Heaven is a TRAP
We are all aware of how the various Religions Push the Desire for a Heavenly Afterlife, while simultaneously pushing the Fear of a Horrible Hell to get us all to follow the Rules.
For a small segment of humans, the younger Souls on the first turn of the Evolutionary Wheel, whose movement is into deeper density, this Push for Heaven, and Fear of Hell isn't detrimental and may actually serve these souls primary purpose, which is finding that Unique Separate Expression that they will refer to as, “ME”. However it's very very important that those who have Culminated in Form; have completed that task of creating a Unique Separate Expression and where the Wheel has reversed upon itself and now the Goal is Unity with, “The Light that is the All”.....these Souls must understand the Futility, and Dangers of Seeking Heaven in the Afterlife, and avoiding the Hell's.
When my Teachers taught me the method of Practicing Dying; of going through the Death Process without actually leaving my body as a pile of dead flesh on the floor, they did it with one purpose....and that was to enhance the evolutionary process.
They had simple rules, (which I broke). The basic rules were: Go straight to the Light, stay as long as you can, and avoid the Heavens and Hells and other Constructs there. In this particular writing I'm not going into the whole death process thing, I've written plenty about that before....What I am wanting to address here is actually the Difference between the Heaven Realms..... and what I would call, “Real Heaven”. The first thing you have to understand is that the Heavens and Hells we encounter in the, “Inbetween Time” as I call it.....are Human Constructs. I came to understand these realms because as I say, I cheated..... and allowed my consciousness to go there....(a dangerous mistake my Teachers helped me out of), but I would not have learned about had I not gone there. These Realms are Astral in Nature, (as everything in the InBetween Time is, except for the Light). They are built upon dualistic matter, they resonate at certain Frequencies, and they are TRAPS. Like our, “Reality” here on Earth they are held within a certain Matrix.... Rather then ,”Time” they have what I call Momentum. We are drawn into them via magnetism and resonance. They are equally as real as our, “Reality” here on Earth......which is Not at all REAL. I was taught to avoid these realms because once we are on the Return Path, they serve no purpose at all, and are just a pointless time wasting distraction, (although the, “Time” / Momentum in these realms is totally different then it is ,”Here”). Basically a lifetime there, is a blink of an eye, Here. Once our Souls Goal has shifted from seeking a Unique Separate Expression; a whole new perspective or Unique cell within ”God”, you could say, and has become now a Goal of Merging into the Light....we begin to avoid astral quagmires, and rather seek the Bliss of Unity.
Heavens and Hells literally are Astral Quagmires.... BUT, there is what I call, “REAL HEAVEN”.... it is not held within any Matrix, it is not an astral/mental Construct . What it boils down to is the Soul operating on the Plane of Soul. The Heavens in the Inbetween time are built upon the Desire energy....all that stuff we Desire and have given the dualistic label of, “good” to. The Heavens and Hells in the Inbetween time, those Realms promoted by the various religions , all have Desire and Fear in common. The Heavens built upon the Desires that have been labeled astrally as ,”Good”, and the Hells built mostly on Fears that have been labeled astrally (and hence energetically) as ,”Bad”.
What I call ,”Real Heaven” is not built upon any dualistic matter at all, in Fact what Real Heaven is....is just basically The Truth, outside of the dualistic astral/mental MATRIX. AND rather then just being some happy place where the stuff we think we want the most and like the most is present within a confining Matrix of a mental/emotional creation, the TRUTH has some very different qualities. Rather then, “Happiness” there is, to put it concisely, the Blissful Ecstasy and Shining Brightness of PURE LOVE. Nothing in the Heaven Realms compares in the Slightest..... There is No Matrix defining Laws that confine consciousness to any Limitation. The Instantaneous Manifestation of one's highest dreams..... would be frightening, if it didn't make us Giddy with Gleeful bliss.... This is simply the Nature of our Souls existence unrestrained by the Matrix wherein we are bound by an astral/mental Duality that no longer serves so many of us. I have been there..in Real Heaven...it's right on the outskirts of, “the Light”.... There is NOTHING within the Matrix, nothing in Heavens or Hells that......compares.
So, why don't I live there? Well, let me tell you....when you look out upon the world, through the Eyes of a Soul, unfettered by Duality and it's Matrix.......things Look very different, things ARE very different. First of all, EVERYTHING SHINES with a golden bubbling......HMM, I want to say, “Potential”....Maybe because we are perceiving the most basic form, before all the ideas and judgments have been attached to it... And that SHINE is LOVE. Every single thing we perceive is like a Joyful bubble within us. Just looking out at the world is an ecstasy beyond anything …. miles, light years beyond anything we have ever felt in Heavens or on Earth. If we think..... we manifest, so we tend to refrain from thinking to, keep down the clutter....he he. So why would I not choose to live there?
Well, never before in the History of Humanity this time around, (this is NOT the first Incarnation of Creation or Humanity) has there been such widespread SUFFERING. People are struggling. Everyone is Afraid and pretending not to be, Collecting everything they possibly can to SECURE themselves within the Matrix more comfortably..... Distraction from the Pain and fear..... smothering the pain and fear in the, “good” stuff. (just further validating the Duality wherein they are trapped and suffering and setting up the flip side of that "Good" side to hit them upside the head at some future date with the ,"Bad" side...... "Goods" Evil Twin) . The masses seeking Security from their Fears, anodynes from their Suffering, distractions from the ½ of duality that vexes them, and guarantees their future entrapment to that which Vexes them. Right now the world; humanity is in the midst of an astral Shitstorm as never seen before....with all efforts put towards somehow pretending it isn't happening, or bolstering the walls that hope to keep it at bay, while actually reinforcing it. The idea of living in ecstasy amidst a Sea Of Suffering just seems so wrong...
Many years ago I found that in my Meditation, as soon as I came upon the place I referred to as, The Threshold, or God's doorstep, or The Jumping Off Place...Right before the Entrance to Real Heaven.. I STOPPED. I felt a loneliness so Incredibly Vast I just couldn't bear it. I was there, ALONE....... I stopped going into the Light, I pretended I was something other then just my Soul....I regathered a DESCRIPTION so I could ,”fit in”. At least then maybe this soul crushing loneliness might abate........ It didn't. No matter how many loved ones I surrounded myself with....everything was a pretense. What I want, more then anything in the world, is for people to KNOW the Bliss of their Souls...to Know the Light some call ,”God” … I want to see people Free of the Matrix which has bound them to a DESCRIPTION of Truth and Denied them the Ecstasy of KNOWING Real Truth. My wife tells me that if I let my Light shine, it will inspire others....And that sounds good, but has not been my experience.... My experience based on almost 70 years in this life , and multiple lives before is that it Frightens people. Freedom is such an unknown, and the Unknown Frightens, and FEAR creates harmful responses. "Witches" are burned, free thinkers are ostracized and persecuted... The Light THREATENS the Matrix, and no matter how much people have said, "They want Freedom", they refuse to pay the Price of Escaping the Matrix where they find SECURITY. So instead of seeking Freedom they seek to become MORE secure within the Matrix..... Instead of digging out from under an ages old pile of Bullshit, they pile more on..... So I have chosen a life, where instead of scaring them into digging down deeper, I have tried to, not always so gently....expose the Falsity of the Matrix and point out the Path of Silence which is essential for the Escape. So I write..... how our ideologies, our religions, our beliefs, our emotions all simply bind us to a Matrix where seeking comfort, rather then TRUTH has become the goal. How silent contemplation can lead us to the Truth behind the Patterns that have been added on to for so long that they now obscure the Truth and define it with a Lie. EVERYTHING we perceive with our minds and emotions is the END RESULT of a long built PATTERN.
There is No Truth in the end result, only in what lies at it's Beginning, and this is discovered via TRUE CONTEMPLATION....which unlike the "end result" definition of contemplation, is NOT the mulling over of a thing in the mind, but rather the removal of everything the mind has previously added to the DESCRIPTION of that thing. The Matrix is a Mental and emotional DESCRIPTION which has been built very sequentially over a long period of time, so it makes perfect sense (mostly) to our minds and emotions... The pieces fit together into this Giant Jigsaw puzzle we refer to as Reality, but which is simply a DESCRIPTION of reality which by our identification with it, denies us TRUTH....and REAL HEAVEN.... Each of us is also the End Result of a long pattern...we are at the Surface of a very Deep Thing that was built upon a Foundation that was, Pure Light. And there, on the surface....no matter how miserable...we choose to be.....it's all we know, and in Order to get to Real Heaven.....we have to discard everything we have piled upon the Light and Named, "Myself", and "Reality"... So many Souls now feel the Yearning to Know themselves as they Truly are, before everything was added in a heaping pile..... But we have been given the Habit of seeking satisfaction by adding new things, not removing Everything. There is this deep Yearning, but they don't know what it is, all they know is that what they have collected into that Description of themselves and Reality no longer satisfies, their lives feel hollow, but they know not how to satisfy it, so they fall back on the old habits of Collecting and adding to the description based upon Duality.. They seek new sensations, they look for a new religion, a new ideology to follow.....and all it does is bring them more dissatisfaction. Humanity is going to all sorts of unhealthy and unnatural extremes searching out something new that might satisfy this deep Yearning, thinking there must be something ,"out there" to relieve the suffering this yearning is causing them....and they keep looking in the Old Ways, and keep getting further and further from their Salvation. It is no longer a matter of looking, "out there", no longer a matter of collecting some new experience or belief to add to their Collection. The only Salvation, the ONLY Road to Real Heaven is done by Discarding the collection, venturing boldly into the Unknown, undefined, unjudged to what they were before everything was added that built the Matrix of their Entrapment within a prison of Dreams.
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