People have been Trained to look at
things on a very surface level. We accept descriptions of things,
ideas about things.....instead of Observing the Truth of things, as
they exist by themselves, without narrow limiting descriptions and
judgments attached. The greatest impediment to knowing the Truth of
any thing is the acceptance of Ideas and judgments about that thing.
Our Reality is a Conception....not an experience of the Truth of
Things. Anyone that has known me, read my Rants or seen my Memes
knows that I am all about Humanity Evolving, all about escaping a
Matrix that binds us to an Illusion Created not by Nature, but rather
by Man's Ideas and judgments that have been placed upon things.
I'll share some of these memes below...
As I see it, our most important
task in this world is to Live as Souls. We must escape an imprisoning
Matrix of thought and opinions, ideologies and beliefs that simply
distract us from what ACTUALLY IS. There has long been a group of
Souls, evil in nature, whose sole task is to keep us from knowing our
True Nature, the power of our Souls, and ultimately from KNOWING God.
They have accomplished this task very well by giving us descriptions
of what is real and true, and demanding compliance with these
descriptions. And upon these descriptions we have built our entire
conception of Reality....THIS is the Matrix, the Conception of what
is Real, overshadowing and obscuring the Simple Basic Truths of
Reality....And herein we live and have our being. BUT we can choose
to be different...we can Choose to be authentic to our Souls, we can
Choose to be Free..(I sure hope they don't shut down my Blog for
making such subversive statements). On a surface level this whole,
Transgender Acceptance thing may seem good and compassionate, but it
is important we learn to look beyond the surface...
People Identify with things they are NOT, because who they are is Unique, and in a society where conformity is the agenda being pushed....and those that do not conform to something within the accepted societal norm are generally ostracized, (unless they are filthy rich and old, then they are,”eccentric.” ) ... So the Tricky agenda has simply defined more narrowly defined HOLES as, “OK”, and is jamming the unique Souls into these holes so that they might feel more comfortable in a Sick Conformist Society.....More comfortable, but losing their sacred uniqueness, their Individual gift to the whole, and worst of all losing the connection to their Souls in exchange for some Human built unnatural Construct..... It's a bad trade...
If you can't identify with the narrow defines of ,”Boy things”, and you are boy, or you can't , ”Identify” with the narrow Defines of, “girl things” and you are a girl..... “We have options for you. If you are a boy we can Cut off your Penis, give you some hormones so you can grow Breasts....and then you can fit into the narrow defines we have for a “Girl”.....or if you are a girl we can just slash off your cumbersome Breasts and give you some hormones and do some surgery and fashion you a fake Penis....then you can fit into our Narrow defines of ,”Boy.” OR EVEN BETTER, since we are a compassionate lot, we'll give you a whole new Definition, a whole new BOX PRISON you can fit in, not boy, not girl...a whole new thing where you don't need to MANGLE what you naturally are to fit into one of those other tiny boxes.....we'll give you a tiny box of your Own, and call it the, TRANS Box”.... Aren't we just such good compassionate people? Now you can fit in (to one of our boxes).
It is IMPOSSIBLE to Be Free, and Perceive the TRUTH of things, to function as a Soul and to ever KNOW God, if we are TRAPPED within a DESCRIPTION, within any one of the Multidude of the BOX PRISONS we are offered for our Security within the Matrix. The Cabal finds easy prey with the Unique Individuals that are ostracized by society and their defined sets of NORMs. It's like all the folks that Join Gangs because they feel the need to have some SECURITY. To Belong to some Group......
Security is the Opposite of Freedom, and when we are Secured....we CAN NOT EVOLVE....
The Cabal does NOT want you to EVOLVE.
So, they offer special PRISONS, especially made Definitions, Unique LABELS with which to entrap those folks that are not trapped by the commonly accepted Labels..... So they offer these new Labels on the Guise of Caring and Compassion, full well knowing......they are just different Prisons. They convince people that what they need is NOT freedom, but rather their own PERSONALIZED Prison, where they can feel SECURE...and part of a community of like....prisoners...... and where they will Never be Free, or Know Truth....
Agenda Satisfied. !!
This whole,”Transgender” agenda the Cabal has put out, and the whole, ”I identify with”, and ,”My pronouns are” thing needs to be seen for what it is, and it has nothing to do with Love or Compassion or Honoring a person.
Gender is EASY... Look between your legs....You are male or female.. PERIOD.
This whole agenda has
Nothing to do with Gender at all, there are two Genders, end of
discussion....what this agenda has to do with is ,”Gender Roles”.
What society under the control of the Cabal has done
to the Minds of innocents, subverting them from the simple Truth with
a choice that has nothing to do with sick and wrong. A
girl that likes to wear her hair short, maybe work on cars, doesn't
want to wear dresses and isn't into simply a girl that
likes to wear her hair short, maybe work on cars, that doesn't want
to wear dresses and isn't into make-up... A boy that likes make-up,
is sensitive, likes wearing dresses isn't into working on cars or any
societies definitions of, "Boy" things is simply A boy that
likes make-up, is sensitive, likes wearing dresses isn't into working
on cars or any of societies definitions of, "Boy" things..
But this whole transgender Label, this
whole, "Gender Confused" label is Bullshit.... They are NOT
confused because they don't fit some BOGUS ,"Norm". We are
confused if we define them as something that they are not, as some
Sick agenda that for some reason has taken the place of Sanity,
simple basic biological Sanity...... It's ignorance to call people
anything but what they are, Instead why don't we simply REDEFINE our
stupid narrow ignorance based description of, "Gender Roles"
into.....”whatever the Hell you want to be as long as you are not
hurting anyone”......Those bogus, “Gender Roles” have been the
problem at the heart of so many of humanities problems for a very
long time.....Jamming a round peg into a square hole is always going
to create a sick society people will try and CUT
OFF the sharp edges to fit that square peg into a round a
sane and healthy society....... they won't feel the need to jam it
into any hole at stands as it is, Perfect. We are here on
this planet to make our Unique contribution based upon our Souls
purpose......Each is a UNIQUE Gift, just as we are. Trying to Define
each into some category sick and wrong. We are in a Time when
we must finally realize, There are no manmade Categories that are
needed here. There is Male, and Female..... these are the
Genders....BUT there are no categories for Souls and to attempt to do
that would be the ultimate Sin against a person. We are not here to
Judge, we are here to simply be true to our Souls. There is an agenda
right now that has ZERO to do with the health and welfare of Humans,
an agenda that goes against Truth and Nature, it is manifesting in a
myriad of forms, promoted by a media that serves it's evil purposes.
The mind control, the jamming of what is real, and FREE into tiny
defined Boxes, for no good purposes.... That Child is NOT
Transgender, or Gender Confused.....They are a boy or girl that is
Unique and a blessing to the world when we can allow them to be
Purely who they are, and not try to narrow that down to some bogus
definition.... Not try and jam them into some hole where in the long run
they will NOT fit. Our Job is NOT to define, but to appreciate the
uniqueness, to Honor what is different in each person, as that is
their Unique GIFT to the Whole, and as soon as we try and shove them
into ANY societal Pre-defined Definition or role....we become
abusers. Keep in mind that is what has gotten us to this point of
Insanity in the first place..... Defining gender roles....So let's
stick to basics...In Truth, and outside of Sick Societies definitions
there are very few Gender Definers... Different body parts,Women have
babies, men have more muscle mass.....anything that has been added to
these basic biological Truths, is Human Bullshit,...
trying to fit every possible shape, into either a square or round hole....ABUSE. Leave each unique soul to it's sacred expression...... do not allow Society to try and jam it into some Hole... There used to be 2 holes. boy and evil men with agendas are trying to convince people that there are more holes.....what are we up to now...LGBQTRDVP Whatever.....BUT GUESS WHAT, each new shaped hole we define as OK within our societal definitions, in our wonderful Love and Compassion....IS STILL A HOLE we have to JAM them into. They are UNIQUE.....NO TWO ALIKE, and jamming them into predefined holes is an assault..... no different then the old narrow gender roles, just with a few more options. It's time to stop letting a very sick society put us in any pigeon holes....believe me the intention is not about having more understanding, love and compassion..... That is the whole trick here and people are buying it up....Your child is a boy or a girl...PERIOD. Don't try and jam them into any of societies bogus definitions. They are what they are, unique ....Stick them with a TRANS label and we Rob them of their Uniqueness.....instead now they are Trans...... It is NOT societies place to define and confine us within their narrow descriptions, and when they do there is ALWAYS an agenda at play....and it NEVER has anything to do with the benefit of the individuals and their Souls .
One more thing: I was going to leave this out because the understanding of it lies outside of the Matrix where Humanity Dwells, and when it is thought about, with minds still controlled by the Matrix, it can create fear, so I'm just going to touch upon it without going into great detail. We are in a rare time in the long story of this particular Incarnation of Creation. Never before has there been a time like this. It has been prophesied again and again throughout History by those who were not entrapped in the Matrix, or for that matter by what we call Time. An aspect of this rare time is something that has been called, "The Quickening"..... On one level we can say that this has to do with the Compression of the Light....or better yet, the AMPLIFICATION of the Light. And this amplification/compression manifests in certain ways, and has a direct effect upon our very Souls....and all aspects of Creation. One such manifestation is a Hyper Evolution, and a direct result of this is the Breaking down of long held constructs. But alas it will also create a wider Divide within Duality, which is due to the Circular Nature of a Souls Evolution. Those Souls upon the first turn of the wheel, still growing into a greater density in Form, as the Mystics would say......will be becoming denser in Form, they will be collecting their Description, their Unique SEPARATE Expression at a much fevered rate. We see this manifesting in the Incredible Greed, corruption, and Fear all about us, by increased manipulation by those who wish to Vampirize their fellow man for their own benefit. But on the flip side of the Wheel we see those Souls Discarding the old Paradigms, letting go of old societal constraints and choosing to be guided by their Souls, rather then the Dictates of a Society which has grown quite distant from much that is Real. And sadly these two energies, that of contraction and that of expansion...both in Hyperdrive....are at war. Those Souls that are moving in hyperdrive into a greater density, can not abide those that are literally beginning the process of dissolving the old Illusions and becoming more LIGHT. So they put agendas in place to try and bind those becoming Free of Duality. The scope of what is being done is almost unthinkable ... The forcing of compliance with Soul Hampering interventions has reached epic proportions. The Media, which controls the consciousness of the masses is working in Concert with certain entities whose sole purpose is hampering the evolution of those no longer Bound to Duality..... They are very diligently creating new Constructs to entrap consciousness. Humans have been defining themselves by their Collection of Constructs, by their Ideologies and beliefs. These aid in the first part of a Souls evolution where it is still concerned with creating it's Unique Separate Expression within Duality. And this has become a habit, an automatic process. But once that has been achieved there is a very difficult period for Souls, once the direction has reversed and Duality is no longer the guide, and Unity becomes the new Goal.....and because this collecting of ideologies is a Soul Habit the Cabal uses this against those who are breaking free of the old constraints.... They see people breaking free, whose Constructs are crumbling but whose Souls are not quite accustomed to their new direction of Travel.... the Habit is Collecting although the new path is one of discarding. But that has not yet become a habit for so many. And as the old constraints crumble, as the very fabric of peoples PERCEIVED Reality can be very disorienting....very ungrounding. The Cabal is there to offer their ,"Helping Hand" and they do this by offering up new Constructs for those Souls to Cling to, to be comforted with.....New ANCHORS to be COLLECTED....... as that collecting is the old comfortable habit, but these Souls have seen the ....falsity of the old Collection of Constructs...... So, "you know that old narrow description of Gender roles that you have discarded as an outdated and useless Construct based on nothing Real beyond societies obsessive need to define every single thing down into a small box, well here you go, we offer this brand shiny new Construct that you can Collect. Here you go, it's the Trans Box...pretty cool huh, you don't need to accept that old limiting bullshit any more........ here's some brand new Bullshit for you to accept and bind your Soul with. You don't need to say, "thank you"'s our pleasure."
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