At past Creations
To get some Inspiration…
And all these folders were there,
of all these different weeks.
And the amount of work I saw in those pictures..
Was incredible
and I had been sitting there feeling inadequate
Because today was a town day,
and I hadn’t gotten any, ”work” done
What I do every day,
Is monumental.
I get up and cut and haul the days wood into the house
and get the fire going.
I get Breakfast made
Generally Lunch and Dinner as well
All homemade from scratch,
Nutrient Dense meals
Got a Feeding Mama
with a Feeding Baby to feed
When we were still eating Grains. Man I miss Rice and Corn |
This is one area you should not scrimp on Energetically.
The children are the Future
Feed them as well as you can
Don't throw them into a System designed to Dummy them Down.
I feed the dogs
And the goats
And the Cats
I take care of the Greenhouse and always have multiple outdoor projects going.
Gettin it built, you should see it now..Totally Full |
Gettin Firewood...Love That |
I spend as much time with Taryn, and Bracken as I can…
Who are just as busy as I am…
I create incredible amounts of artwork
Especially considering the time I have to do that…
I have to stay up Late to get that "work" done..
I fix what need fixin
![]() |
Septic Tank Caved in..Dug it up, made a new lid with Cedar |
Trips to town,
Saturday Market,
folks visiting….
All days when I’m not creating product.
Not making any money..
I feel like our job here on the Planet is to Work
To build the Dream
To Live the Dream
Within the “Work”.
It’s all about Balance
But the “System” attempts to force us to live by it’s rules
So that we can serve the Few
That are controlling that “System”
that’s trying to control us…
We are forced into Joining
If we want electricity,
Or to stay on our own Property.
We have to have money.
The Law say’s you gotta insure your car,
So if you want to drive,
You gotta pay money..
You gotta pay into this System…
that is built to Drain that expression of Life Force (money)
Away from us , the Masses…
And into a Few
Do you see how we are controlled by Vampires….
Hey, today's April 15th
Means you gotta pay that Mighty Government
a good portion of the little bit of money you earned
so that they can use it to go and kill folks in Foreign lands so that they can steal, and get control of their resources.
We’re like the Herd,
We’re kept over here,
dummied down on Food that isn’t food
Schools that don’t Teach Truth,
But rather train us to be
Food for the Vampires.
And we’re so dummied down from those Vaccinations we had,
The Heavy metals and Formaldehyde totally fritzing the entire electrical system
Of our bodies…. And minds
Dummied down with Fluoride in the water of the Masses.
Part of the plan since Hitlers day,
A major advocate of Fluoride in the drinking water
For Controlling the Masses.
American’s… you totally crack me up…
Talk about the land of Denial.
“The Land of the Free…and the Home of the Brave..”
I hate to tell you this but,
You are the least Free of them All….
You got it so bad that you don’t even know you are in Prison.
A Cash cow…
Feeder Sheep....
Feed for the Vampires
Get a clue……
Quit eatin that shit,
Quit drinking Stupidity
Quit lettin em put Stupidity in your Teeth,
in your water,
in your air…..
In your Sacred Body.
Quit believing it when they say,
"It's good for you".
If they say that...
do the opposite..
Wake the Hell up
I know, I know
They have sucked so much blood from you
You don’t have any strength left.
You don't even know who you are anymore...
Don’t be Manipulated
Educate yourself beyond Fox news,
Or any Mainstream Media….
Break out of the Illusion
the Vampires hold you inside..
Tempting you , with your numbed out soul,
that you’ll be happy,
with a Big Screen Hi Def TV…
That’s all you need….
Livin Large.
Wake the Hell up
You are hypnotized
Don’t take it
Don’t accept the Vampires Lie….
Don't buy into the Fear they sell you.
“Oh But we must,
If we don’t
If we do what is Good, honest and right in our lives
and for others
They could send us to prison…
For not following their rules…”
OK Folks
Let’s break out…
I mean the odds are on our side…
It’s gotta be like 10 million of us poor feeder cows/sheep,
To just one Vampire..
If we get our heads out of the clouds and the gutters
Where they’ve assigned us to be
With their Drugs….or Poverty….
Which they give us,
and these days if we refuse…
They might send us to Prison…
They are getting hard up folks.
Really clampin down.
They can’t have folks taking their Health into their own hands……
They can’t have folks refusing the Drugs they use to stupify us…
Have another candy bar and some nice Latte…
Flying on sugar…so far off the Earth you can’t see that
You are no longer in Control of yourself…
Have another Beer,
a nice cocktail…
Here, smoke this cigarrette, you’ll feel better.
“But whatever you do….
do not smoke the Herb.
We will throw your ass in Jail for that…"
"Because if it’s not what we are supplying,
Which is bred to Dummy you down,
Then there is a high percentage of a chance,
That it might wake your ass up
And you’ll see that you are just a Feed Cow
For a few Vampires
And if the Hypnotic spell is broken
Well, that would be the end of the World
For the Vampires."
They don’t Like the Light…
Here, have a Valium….
There are enough of us here to take care of each other..
Without having to pay our dues
To some sick freaking Vampires
That are just going to use our Blood
To fuel their Assaults
On other Countries where there is more blood to be had….
Do you hear me.
Wake UP !!!!
Unplug the TV
Throw away the radio..
Take time and just sit…
With your heart for a while
It’ll tell you what is Real…
Start listening to that…
Not your head being driven by an external force….
Controlled by the Vampires.
Just sit with yourself.
Be Quiet..
We are All Here
Feel it
We are All One Thing
Feel it..
If each of us
Were to follow our hearts…
And actually be Honest,
Every step of the way…
And not living in the Denial
Which is the Law of the Land these days…
This world will ……Shine….
Your shine
is my Shine
And My shine
Is your Shine
So shine On…
is my Shine
And My shine
Is your Shine
So shine On…
Requirement in the Game
The Game that they say we must play,
Or possibly go to jail,
Or become homeless…
The lack of it
Puts stress on us…
It doesn’t feel good….
So we join the dang Game…
And Feed the Vampire.
If we all start waking up
Say, "No Freakin Way to your GMO …
No Freakin way to your Processed “Foods”.
Say no Freaking way to your Television Lies
No freakin way your gonna dummy us down ..
We no longer accept you
As the Law in this Town"
OH yeah, Right
You got the big guns
But there’s a million of us
To one of you
As soon as we all get woken up..
Jeff, thank you, for this great contribution!
What you do is monumental and wonderful.
ReplyDeleteWhat you say is so true. I try to teach my family what is real, but it is hard to break free and be different(for them, but not me any more, well, I am SLOWLY breaking free!)You are right we just have to take care of one and other.
Wishing you and your beautiful family a lovely weekend. Thank you for the discount at your shop. I am so happy to have bought the sweet tree necklace, yipeee!
I have been reading both of your blogs for about 4 months. People get up and go to work and read their little tear off paper daily inspirations and I have taken to reading Taryn's blog as my daily inspiration. Yours has been my enlightenment. I have felt on the same page about so much that you say but this last post makes me feel like pupil/mentor. You have much insight to share and I hope you keep sharing more. Kelly
ReplyDeleteI have been reading both of your blogs for about 4 months. People get up and go to work and read their little tear off paper daily inspirations and I have taken to reading Taryn's blog as my daily inspiration. Yours has been my enlightenment. I have felt on the same page about so much that you say but this last post makes me feel like pupil/mentor. You have much insight to share and I hope you keep sharing more. Kelly
ReplyDeleteHi Heike and 97b170de-6d13-11e0-a8ac-000bcdcb471e he he.. Thank you both so much.... I can't believe you read that whole long rant. It's funny, I didn't remember writing it then I was showing Taryn my latest and she scrolled down to this one and I'd totally forgotten it...
ReplyDeleteI have just stumbled upon your and Taryn's wonderful blogs...really, your words speak to me. Thank you.