Sunday, September 11, 2022

After the Vision Quest and the Death of an Angel

 Back in the day my first wife, unbeknownst to me, was having an affair with a friend. She wanted to have a little more freedom to do so, so told me, "she needed some space" for a while.  I got her set up in the most incredible apartment...a place where I had lived years before called, Le Chateau in Palo Alto California.  This was a very old building, covered in ivy, with all ornate stuff, old elevator, deep rich wooden banisters....An owl lived out of the window of my apartment when I lived there before in a huge tree and birds and chipmunks would come into my room through the open window. Anyway so I left town and headed to a Magical place on the coast south of Big Sur where I had previously had some magical experiences...  I had a really cool old fashioned motor home, 27 foot with a generator so I could do my work and send it back to stock stores that it was in....So this began a most magical journey that you can read about in the sidebar under the heading something like, "Coming out of the Crazy Weirdness Closet"....just scroll down to that part.  But it was incredibly magical. First off I met a girl from Canada, sitting on the same exact spot I had met a girl from Canada 7 years previously. She was sitting there playing a flute.(where the girl seven years previous was also playing a flute).  I walked up to her, and saw superimposed on her face the face of the woman I call my ,"Highest Teacher."  She got up and followed me back to my Camp...and we traveled together for a short, very magical time. We were always doing artwork, she carved an eagle in soapstone that I still have, and spent some time working on a drawing but didn't show me right away....when she did it kind of blew me away, it was the face of my Teacher that I saw superimposed over hers.  I hadn't told her about seeing that.  I said, what's this?  She said since she first saw me she saw this face superimposed over mine... TRIPPY. Here is that drawing.

It's kind of messed ex took a spear to her face, crumpled up the nose.  The colors are also significant.. . The gold color I made from grinding up a stone... The actual reason for this post is I wanted to speak about the death of a young the vision quest part will be just a short synopsis, as I said you can read more about that elsewhere here.  The reason the colors of the frame are significant is that at the end of the vision quest as I've come to call this time....I , with a friend actually had an encounter with this Teacher on a beach. She was walking towards us, dressed in Blue seemed like a Sari sort of thing...And all around her was this Golden Glow.... She also kept changing from an old woman to the one you see in the picture, and back again.... YIKES!  Larry say's, hey, isn't that the woman in the picture on the wall of your motorhome....,"YEP, appears to be"  I had put the picture Jill had drawn of her on my wall to the bathroom.  Larry say's, " I'm not even going to try and take a picture of that". Jill had gone back to Canada, but some time later I got a letter from her, and in it was another drawing of the the older woman form....WOW! She saw her both ways..... I wish I had not given that photo to my step son, but I had told him about her and he told his Swami about her and his Swami told him she was called ,"Grandmother Spider" I gave him the drawing to show him..... Never saw it again.  My friend, who I'll mention later as he was the parent of a girl who was friends with the angel as I've decided to call her had to hitchhike back to the city to teach a Photography class that night at a local College...and I was left there alone on the beach with my Teacher who was sitting behind me.  I was at the end of this extremely Magical Journey and kinda freaked out, ready to have the Magic stop for a while....I just wanted to hide.   So Larry left and I left too.....the flute music coming from nowhere and the glowing morphing Teacher was more then I wanted to deal with. So I went and sat on the cliff above the beach (sand dollar beach) and watched her. She was trying to teach me about the lines of the world by FLYING...Well as I say I'm just going to do a short synopsis here as it's not the main topic of this post. But on this Magical Journey I met an old guy who was in his current body in my previous life on the day I was killed who gave me some major insights I had attempted to bury, I dreamed about finding three owls beside the road, and the next day I did. I was driving fast and saw one.....then right after that another, so I slowed down and pulled over to get the third one This one was lying there with a snake in it's mouth...also dead, and the snake had a Mouse in it's mouth...also dead.
This is pretty ratty now, but I made this from the wings , skull and talons of the owl, the vertebrae is from the snake in it's mouth and hanging down from that are some of the mouses bones..... Pretty cool. On this journey I also saw a Fairy Village (with some friends that had come to visit)....ran into some hard core other worldly creatures that almost killed us, a buzzard tried to Gift me a special feather..I also met a guy that had studied under Don Juan the medicine man, called himself Pack Rat and he did some amazing Magic, manifesting things out of thin air that people asked for, bizarre off the wall things like a Steak, a very specific camera and an ounce of pot.,,, and jumped off a steep cliff, then moments later was in my camp....and a lot of other very magical stuff happened.   Well finally my wife came to pick up some stock for the stores from me (she needed the money as her boyfriend was spending it very quickly on Speed)...once again unbeknownst to me.   Well she saw me there with Jill....we were purely platonic and more interested in the Magic then sex, but my wife got jealous and said I should come a week.. he he... I was so freakin innocent and clueless.  So Jill went back to Canada and in a week I went back to Palo Alto....Only to be told that my wife was moving out. I was so High still from the Vision Quest I was just like, "OK". No problem.   I still remember my first day back to the city... I was GLOWING, I was so FULL OF LOVE and I got up early and walked down the main street of town where folks were going in to work, and I'm loving all of them so much and saying good morning....good morning, good morning....and Holy Shit, they were all so.....TRAPPED, in tiny sad little boxes of who know what Drama....Everywhere I looked there were suffering people.... Totally Deflated I headed back to the apartment just a block away.  There next door in front of an old house was a little girl playing in the dirt out front.  She was shining too. I sat down and started playing with her...Her name was Josie. Maybe 6 years old or something. We became instant friends.   Her Mom came out, and within a couple of days they moved in with me, they were going to be kicked out of her place They got the bed, I got the floor in the kitchen.... Now her Mom was a Witch..... A real honest to goodness Witch, and she knew it...But we were not on the same page. In fact you could say we were going in opposite directions....and we ended up doing battle on the astral plane. The last day she sent me flying through the air on my bike...crashing down... Bye Bye my little friend Josie, never saw em again.  But I had another friend, remember Larry, the friend who was with me when we saw the Teacher. Well he had a Daughter... She was maybe 14 years old, I remember her as being much younger but I found pictures her Dad took of us, and she was taller then I was at the time. Larry had ended up fighting TB, and his wife had MS, so I suppose Christine liked getting out of the house and coming to visit me.  We would ride bikes, bake cookies and banana bread and she brought over really cool kids books. The little Prince, Narnia books, and another I don't remember that was full of subtle lessons.   One day on a bike ride some dude in a car stops us and say's he wants Christine to be a model.....and gives her his card...WTH..... It wasn't long after that that she went to Europe, at 14 years old and became very famous, came back here later and ended up on the cover of  every major Women's magazine....Then married a famous actor and had 3 kids by him.....but I digress. Let's get to the point of this post.    One day she comes over and she has a friend with her...Same age, 13 or 14.... And this girl is Literally GLOWING. It took my breath away....I was kind of stunned and I was thinking, this little girl isn't part of this world...... They had to go, the girl's family was going on Vacation..... The next day she was Dead. She had fallen off a cliff to her death.....When Christine told me my very first thought was, "she was needed more someplace else. "  I had died and remembered those deaths, and I had done Yoga of the Death state enough times to understand the PROCESS of Death, but.....this put the whole thing in a new Context.  How we ,"Die" when our time is up in this life....but that can sometimes be determined by a pressure of duties that lie in our next life.   With someone as young as that girl I have to think that future Gift she will bring to her next life must be something very very Special.

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