Saturday, August 6, 2022

Jumping off of the Duality Bandwagon and the Upcoming Shift


OK, so there is something Important you have not been told.

The Bad guys that know about it

 keep it from you to use it against you.

The Good Guys that know have kept it from you because,

you simply could not grasp it....

It has to do with the Upcoming Shift...

It's a "Thing", and I'm not going into detail right now,

for the reason stated above.

So this, “Shift” is a major thing,

in fact in all of this Age, 

there has been nothing so Major.

An attribute of this, “Shift”.....

 is a Pressure.

That Pressure comes from an Expanding and Increasing Light,

BUT alas here in Duality....that pressure of Light

 motivates a pressure from the Darkness.

Duality is always seeking Balance.

Well to put this in common terms,

With the Shift, a choice is made..

.and outcomes determined.

Though these outcomes are not Eternal....

the choice is important,

 as it's basically a Choice between 

Living in Heaven.....or Hell....

 or UNITY.

Heavens and Hells are Astral Constructs,

 and a total TRAP......

 Chasing them and running from them is what has kept us imprisoned in Duality.

With this ,”Shift” the only really viable option for the advanced humans is....

Jumping off the Duality Bandwagon......


 it's a total change of Frequency.

And not to go too far down the rabbit hole,

 for those advanced humans.....

the Pressure to do this is Great.

For younger souls, still deeply enthralled with Duality

 and needing it to complete the first half

 of their Souls journey....


 the pressure is from the density,

from the, “darkness”.

(hmmm, I just read this and want to contemplate further)

Now the bad guys know that to make the Shift

 from Duality to Unity,

 it's important to have a Clean System..................

 Emotionally, mentally, and physically and energetically. ...

 They don't want you making that shift....

 So they fill your emotions with Fear and Frenzy,

 and Hatred, Lust, etc. 

And they fill your minds with 

Heavy nonsensical BULLSHIT,

 and they fill your physical bodies with Horrible Toxins

 that put the Consciousness too much upon the physical vehicle,

 and they fill our etheric bodies with

 total aberrant disease promoting frequencies .

 All of this ties us to the Dualistic Creation we call ourselves. 

But when the ,”Shift”, shifts, for us.....

 it's to the Spiritual Vehicle.

This is a time for the Advanced 

to discard their ideas and ideologies....

to learn to let go at least momentarily of their,

 ”Description” of the World.

 All ideas and ideologies were created within Duality,

 they contain ,”dualistic matter,”

 that will not allow for the ,”Shift”,

 at least not a shift beyond Duality. 

All those things are what bind us to Duality,

 and resonate at frequencies that will ALWAYS

 land us in a Flux

 between Heavens and Hells.

So our task is to get really Clean,

 in all our aspects.

 Mental, Astral (emotional), Physical, and Etheric(electrical/frequency)...

.and we need to practice letting go of our Description.

 As long as we are Ruled by our ideas 

(all created within duality) 

we will be unable to simply Know Truth. 

 It is a mistake to believe that our ideas

 have anything to do with Truth, 

when in fact it is

 our ideas that deny us the

 Knowing of Truth.

I think part of the problem for folks is, 

they simply can't comprehend what Unity...

what Life beyond Duality would be Like....

 How could they, as soon as they thought about it,

 the Truth would be gone.

 Let me just say this, 

When we escape the Description..

we are no longer bound by it...

.and literally ANYTHING is possible

 Beyond Duality it is a magical world....

instant manifestation for one thing....

There is no longer disease 

because disease is totally a Construct of Duality....

But who of us is ready to totally discard

 the way we have viewed the world....

for lifetimes....???

 Who is Fearless enough to see what things really are, 

beyond the imprisoning description? 

 It is totally different to Know what you are looking at, 

because you are it also,

 then it is to have ideas about that thing.

 To be able to communicate freely with all forms in Creation

 as a direct Knowing

 and not a stifled Thinking. 

To see in everything the Light that Binds us.... 

The problem is we've been obsessed with the wrong things

 for a long time....

and we come to know nothing

 beyond our personal and group obsessions.

 We have been imprisoned by Ideas,

 and no ideas will save us from that.

 Only by setting aside the ideas and viewing Life as it is,

 without our minds and emotions attached,

 can we prepare ourselves for the Shift.

I know, I know....our ideas and ideologies have been our Life Boats, what we cling to to feel safe, to feel part of something bigger then ourselves. 

 You see, that is the thing, 

once we are past the halfway point in our Souls evolution, 

our Nature is to Find Unity,

 to become greater then that little description 

created in Duality

that we used to call ,


But right off we make the mistake of trying to find Unity

 with something that is Limited...... 

and that turns out to be just another prison. 

What we seek Unity with,

 let's call, “God”.... 

Unity with a Groups IDEAS about God 

will only keep us from that Unity with the real thing. 

 Make a note:

 Peoples ideas about God, 

are NOT God...

What we seek on the latter part of our Souls evolution

 is no longer an IDEA of God,

 but rather UNITY within God.

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