Sunday, December 25, 2022

The Cabal's most Powerful Secret Weapons against Humanity: The Educational System.....and Religion


The Cabal's most Powerful Secret Weapons against Humanity:

The Educational System.....and Religion


Two of the Cabals most powerful weapons, 

used to enslave Humanity within the Matrix,

 are the,”Educational System,

 and Religion.

One thing that sets humanity apart from the rest of Creation is their Minds...

Humanity, and Creation itself Evolves and expands via Mind.

The Cabal has one primary goal,

 and that is to keep Humanity from evolving.

They do this by binding them within a Matrix,

 within a Description of Truth

that denies them the Knowing of Truth.

Two of it's most powerful tools in the realization of this Goal

are the, “Educational System”, and Religions.

Let's define ,”educational systems” 

beyond just the scope of the Institutions we are mandated to attend,

 that will seek to mold our minds,


 everything within the society

 that purposefully seeks to manipulate our Beliefs

about what is True and Real.

The Mainstream media with their electronic mind control boxes spewing contrived information 24/7.

 Telling us what is what, what to believe... 

is a major Tool in the Cabal's arsenal.

One of our most sacred gifts as humans

 is the ability to Think,

 to extrapolate from given data...

and to move beyond the boundaries

 of the current Descriptions

 into whole new areas of Discovery...

 And this serves the first half of Human Evolution...

it is the Gift for that very purpose. 

But alas our Educational Systems and religions

 have squashed that Gift,

 have entrapped it within the Matrix, 

have suffocated it, 

bound it like a feared prisoner.

 I read a study once that showed that the more, “Education” a person had....

the lower their IQ dropped.

 And this makes perfect sense,

 because IQ has little to do with the amount of Data a person has collected;

 the amount of Information one has Memorized,...

 and Everything to do with a persons ability


Our ,”educational Systems” tell us what is what, 

what to believe....

and if we blindly accept it, memorize it,

 and can spew it forth....we will excel.

 We will get good grades,

 we will be held in esteem for it

 by our Teachers and Peers..

and eventually be rewarded with a good job

 as a useful COG in the Wheel..

and if we don't blindly accept it, 

and incorporate it into our DESCRIPTION

 of what is true and real...... 

we will do quite poorly within the System

 and drop in the esteem of our Peers

 and our ability to thrive in the monetary system

 will most likely be significantly reduced. 

This system greatly encourages our

Memorization of what we are told to Believe.

And completly and Vehemently 


THINKING for Ourselves.


Then we have Religions,

 the varied and numerous Cults

 that all give us different stories about what is Real,

 and what is required for us to achieve

 whatever otherworldly rewards

 that particular Cult offers

 and avoid whatever Punishments

 that particular Cults members can expect

 for Non-Compliance.

 Heavens to quell our Greatest Fears,

 and Hells

 to keep us on the straight and narrow. 


( Unlike anything in the Real World.)

We are told to have complete, “Faith” 

in whatever story they offer us,

 no matter how....ridiculous.

 “Faith” being a much better sounding word then,

 “Blind Compliance”... 

And that “Faith” will bring us the Big rewards....

 Sitting next to the Big Guy on his throne 

surrounded by angels singing Kum BY Ya

 with our loved one's,

 or possibly 100 beautiful Virgins

 waiting to serve our every need...

or hundreds of other Wonderful scenarios...

 depending on the particular cult we have been

 indoctrinated into.

 And if we don't comply,


an Eternity burning in the pits of the most horrible place one could imagine

 should suffice to guarantee our Compliance....

I mean Faith.

 But the main Rule in all these various cults/religions is......

Do not Question the Narrative.......

 Blindly Accept ("Have Faith")......

 do not THINK.

 Because the thing is,

 once people begin to question the Matrix 

wherein they are imprisoned,

 they might begin to seek FREEDOM from it.

 And that Freedom is beyond the Control of the Cabal,

 and it goes against their primary directive

 of enslaving humanity

 and thwarting their Evolution into …...


 The only escape from the Cabal's Matrix of Enslavement

 is Truth, 

but they have used The Educational System

 and Religions

 to securely Bind us

 to DESCRIPTIONS of Truth, 

denying us that Freedom

of actual TRUTH, 

beyond the Descriptions.

To Be Truly Free

We must learn to THINK for ourselves,

to no longer Blindly Accept

what we are told.

We must question EVERYTHING,

and Evolve.

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