is created with almost every choice made based upon avoiding Fear and chasing Pleasure. and until that point where we culminate in Form, when the wheel reaches the full turn and is about to Reverse itself..... There is not much we can do about's the Plan Stan. But once the wheel reverses and our job becomes reconciling the Karma built within duality, then it is time to FACE that which we have shunned, so it can be released....and we can evolve, and be Healthy. And a key is this. As it has been the withholding of the breath, the withholding of Prana and consciousness and awareness.....Now we must apply these things to those areas where problems have manifested. Ignoring it won't work for us anymore. We have to Be With it, and breathe into it...... Then we can set it....and ourselves Free.

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