Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Constructs Reconsidered and the Nature of Major "Demons"

I'm not sure what is coming here,
 I know it has something to do with our Constructs.....
 OH..... OK

There is an aspect of Reality that gets very little exposure, 
in fact I'd have to say it is one of the most hidden Mysteries 
in our Universe, 
and this is the Knowledge of what I call, 
"the Construct".
The closest thing I've seen is what Don Juan called "the Double".
We are living in a time where "Magic" has been.....stifled. 
Norm { Read about NORM here } has successfully separated most from any conscious communication with their Souls and the masses have instead followed Norms disciples who run the Churches, Governments and Educational Institutions....
But once there was Magic, 
and those who practiced it.  
 And many of them are still here, 
but..... separated momentarily from their Truth
 thanks to Norms heavy pressure. 

The Mayans and their Calendar predicting the "end of the world",
"Guess they weren't so smart, 
we're still here." 

  But you know what, 
they were right. 
Creation hit the Wall then, 
God reached Critical mass, 
or in my terminology,"Culminated" .
 That was the end of this Yuga, 
this Lifetime of God, 
or this Incarnation of Creation... 
It Happened already,
 we're living in the the midst of the Death Throws of that...... 
But nobody sees it...... 

Just like the Construct, people don't even know that exists and everybody has one, 
like a shadow. 
Constructs are really weird things, 
like our Souls Reflection as defined by us and those who "know us"....
in Astral and etheric matter. 
My teachers taught me not to look at my Construct, 
and of course I cheated and later purposefully fixated on it 
with certain Intentions.....
which set my evolution back for the better part of this lifetime.

Our souls are like a projector 
that projects our lives in the world of Creation.
 Our construct is an astral/etheric projection....of our souls projection and world (namely us and those who know us). 
 Our Constructs are an astral etheric manifestation
 that is created by us,
 in this lifetime and past lifetimes, 
and by those who have "known us".  
 Remember that everywhere thought and emotion is directed, 
on some level there will be a manifestation.....
A lot of emotion and mentality goes into the creation of the person we call ourselves, 
from ourselves and from those who "know us".  
All this energy of thought and emotion 
is what creates our Construct.... 
an astrally based etheric vehicle,
 existing on the astral plane... 
This is our "Double". 

This is also what a lot of folks encounter in Near Death Experiences, 
that they mistake for their "Dearly departed".
...it's actually their dearly departed's Construct.
 And this happens because the Law of Magnetism is especially powerful on the astral plane. 
 A lot of people have used Mediums 
to contact their,"dearly departed"
 only to be hooked up with the Construct of their Dearly Departed.
Now as I said, we are basically our Souls Projection...
and our souls evolve, and we do with it..... 
But Constructs have no real Evolution, 
in fact our Construct actually exists a little in our past...
and for me it was behind me on the right, on the astral plane. 
The Construct is basically, "who we were"..... just a bit ago....
 it does not evolve on it's own 
and is only a projection from our past knowing of ourselves 
and being known.  
If you are looking for advise, that's no place to go.

OOPS, well let me change that last statement a bit, scary new realization......
 Constructs  can develop a life of their own 
under certain circumstances.....
but will always be kept in check by us,
 as long as we are still in incarnation....
Wow, Holy Crap, 
this opens up a whole new can of worms..
It has to do with when individual souls or groups Merge with 
what I call the Spiritual Sun,
and what will occur during "God's" Rebirth)
But I can't go there now...
Now when we die in any particular life, 
as we travel through the process, 
our Construct is right there behind us..... 
My Teachers told me to never look back...
I cheated....
So, I'll tell you what it looks like on the astral plane.
(or at least mine)....
It's like us...... 
who we were yesterday,
 and all around it there is like ....
like a skin being shed off in small chunks...
.those chunks are things that are no longer part of us, 
no longer being defined as part of us,
 or that for some of us have been consciously removed 
to allow us to Evolve.
So I was in a situation where my Future Wife 
that I loved dearly, was begging me to ,
"go back to who I was"..... 
I made her promise to, "come to the Light with me" if I did..
.then, understanding the Nature of my Construct
 I fixated on it, 
and the skin being shed around it.

OH, hey, interesting tid bit. "Ghosts" are simply Consciousness's that when they "died", for one reason or another.... instead of going with the natural forward momentum of death, Fixated backwards upon their construct....and became trapped within, who they were" and can't move forward.

Well I did that....but didn't die.  
  I was a mess for a long time after that, 
still am paying the price.....
But somehow old sorcerers learned to Use their Constructs...
..I suppose they were Masters of "Non_attachment"....
. it certainly is foremost in all of their Doctrines.  
 And that is,
 along with the ability to Contemplate 
the most powerful tool at a sorcerers disposal.

What is a Sorcerer?  

I guess I'd define that today as a person that has broken free of Norm's control,
 has come to communicate with their own souls,
 and with the ability to contemplate while being non attached, 
they can know and experience just about anything...
....They can see the Laws that move Creation.

Now talking this stuff has only gotten me burned, hung and tortured in the past, because .....well, Fear and Ignorance.....
So I've spent most of my life and lives trying to live by Norms rules...... 
And after fixating on my Construct and intending to pull it into myself,
 (actually I was more specific, and pulled in the shedding skin....

I realize there is probably not one person reading this that knows what I'm talking about,
 and this has made for many lonely lifetimes.... 
Usually just written off as a Heretic or Crazy.... 
Although the lifetime before last I got some Respect.....

But we are in the midst of the Quickening,
 and soon there will be more folks that will understand what I'm saying, 
even if it's after I'm dead...
I figure it'll really help them not to feel so Alone....
because they sure aren't teaching this in schools,
 or churches,
 and probably many that know this 
are still under Norms thumb.

I'm talking to your soul now.....
It's time to tell Norm to hit the freakin bricks....
.... no longer needed. 


Demons are Constructs!!!.
But not all Constructs are Demons....most aren't.
"Norm" is like the freakin King of Demons.... a mass construct, like some major diseases are mass constructs.
Norm is Mankind's Past ...asserting itself on the fixated Masses. 
 It is counter evolutionary,
the only True Evil.
Mankind is mostly Fixated on a mass Construct....it's like I am a living ghost because I fixated on mine when I was still "alive"....
But now it occurs to me that most people are also Ghosts, 
Fixated on Norm...
Holy Crap!

I haven't read the Don Juan books in over 30 years, but I think I should....I think he had a handle on this, just spoke a different language, that I think I can translate now.....

In 1970 I started writing things in Journals, 
that I didn't know a single person
 that would understand at the time...
but I had this very strong Feeling of Group, 
that was in my far distant Future, 
and for them I wrote out my soul.....

 It occurs to me that is what I'm doing here....
I have to keep doing it even if nobody that reads it now, get's it.... Because, well, that's my Job.....
 we are all here to express our deepest souls truth....
that is our purpose, 
and denying it....once we've Culminated.... 
is hazardous to our Health. 
 The fact that I'm still alive, 
considering the degree to which I have denied my own truth,
 is pretty much a Miracle.... 
A lot of us have denied our Truth and followed Norm 
because it is just too dead dog lonely when we speak our Truth. We're suddenly on the Outside lookin in, 
and people looking at us....look and act downright scared..... 
So we submit and sell out our own souls.....

I don't want to do that any longer....
I'll take the loneliness. 
Our jobs, 
each of our unique purposes...
MUST now be expressed. 

Express your Soul

Screw Norm

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