Saturday, September 10, 2022

The Painter Was Time, Revisited Escaping the Matrix

 The following story I wrote back in 1970. It had to do with escaping the Matrix. After a lifetime of observing humans I have become somewhat disillusioned by the fact that is seems there are very few that are interested in this undertaking. Rather the masses are obsessed with simply becoming more comfortable WITHIN the Matrix then they are of escaping it.  We'll discuss this more after the story...

The Painter Was Time
The painter of the picture was quite insane 
when he painted you into a very strange place.
 It was insane, but you didn't know what sane was,
 so you believed you fit perfectly.
 The painter was of course very careful 
that he didn't paint the picture so fast
 that you might remember being painted.
 You worked through time into truly believing
 in the reality of everything else in the painting you were in. 
One day you had taken in and accepted 
everything in the painting as far as you could have
 mis- accepted it,
 when a glimpse outside of the painting came.
 You became very frightened and threw yourself back,
 deep into the painting. 
Then you decided that everything outside 
of your perfectly painted reality 
was insane, or not be feared.
 Of course you refused to accept any little particle of truth 
that came to you and tried to meet with you 
from out of the "insane" realm.
 One day a passer by in the Great Hall of paintings
 saw you and your predicament,
 and when you went to sleep that night he came to you
 and told you about the real world,
outside of your painting.
 Because you were asleep
 and not indulging in the false pleasures and pains
 of your old world,
 you heard a piece of what he was saying.
 He came to you every night for many years.
 One day you woke up and saw outside of the painting
 you had been locked inside.
 Time passed and you came to look out and understand. 
And time came when fear vanished,
 and you loved again.
 And finally you completely forgot about the painting
 you had once been held prisoner in, 
and you rested outside,
 in bliss.
One day along your way you passed by a painting in that Hall,
 and you saw people painted into a predicament.
 And so that night when they went to sleep
 you went to them and showed them a piece of the real world.
 Then you walked down the Hall 
and saw the painting you were once painted into,
 and you laughed. 

To you the Hall was a sad place,

 a zoo of lifes.
 So here's the thing. We humans do NOT live in the Real world. We live in a DESCRIPTION of the world. We have acquired this description over Lifetimes based upon everything we were told, everything we have observed, and by our experiences. Our description was built piece by piece, very methodically adding one piece to another, always making sure they fit together to make some sense. The problem of course is that much of what we were told, from the very beginning was an outright lie. So deep in the foundation of who we believe we are and what the world is, AND everything that we thereafter extrapolated from it.....was untrue. And not just did we accept this description of ourselves based in our mentality, we also accepted it based in our Emotions.   So upon our mentality and emotions we built this description of ourselves....that we actually accepted as being ourselves, and we built a description of Reality that we actually accepted as Reality.  Now consider a person born into an abusive family, say for instance that their Mom hated them from day 1, never wanted them and maybe that kid didn't fit at all in the box of her description, so it scared the crap out of her. So the poor kid grows up being treated like Crap and every time the Mom looks at them there is hatred in her eyes. So from day 1 in this life the kid is abused by this, they are just a kid and so they define themselves by this abuse.  At the heart of that they feel Unloved...... And this goes to the very core of their being, it's part of the foundation...and everything that comes after is built from this foundation....who they THINK and FEEL they are and become all stems from this abuse.....Their Definition (their private Matrix within the Group Matrix) is now the biggest impediment to them knowing who they truly are, and what is truly Real.  But they do everything they can to Feel better there in the Matrix within the Matrix. They collect nice pictures to put on the walls, gather things that Make them Feel good there. And it's all designed to Smother the Pain, to cover it up. But everything they try to cover up, begins to ferment....and stink. So they bury it away, deeper in the cupboards behind all kinds of nice pretty distracting Crap.   Then they feel better for a while, the horrible smell of the buried pains a little less noticeable. They don't dare to go outside the Matrix that they call themselves and their lives because they have no idea what is out there, and it turns out folks are more afraid of the unknown ....then they are of the fears and pains and the stench of these thing rotting that has come to define who they think and feel that they are. So they remain in their Matrix Prisons, constantly trying to move the offending odors to further out places in their Prisons....and they get short periods of respite now and then, until the stench infects the ,"nice" things they tried to hide it behind and bury it beneath.  Then one day a person comes around who loves them, he sees them there, trapped in a Prison....of their own creation, clinging to the Stench that they have tried to bury....and this person offers a suggestion. "Why don't you go Outside, in the Sunshine and Fresh Air".  And the prisoner freaks out, they can't even consider it.  I mean, they know everything intimately there in their prison cell, they define themselves with everything they have collected there...they define themselves by the Pains and stench that they carry along with them, and blame on others for having given them. They fail to see that they are the ones clinging to it, defining themselves by it. To go outside, into the UNKNOWN is beyond consideration....just too damn scary.   Sure they have the stink of their Cell, but they know it, they are used to it.   I mean think about how abused women always keep getting into abusive relationships, over and over.  They hate it while they are there, they go through the motions of trying to escape it....and find themselves with a carbon copy of it with another person. WHY?  Because it goes deep to their very foundation of who they describe themselves as being.  And the idea of stepping beyond what they know as ,"themselves" is scarier then the guy in the next room who will very likely beat the crap out of them later tonight..... 
Humans FEAR the Unknown more then anything else. This is why they have insulated themselves in Ideologies and religions and societies that will tell them who they are and what is real.....SECURING then to a Description , where they don't have to worry about the Unknown....of who they really are.....and what is really Real. So as much as the loving person tries to tell them about the real world, and who they truly are....they refuse to listen.....he's describing an unknown to them and they would rather cling more tightly to their Description.... So they might get to the point that it stinks so bad that they will go through the motions of trying to Fix it, but they go through those motions within the Matrix....when their only Salvation is getting beyond the Matrix.... 
I have talked about this ,"escaping the Matrix" until I am blue in the face.....but I didn't talk about it in terms of the Matrix, I spoke about it in Spiritual terms..... I'm changing my Tact.  It seems that too many ,"Spiritual" words have been so....subverted within the Matrix.... Truths of words turned into total lies so that for me to say one word, it means 10 different things to 10 different people, and much of it is attached to extreme emotions.... 
The Matrix is built upon Mental and emotional substance.
People are tricked into believing they can free themselves from it by doing mental and emotional maneuvers. It's lik
e believing we can fix the Government.....with the Government..... IT DOES NOT WORK.    So, what is the answer....
Well, to put it in very simplistic terms....considering what has created the Matrix and what binds us to it is Mental/Emotional in Nature, we simply do what all the Great Sages and Saviors have told us from day 1. We cease the mental and emotional functioning. We take time out to be in absolute Quiet of Mind and Emotions.   This will lead us to our Truth....and ultimate Truth....And that will incinerate the Garbage we have stashed away in the cupboards .....
But the first thing we have to do, is WANT IT... I'm writing a book about escaping the Matrix, and as I say the first requirement is that we have to want to escape the Matrix of Lies.... So...since this Matrix has at it's very foundation....just as Humanity has at the very foundation of their self and world view.....LIES.....I plan on shedding light upon these lies..... This will make any book I might ever wish to publish on the subject IMPOSSIBLE, because as I said, these lies are at the FOUNDATION of the beliefs Humanity as accepted as Truth and incorporated into the Descriptions.....    and to accept these Lies, one must accept that the very person they FEEL AND BELIEVE themselves to be, is also a Lie.   This takes a Bravery that has been bred out of most of humanity that has been trained to accept COMFORT over Truth every time...Humanity is under the Influence of the Stockholm Syndrome where their Captor, their Prison Guard.....turns out to be themselves...
.. But we'll see how it goes.  

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